how to buy/invest in gold...


Well-Known Member
Buying a farm is probably the best advice of all. You don't need gold if you have a farm, you can be self sustaining.


New Member
he's just saying to buy a farm/garden or have cattle because these things are of inherit need to barter/sell to obtain things of value from a farm once it's up and running

the whole idea of storing value, whether through currency or money, is a strange concept. i guess it's a concept that I'd like a lot more-so if the value couldn't be manipulated by assholes who dictate the policies


Well-Known Member
IMHO when a item is at it's peak or relatively close to it, it isn't the time to buy.
yah gold is at an almost unheard of high.... did you guys take out 100% mortgages on multiple houses before the housing burst too? i dont understand buying gold now of all times unless your trying to clean your money. otherwise why would you invest in a product that volatile. if you have a legit job as well i suggest mutual funds for the funds..... i plan on retiring with a fat stack and a fat stash at the same time.


Well-Known Member
yah gold is at an almost unheard of high.... did you guys take out 100% mortgages on multiple houses before the housing burst too? i dont understand buying gold now of all times unless your trying to clean your money. otherwise why would you invest in a product that volatile. if you have a legit job as well i suggest mutual funds for the funds..... i plan on retiring with a fat stack and a fat stash at the same time.
I have been buying gold for a few years now. I own my home (no mortgage). I only have about 20% in physical gold. I have another 65% in Mutual funds, and more 15% cash reserve.

Gold Prices at the end of:

2001 $276.50
2002 - $348.30
2003 - $417.25
2004 - $435.15
2005 -$513.00
2006 -$635.00
2007 -$836.50
2008 -$865.00
2009 -$1104.00
2010 -$1410.25

Gold has been going up for the past 10 years, and will continue to rise.

I have gold that I paid less than $300 and ounce.

The old saying "The Golden Rule"," Those who have the gold, make the rules"

just sayin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A previous poster says that everyone should buy Mutual Funds.

Don't you remember what happened to your 401K, Stock Market..Mutual funds in the last 5 years, talk about volatile.

An example :

Before the stock market meltdown you had $1.5 million on your 401K or stock fund.

The week after you had $1 million.

Now if you had the balls to stay in it (which you should have) you might have 1.2 million.

If you have a premium account at a large broker. :leaf:, of which I will never recover.

I still have my Gold, all of it, but I lost more than a half a million in a month.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I cashed out my 401K in Oct of 2008, took the early withdrawal hit and paid the taxes. Put 50% of it into silver bullion, 20% into Gold Bullion and 30% into Junior precious metal miners. I now have almost 3 times as much If I were to sell it all as that day I cashed in the 401k. I see Silver and gold are being taken down as we speak, this is good news, its about time for a pullback so that we can cement in the lows. Buy on the dips, or cost average all your purchases, the thing to remember is to just buy as much as you can afford. Also stock up on other things, (food, every day necessaries) when the inflation really starts to go you will be glad you did.

Volatility is a good thing for some,buy the dips, sell the highs.


Well-Known Member
any one going to give me a tidy answer to my question or shall i just go and by a farm every week for £200-300...


Well-Known Member
Hi All, just wondering what would be the best way of investing or buying gold in small amounts say 2 or 300 £/pounds worth at a time, any help would be appreciated..:?
So 300 pounds, spot gold today is 847.57 pounds per troy ounce.

Not really a market for smaller amounts of gold, most sell 1 ounce. If you had 850 pounds you could probably buy a 1 ounce Gold coin. Just look to see who sells Gold in your area, and check the current price.

Hope this helps. :leaf:

P.S. You can buy paper gold, kinda like all other money. No real value.


Active Member
he's just saying to buy a farm/garden or have cattle because these things are of inherit need to barter/sell to obtain things of value from a farm once it's up and running

the whole idea of storing value, whether through currency or money, is a strange concept. i guess it's a concept that I'd like a lot more-so if the value couldn't be manipulated by assholes who dictate the policies
people like to believe that once set up a farm is perpetually self sustaining, but most are not even close to this ideal...

just like gold has an intrinsic value, cattle, tomatoes and uranium do as well, just they change value depending on what state they are in...

dead cow is worth more than live cow, filet mignon is a part of dead cow: raw it is worth less than when cooked at a fine restaurant... it all is about what state they are in...

a run-down farm is worth less than a fully functional and turn key farm...

plus it takes time to grow fruit, veggies, meat and dairy, and taxes are assessed regardless of the productivity of the farm...

there is a lot that goes into farming that the ordinary person knows literally nothing about...


Active Member
Of course real Gold as real value, money is just paper. :bigjoint:
but what happens when that gold you bought for 2000 per oz is only worth 400 per oz??? what goes up will come down... are you just gonna keep sitting on that gold forever? bury it under your house? will it to children? roll around in it??? i really am curious...