how to buy/invest in gold...

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Your buying into something that everyone knows about. Remeber what happend a couple of years ago? Although gold is not worthless, i could name 20 companys that will make me more money this year than gold will. Yes i trade gold, TRADE, not invest. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Your buying into something that everyone knows about. Remeber what happend a couple of years ago? Although gold is not worthless, i could name 20 companys that will make me more money this year than gold will. Yes i trade gold, TRADE, not invest. Good luck...
And the best of luck to you, old habits die hard.


Well-Known Member
has i said boys buying little, only having four ozs would have made me over $100 today, fuck make more selling green...
You will never really make money investing in gold short term, it has and always will be a long term investment unless you are buying serious quantities to magnify the return in the short term.

Seriously look at silver bullion, in years to come it will be much more valuable because of dwindling resources vs. the market demand in manufacture which will not change for a few more decades.

If you were to research specifically the increased demand for silver bullion you will see there is a silent trend towards this, why is that? Who knows what or is it just a matter of many misled people...?

You be the judge.

It is one thing to notice the price of a asset, it is another to know why it is fluctuating. This gives you insight into when to delve and when to refrain.


Active Member
HAHAHA you must not be from usa...
You are aware that there's millions and millions of homeless in the US with no access to food and that because the government is paying farmers to not produce on farm land there actually is a shortage and a decent amount of our food is beginning to be imported from outside of the US?

Your post is the reason so many people hate the US...


Well-Known Member
You will never really make money investing in gold short term, it has and always will be a long term investment unless you are buying serious quantities to magnify the return in the short term.

Seriously look at silver bullion, in years to come it will be much more valuable because of dwindling resources vs. the market demand in manufacture which will not change for a few more decades.

If you were to research specifically the increased demand for silver bullion you will see there is a silent trend towards this, why is that? Who knows what or is it just a matter of many misled people...?

You be the judge.

It is one thing to notice the price of a asset, it is another to know why it is fluctuating. This gives you insight into when to delve and when to refrain.
thanks mate, opened my eyes a bit wider..


Well-Known Member
gold will never be a bartering tool if paper money goes out in the US......... Real commodities like bottled water and generators would be a lot more valuable. Guns and ammo will be king and if you got all that "precious" gold and don't have enough guns and ammo then i would roll up and take your gold in bad times too. Lets be honest if it crashes completely guns and bullets will be the true bartering tool.


Well-Known Member
the u.s is actually considered a third world country in some places.

third world country, if you are sick and poor, you are shit out of luck, if you are rich, you can buy anything. and most of the governments money is spent on war toys.


Well-Known Member
That chart is a bunch of BS. HAHA if you invested a dollar into the stock market in 1802 you would have lost your dollar by now. the author assumes the dollar you put into the stock market in 1802 was invested in the perfect stocks that gained the most over a 200 year period. There is not a soul in the world who can even maintain a 10% return over a longer period than 20-30 years, eventually you end up losing. Gold has outperformed the stock market, the bond market and the Comex for the last 10 years with average of 15-20% gains per year. Only by picking stocks with 20/20 hindsight are you going to beat that return. Lets see , what other mistakes does the author make? He says that $1 in gold in 1802 would not even be worth $2 today, well in 1802 an ounce of gold was $32/ so 1/32 of an ounce of gold would be worth $43. Lets see what else? Well he doesn't realize that bonds have set terms on them, you can't hold bonds for 200 years, the long bonds are only 30 years. The other huge problem with the graph is that the time line does not include the last 11 years, of which gold has increased in value by 500%. Last but not least he says to try and find an economy that collapsed and went to using gold for a currency. I guess he never heard of Zimbabwe, or at the very least tries to challenge you to find such an economy and then says they don't exist. Your "gold is a horrible Investment" Author is obviously lying to you about everything, his facts are really just lies and his graph is really just a make believe thing, its not factual at all. About the only thing your graph provides is the fact that the worst thing of all to hold is a US dollar. If you are taking advice from this Will person(The author didn't even use a last name) you can be guaranteed to be poor and broke in just a short amount of time, Will hasn't got a clue.



An easy find to prove the author 100% wrong on this point.

You should not barter weapons and ammo, you are only arming what may very well be the person who kills you and takes what you have. Toilet Paper and Whiskey are better.


Active Member
You sir, are a stupid.

This graph has absolutely no cited sources, no proof of genuine research being conducted. I could just as easily open up MS paint and make the same doodle saying you should invest in hookers because my $1 investment in a hooker in 1801 made me a millionaire and the world's oldest pimp. Pimpin ain't easy but according to my graph it would have higher yield than investing in gold. Quick, go grab you some bitches n hos and keep yo pimp hand strong.

Also you are aware that bonds often have fixed interest rates, which means you're making guaranteed profit on your investment, and over 200 years of reinvesting your money in the stock market you would at some point have fucked up and made significant losses (during one of those great financial depressions that pop up every couple of decades) and assuming you aren't the all-knowing omnipotent investor, you most likely would have lost shit loads of money at some point and basically been back to square one, where as the individual who invested in bonds nets a steady percentage based increase in their wealth.

Not to mention your stupid little graph also completely ignored the easiest way to make money guaranteed over time, CDs and of course regular savings accounts. Compound interest over a 200 year period of time would undoubtedly be the most profitable way to go if you were to take a sample size large enough these would most likely have more gains than the average investor over this imaginary 200 year period.

Dumb shit.


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget that the price of gold was set to a specific value by FDR and wasn't rescinded until Nixon took us off the Gold standard in 1971. Also the graph does nothing to note that it was not possible to invest in gold from 1933 until 1973 due to FDR's gold confiscation and revaluation scheme in 1933. The right to own gold was not convened to a US citizen until 1973. so basically the graph from 1933 to 1973 can be thrown out as it provides no useful information whatsoever. Now with that useless 40 years gone gold looks like the investment of the century. in 1973 gold was $42, here we are almost 40 years later and gold is almost $1370, an increase of 3,200 % which is an average of 8% per year over a 40 year period. Only 1 in a billion investors could beat those returns on anything else.

Lets also not forget that all currencies eventually become worth nothing, but Precious metals will always have intrinsic value. Paper has zero value after it has been ruined with government ink.


Well-Known Member
Wow keep sucking each other off with your love to buy something that is at it's apex.... I'll keep with my blended portfolio. I guess getting more mutual fund statements showing longer better paying track records in the mail then my bills makes me stupid too. Gold is fear based plain and simple. If shit hits the fan and you offer me gold ima put a gun in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have anything in gold because I think gold is ridiculous. It is way high, it’s a bubble, and it’s going to burst. You’re going to lose your butt in gold. The current price of gold is not based on anything except for people reading books like you’ve been reading. That’s what’s driven gold up. Everybody’s freaking out about government spending being out of control—which it is—and they’re freaking out about the economy collapsing because for the first time in more than 20 years, we got kicked in the knees really hard 18 months ago. Half of the population isn’t even old enough to remember the last time that happened. The last deep recession occurred in 1982. For the first time ever, some of these little 32-year-old MBAs are finding out, “Gosh. The markets cycle. Go figure.”

What would I do? I’m putting every dollar I can get my hands on into real estate at a bargain—paid for—and into good growth stock mutual funds. I think the stock market is poised to shoot up. For real estate, this is the best buyer’s environment I have ever seen in my life. I think we’re in an artificial dip. As much as gold has been driven up, I think the value of real estate is artificially low. The cost to build a home has not gone down. All of the components to build a home costs about what it did two and a half or three years ago. Buying a piece of constructed real estate right now, you can often buy it 25% below what it would cost you to build it. Guess what happens when that inventory burns off? The price will start to approximate the cost of new because the cost of goods sold creates the cost of the inventory then, and it will lift the price. That tells me we’re at an artificial low driven by fear.


Well-Known Member
Probably better to invest in commodities for the next few years, ride that bull up. Real Estate hasn't even peaked in the Carnage yet, might want to let that one be for now unless your just looking for a place to hang your hat.

Eventually Real Estate will be a good investment, I just think that with the majority of ALT -A Loan defaults that are due to peak in number this summer and fall will throw another 6 million homes onto the market, causing prices to tumble even more. If things get real bad you could see interest rates rise beyond the control of the fed to ease them and then no one will be buying except those who can pay in cash.