need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

what up? im first time grower.
was vegged for 2 months on slow release fertilising soil.
strain=feminised big bud
lighting=400w HPS
have four plants at the moment
nutes=bio grow(vegging)8-2-6,bio bloom(flowering)2-6-3.5
been growin in an attic.
light is about 15 inches away from plants.
gets bou 15 degrees when lights off.when lights on its about 20-25

ive just put them into 12/12 4 days ago
my only problem is the bottom leaves are slightly curling and turning a bright yellow colour and on my other one i have rustic looking spots on the bottom leaves.any one got a clue on how to fix it?or is it nothing to much to worry about?.will it affect the buds at harvest?.pics below.ask questions for more info if u think u can help out.



Active Member
im not an expert but it looks like some kind of nutrient overdose or deficiency. i'd flush them through with just water for a couple of days then start adding your nutes again just make sure u read the bottle carefully I'd start with only half the recommended amount of nutrient or a few days. hope this helps
im not an expert but it looks like some kind of nutrient overdose or deficiency. i'd flush them through with just water for a couple of days then start adding your nutes again just make sure u read the bottle carefully I'd start with only half the recommended amount of nutrient or a few days. hope this helps
ye ill try that out next watering man.thanks!ill keep pics updated also
They are over watered.

When you switched to 12-12 you should cut back on the watering by half. (Depending on the size, medium.)

You can save these plants by allowing the soil to dry, and by reducing the intensity of the light for at least a week.

Cut back on the light intensity, (They can't handle it) because the plants are not able to process the moisture in the soil that they normally would be able to and therefore the light is actually hurting them right now.

Dry them up a bit, let them get over their stress (B-1 when you do water) and within ten days they should be holding their leaves higher. Then increase the light intensity slowly over several days.

They'll be fine. Don't worry. :)
Well they are over watered right? They are suffering from damping off.

Damping off is the term used for a number of different fungus-caused ailments which can kill seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate.
The term is used most often in horticulture, where seeds are specifically planted to be germinated, especially if in warm, wet conditions which speed growth but are considered conducive to fungal attacks.

These plants will die unless proper care is taken to preserve them. (Starting ASAP)

Also BigBudBolger, the damaged that has already been caused will never completely heal itself.

I would reveg these plants and after a couple of weeks, repot them into a much lighter mix. (More perlite) This will promote root growth, and drainage, which is exactly what these plants need.

After re-veging them, you will see new growth. (Healthy growth)

Best of Luck.
Well they are over watered right? They are suffering from damping off.

Damping off is the term used for a number of different fungus-caused ailments which can kill seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate.
The term is used most often in horticulture, where seeds are specifically planted to be germinated, especially if in warm, wet conditions which speed growth but are considered conducive to fungal attacks.

These plants will die unless proper care is taken to preserve them. (Starting ASAP)

Also BigBudBolger, the damaged that has already been caused will never completely heal itself.

I would reveg these plants and after a couple of weeks, repot them into a much lighter mix. (More perlite) This will promote root growth, and drainage, which is exactly what these plants need.

After re-veging them, you will see new growth. (Healthy growth)

Best of Luck.
yo thanks alot man really!.hopefully theyl get back to good health
recent pictures.still open to suggestions tryed flushing for a bit still awaiting results on that.checked ph and its 6.7

