What type of person do you actually hate


Well-Known Member
Well there are certain types of people I just can't be around or there will be confrontations.

Racist: Usually equated with little or no education...just look for the 72 Monte Carlo on blocks in front of the 32' double wide.

Fake: This is the person who always tells you something they are not. These are real easy to spot in person, Liars always are.
Phoney: This is the type of person who will act like your friend but steal from you. Again easy to spot because you have seen them do it to someone else or your shit is missing when they leave..
Fluffhead: Chicks with their heads in the clouds who's only worry in life is when there next manicure is or how big their SUV is. These are freakin everywhere just go to the nearest high end mall for an over abundance.
Knowitallfucker: This is the person who has done it all seen it all and knows it all. May also be a Fake or a Phoney so be aware.....

Might be a bit harsh but do we really need any of the above for any purpose at all? At least for me earth would be a bit better with a few less of the above individuals competing for air. What would planet earth be like without them? HMMMM.


New Member
You: Takes the time on the internet to make a list of random people you hate, and on top of that, has a need to give the definition for words that only a retard wouldn't know.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You put racists in your list, your list of types of people you hate. This doesn't sound in a small way hypocritical? Not to mention the list is just a mass generalisation. Liars are always fake, care to share some evience of this one? and care to offer a definition of liars or is that also just going to be generalised and then catagorically hated?

I myself do not hate types of people, and do not hate anyone, i can dislike someone, but i have no real hatred for other human beings. Hate is a pretty strong emotion..


Well-Known Member
You: Takes the time on the internet to make a list of random people you hate, and on top of that, has a need to give the definition for words that only a retard wouldn't know.
Hey thanks for the reply man.....I'm sure all of your posts are perfect in my eyes too so its all good.....My definitions were a feeble attempt at humor...If you didn't laugh I'm sorry but the last time I checked I wasn't here to personally entertain you....honest enough?


Well-Known Member
You put racists in your list, your list of types of people you hate. This doesn't sound in a small way hypocritical? Not to mention the list is just a mass generalisation. Liars are always fake, care to share some evience of this one? and care to offer a definition of liars or is that also just going to be generalised and then catagorically hated?

I myself do not hate types of people, and do not hate anyone, i can dislike someone, but i have no real hatred for other human beings. Hate is a pretty strong emotion..
Yes it is and I feel it brother.....maybe what you feel as dislike I actually feel as hatred. Either way its raw emotions. As for being hypocritical...Does that go for anyone who hates racism in general or just the ones with enough balls to make generalizations about it?


Well-Known Member
You forgot greedy. Hate is a strong word, but my brother in law is one greedy person. Like if he helps you unload something out of your car, in his eyes you owe him something, and he usually expects cash. He is the type of person that whatever he might help you do, he did it ALL! You never get through paying him.

So yea, I don't hate him, but I do feel like putting a foot in his ass sometimes! LMAO

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I don't hate any "category" of people - I'd actually hate it if someone put me in a "category" and then decided to hate me because of it.
In fact, I'd hate to be categorised at all, so maybe the type of person that I hate is the people who categorise others then hate them because of it ...
... or so I think.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My point is that racism tends to you know, generalize entire groups, ypu seem to hate people in an equally unjust sweeping way. Are you any different?


Well-Known Member
I don't think I hate anybody, I may have a seething dislike in a few people, but that normaly because they are realy bad people or realy did me wrong, and even then I tend to get over it in the long term.


Pickle Queen
i hate when people "label" others and put them in a categorie, But again it takes a certain narrow minded person to assume they "know" a person based on their opinions


Well-Known Member
i hate when people "label" others and put them in a categorie, But again it takes a certain narrow minded person to assume they "know" a person based on their opinions

You're right. I don't hate people, just their opinions.;-)