I do like some of Dr. Pauls Ideas, Federal reserve, foriegn policy, government spending, military expenses, pull troops out of foriegn lands etc, but his social program reductions and laissez faire attitude about things does not enthrall me.
("Laissez faire theory means the belief that you should let events take place in their own manner. It comes from the French and it means ""let be"". In other words, if something is meant to happen it will happen. You should simply let it happy at its natural paste!")
Rotflmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That last sentence there, did you mean to say "You should simply let it HAPPEN at it's natural PACE!"?
Why yes, actually I copied and pasted that right out of dictionary row, they are pretty silly, no? I've tried to get spell check installed on this site, but to no avail. I guess I'm way too computer illiterate. That was the definition for lassez faire.That last sentence there, did you mean to say "You should simply let it HAPPEN at it's natural PACE!"?
the question is "why aren't you a champion for equal protection under the law?" why is it that such protections should only apply to those who aren't wealthy? just as wealth makes you no more worthy of those protections, so too does it make you no less. you may feel that wealth can provide for its own protection, but no amount of money can save you from the violent power of government turned against the individual. i realize that the left is obsessed with dollar signs and claim that they are intent on doing away with the ravages of poverty, but there is something even more important than how much money you may have. without justice blind of social and economic standing, we no longer have a free nation.If you make under 35K as stated in the poll, why are you a champion for the rich?
Let me ask you a question with about the same substance. If you are a champion for the downtrodden why do you always post in Green?May I ask you a question? If you make under 35K as stated in the poll, why are you a champion for the rich?
Let me ask you a question with about the same substance. If you are a champion for the downtrodden why do you always post in Green?
The amount I make in a year has nothing to do with equality.
Yes, my "ILK" do champion justice and fairness, while you champion theft, fraud and physical violence. oh and the clubbing of baby seals too.I guess your ilk champions that scenario, eh?
Yes, my "ILK" do champion justice and fairness, while you champion theft, fraud and physical violence. oh and the clubbing of baby seals too.
I think he imports them, then goes to town with a billy club, then sells the tanned furs to Ted Nugent when he comes to town for a rock concert.
no, it's part of his retirement package from the teamsters. he was a teamster for 53 weeks so he's entitled to $1,000 a month and a shipment of baby seals to club every other thursday.I think he imports them
no, it's part of his retirement package from the teamsters. he was a teamster for 53 weeks so he's entitled to $1,000 a month and a shipment of baby seals to club every other thursday.
I think he imports them, then goes to town with a billy club, then sells the tanned furs to Ted Nugent when he comes to town for a rock concert.
no, it's part of his retirement package from the teamsters. he was a teamster for 53 weeks so he's entitled to $1,000 a month and a shipment of baby seals to club every other thursday.