"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.


Well-Known Member
Here is week 3 (day 20) update....

Lights: 2-26w (2700K) CFLs, 150w HPS, 1-24w 6400K
Nutrients: Flowering nutes 1/4 recommended amount & making it rain
Soil: Ocean Forest Fox Farm
GROW STYLE: LST (not enough veggie time for a scrog)

Pics taken 1-20-11:

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Well-Known Member
That is understandable I guess. I just don't think the DEA would waste time or resources on someone growing for a stash/hobby. $1000s of tax payer dollars to get a few hundred in fines (depending on where you are). That is the way I

look at things. And what did you do Stoner for your prints to be on file? :-P

Mine may be on file from when I was a kid but I do not think the computer technology even existed back then. But then again if Disney is in cahoots with the feds then they may have my prints on file to track me down from me using my

Disney pass. lol


Well-Known Member
That is understandable I guess. I just don't think the DEA would waste time or resources on someone growing for a stash/hobby. $1000s of tax payer dollars to get a few hundred in fines (depending on where you are). That is the way I

look at things. And what did you do Stoner for your prints to be on file? :-P

Mine may be on file from when I was a kid but I do not think the computer technology even existed back then. But then again if Disney is in cahoots with the feds then they may have my prints on file to track me down from me using my

Disney pass. lol
lets just say that i went to college in TX k. lol


Active Member
Photo Update, day 25:

Something doesn't look right here you say?

Check out the lovely curves on this young lady' back side.

#7 is the lucky male selected to pollenate the 3 girls. I intend let #4 and #8 catch whatever pollen the fan brings to them. I will be harvesting pollen sacks and applying pollen to #2. Our sexy little lady is gonna be VERY pregnant.

I have decided to stick with refering to them by number. Giving them names might create an emotional attatchment which could prevent me from dismembering their corpses later on.



Active Member
All looking very good ladies and gents. I'm really jeolous of the size of your leaves Stoned unless you have tiny hands? lol

Looks like a lot of Lst going on too! I've also decided to go this route but untill shes a bit bigger im not sure whats going to happen, Shes ceratinly branching more now, though 80% shes not AK, more like blueberry.

Day 18, 3 days lst

Res bucket has been lifted up by 5 inches now shes a wee bit stronger, just watching her very carefully atm.

First day Lst, 15 days old


Pictures of today!!



Active Member
Fun thread! I am subbed. I am seriously thinking of ordering a couple of AF beans next time to plant at the same time as my others. How long does it usually take to finish an AF on average? (Sorry for interjecting such a noob question here...)


Well-Known Member
stripper barbie the first one (an auto blueberry) has been topped and LST. the second one, bondage barbie (an auto blueberry) has been LST. the roots were coming out of the bottom of the pot so i filled up another pot with FFOF soil and put it on top. the third one is a SSH which is now in re-veg state after I harvested her. not feeding any nutes just plain filtered, PHd water and molassas every other watering. under a 400 watt HPS bulb 20 on 4 off.



Active Member
Went to check on my little ones, and #2 had broken free of her twist ties and was nearly standing straight up. I have discarded the ties and will be using wire anchored into the wall of her pot. She is looking beautiful though. Nice and bushy and her side branches are finally reaching out. She is also slightly darker in color than her roomates. She has also found one of the air stones with her roots and now has a death grip on it.

