Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream


Well-Known Member
all 4 of mine broke soil on jan 1st, 14 days later they all look absolutley pitiful.

The seeds themselves were junk - tiny, white, outer shell was super thin. Taproot was TINY.

Barely on their 1st set of true leaves. Sigh i should have taken everyones advice when they said BF was junk.


Well-Known Member
Always heard great things about sensi seeds, plus hindu skunk is one of my favorite strains. Hindu Kush gave birth to popular strains such as Hogs breath, pot of gold & Purple Kush, Nice skunky ass dank.


Active Member
I got 4 germing right now hope they dont take that long to crack.
and i really hope its a plant that responds well to lst


Active Member
im on day 4 and as far as i can tell only one of mine is starting to crack cuz i can see white in it. but damn if the other 3 dont im totally saying my beans came smashed


People around my neck O the woods are selling that Tangerine Dream/Tangerine Sky (Some people call it Orange Twilight around here too). I must say it is one of the best strains I've smoked. Its tangy but not in a bitter way, its really potent too. I loved it!



Active Member
yup all 4 that i was germing cracked!! but my dumb ass dropped one of the red cups after i planted one and it went everywhere so thats the only one that hasnt sprouted yet but here is one at like 3 days i think.

also has anyone ever had the first set of real leaves come out with a purple tint already. cuz the starting leaves on this guy look kinda purple to me.
but i just finished a 19hr acid trip yesterday so my brains not exactly focusing on whats real and what isnt haha. you guys be the judge

sub to my journal if you wanna see how the TD do LST'd in 5 gal smart pots!


Well-Known Member