The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Azamax is an insecticide, what is your infestation level of what insect?

None, yet. It was more as a preventative measure. I'm trying to avoid bringing home bugs from the club where I got my clones. This is only my second foray into indoor gardening (done plenty of OD), but my first one was plagued by bugs that piggy backed their way in. The rat bastards. So I was trying to be proactive this time. I also got my cuttings from a different source. Thnx. . .


Well-Known Member
I think the Cheese was the best cheese out of the cheeses. The one that is the cheesiest of the cheeses out of all the cheese tested. It was by far more cheese than the other cheese test subjects. The cheese was so cheesy, one could not handle the cheesyness of its cheese stench. It left your hands cheesy, your jars and scissors cheesy. You would think you just ate some cheetos cheesy. Hows that for some bullshit.


Well-Known Member
lmao, ask a bullshit question, get a bullshit answer.....

Yo splonewolf, just because it's the internet there is no need to be so brash geezer. The best cheese is the Exodus Cheese, simple. However you have cheese variants like Psycho and the Livers which are also equally as good. Being in Canada, I doubt you'll get your hands on those genetics though....

I think the Cheese was the best cheese out of the cheeses. The one that is the cheesiest of the cheeses out of all the cheese tested. It was by far more cheese than the other cheese test subjects. The cheese was so cheesy, one could not handle the cheesyness of its cheese stench. It left your hands cheesy, your jars and scissors cheesy. You would think you just ate some cheetos cheesy. Hows that for some bullshit.

mr west

Well-Known Member
to be honest with ya willy, I've never had the room foa a fan in my veg space lol. I'd of thought they all would respond well to having a fan on them lol.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at this thread a guy posted about pressing the ignore button on RIU (I didn't even know there was one, lol) Anyway, his thread just started into a big slagging match and of course attracted a troll, too funny, sometimes I wonder....

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey westy what do ya say?! Snowing here again lol its like almost everyday. I'm the only one that can get in and out of my driveway with my 4 wheel drive with all this snow. Which is nice! Almost as if I had planned it that way lol

Later mate!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Going to brave the weather and go take my son out of school for a dr app. At least thats what we call it when we go out for pizza at lunchtime during school lol