Tips for a very,very small op


i was just looking to maybe grow a few plants for some extra $ ive never done drugs before but 4 kids who sit at my table always smoke so i figured i could sell to them.

currently im thinking of where i could plant it around my neighborhood somewhere hidden,i live in a ural area shouldn't be too hard for a spot.

i could get some seeds from the kids at my table.

from there (being a noob) i was just going to plant and water the seeds.

Tips,suggestions or info?

also i wanted a steady supply of seeds to keep it going so tips for flowering?:weed:

EDIT: BTW im in florida so idk if its a good location or not for outdoor growing.


well my friend tiffany just buys and sells bags of it some for use and some for profit.

the little tiny bags used for like buttons are like 20$

Idk if they even have any seeds but i was gonna just ask.


Well-Known Member
hard to come by seeds in some chronic but you might be lucky enough ot get some. other than that you should od a lot more research before you try this. research first ask questions later

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You're asking to get busted homie. Not a good idea. Not until you can do it 100% securely without risking yourself or anyone else. MJ laws in Florida are SEVERE!

I suggest you start by educating yourself. You can't start growing outdoors until April/May this year, and it won't be until November before you have anything worth showing for it.


Active Member
Grow indoors. Find yourself a tent or build a cab. I built mine into a work bench. Pleeeeeaaaaaaaase dont grow bag-seed, maybe for your first grow ok, so you dont screw up some good stuff, but let me tell you why it is a bad idea. I have made this mistake myself when I first got started.

1) Bag-seed most likely came from an outdoor plant in mexico. Thats fine and all, but not if you are going to be growing it indoors where it will never see its potential.
2) Being of no special genetics, bag seed will most likely flower like an outdoor plant so get ready for some long flowering times.
3) Why spend money on lights and a setup and then skimp on what you put into it. You can buy in an early finishing strain like nirvana's AK48 and finish early, or a micro strain like short rider and save space
4) Without feminized seeds or a mother to clone from you cannot be certain that you will even get a female plant, and males are no good. You could spend months raising a male or even worse two males. LOL.

Also make sure you read, you dont have to keep buying seeds, you can learn how to clone and make copies of your best plants to keep the magic alive. Clones save you about 2 weeks of vegging and they can be flowered earlier because they are technically the same age as their mother.

My point is that there is alot to learn, and I can tell you are very VERY new at this so before you commit to anything you should learn a little bit more about it, you have to have patience, and you have to see it through to the end. But it can be very rewarding and enjoyable (and profitable) hobby.


yea ive been watching alot of videos and reading guides on the internet.i don't think i would get busted i was just gonna plant 1 or 2 plants in some area of my neighborhood which is very woodsy and has lakes kinda rural.
man read read read you can never learn to much and if the worst happends and you get caught are you willing to go to the pen for 20 years at least thats what it is if you get caught in my state you would think a mmj state would be chill lol dont ever tell any one about what your doing or thinking about doing


Well-Known Member
i grew bagged seed and it turned out dank......i feel that its how you treat the plant that depends on how potent your yeild is

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Don't think I have to go all "CSI" on this the first post. I'll just put it this way...Justin Bieber is on his IPOD