Club 600


Well-Known Member
Good morning RIU, hope everyone is well, I'm my usual easy like Sunday morning. Glad you like my boy Don and DST, like most big dogs he's really a big suck, but still a loyal protector. DST, I was thinking the same as Don, I like those kind of fan leaves that are so sativa at the stem and base and so indica near the top of the finger.

Woke up this morning to find a burnt leaf from a floro bulb on one of my vegging Jackhammers, frikin piss me off, not that I'm freaked about the plant, it was just looking so pretty. Oh well, now she's got a nice mark for identity. Other then that I'm just bored playing the waiting game. I'll be putting the Jackhammers in 12/12 real soon, just waiting for them to veg a bit more after the recent top, then they should just explode like their siblings did. This is where I should be making wine again to fill in the time. Always wanted to try my hand at beer too. I love a nice dark Euro beer. And then there's Guinness! But I think I'll leave that to the Irish.


Well-Known Member
Nice pooch Duchie.
My brother has a Brindle colored Mastiff that's not fully grown but still a big ass dog. He's super friendly too.

Went to do some work at the new place last night but was propositioned byt the wife to not stay over there long :hump:. I just watered everything and split so no pics but the scrog is blowin up. Only thing grow related I did at all yesterday was take some cuttings for clones from the DOGs, a Headband and the Purple Haze. There's still plants vegging in the bubble cloner so I put these in RW and inside the humidity dome. Didn't get nearly as many DOG cuttings as I'd hoped but still got a few to keep it going.


Well-Known Member


Gratitude Abounding


Well for you so called pr0n lovers, only one response to my last so called pron this is all you are getting today my friends...1 meesly pic, now chew on that for a bit!
its the fukkin BOG FRESH STINKEY PINE MONSTER.....aka romulan timewarp, lol

hey guys (and girl...where is she...??) i know you all got love, I am just messin, my minds addled today, too little sleep, and my brain has probably shrunk a little so that is kind of rattling around, lol. Bongs and cups of tea are helping...soon be right!

Mucho respecto,



Well-Known Member
Wanna hear something realtor called yesterday...I told the guy I wasn't planning on moving for atleast two months(obvious reason-8week strain). he called and said that a lady in the city I want to move to has a house for sale and she needs to move to the city that I currently reside in...Instead of pissing off my realtor and loosing my chance for an easy house swap instead of a painstaking sale, I told him to bring her on over...soon as I got off the phone...hauled ass to the nearest nursery that actually has a pretty decent hydro section....I picked up an orchid and two bonsais(ginseng and a type of jade)....when the lights kicked off at 6am this morning I ran to the grow tent...grabbed the little slut and hid her in a corner in the spare room in the basement and surrounded her with boxes...she's only a little over a week into flower so I am not worried about disturbing her cycle....then in goes the bonsai I already had,the two I bought, the orchid, and an aloe plant.....HAH....quick thinking!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
funny!!! You never fail to make me smile with your comments shn!


Gratitude Abounding


Wanna hear something realtor called yesterday...I told the guy I wasn't planning on moving for atleast two months(obvious reason-8week strain). he called and said that a lady in the city I want to move to has a house for sale and she needs to move to the city that I currently reside in...Instead of pissing off my realtor and loosing my chance for an easy house swap instead of a painstaking sale, I told him to bring her on over...soon as I got off the phone...hauled ass to the nearest nursery that actually has a pretty decent hydro section....I picked up an orchid and two bonsais(ginseng and a type of jade)....when the lights kicked off at 6am this morning I ran to the grow tent...grabbed the little slut and hid her in a corner in the spare room in the basement and surrounded her with boxes...she's only a little over a week into flower so I am not worried about disturbing her cycle....then in goes the bonsai I already had,the two I bought, the orchid, and an aloe plant.....HAH....quick thinking!!!!!!!
Kind of like Fat Sams Grandslam Speakeasy, but with plants! lol.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few for Endlys, I reckon he's a bit of an upskirt type of us all (well except for our girl posters, anyone??)

Frosty dog gusset shot

Flying DOG

Peace, DST