Getting ready for my next grow


Well-Known Member
Hello potheads. Im glad to announce that ill be starting a new grow probably in the next day or so.
Right now i have some red Desiel thats 7 weeks into flowering. From the looks it will be done in 2-3 more weeks!
My setup right now is ok, but for the next one it will have to be simplified. I have a sog going on in 8 different pots, and thats ALOT of soil. Unfortunatly, im BROKE AS SHIT (i blame the economy) and im planning on reusing my soil. I kno I kno, thats bad, thats horrible, BUT ITS MY ONLY CHOICE, so there we go.
Well heres the deal, today is january 24, i need to be totally done by early may. Thats when wifey graduates with a BA and we''l be having alot of family over.
That being said, im only planning on growing 1 plant. I have 1 white widow seed from dina fem that i was planning on keeping as a mother for clones and stuff, but with this time limit i wont have time for clones so im just gonna flower for 2 months 24/7 light, and hopefully it will all work out and i can have a huge mammoth of a plant.
Right now im using 3 gal pots, they work great for sog, but if i have one big one, i wonder how big of a pot i should use? I cant stress enough how broke i am, so i wont even be able to buy a new pot. What i was thinking about doing is using a trash can lol. Sounds ghetto but i think it could work, or im thinking about somehow extending the top of one of my pots. I have one pot thats prob a 4 gal pot, and it gets wider the taller it gets, the 3 gal pots are the same width from top to bottom. so if i were to extend the top of the 4 gal pot, it would get wider and wider. Man im sober and all that sounds confusing.
My grow space consist of 3x4x8 of space. Im using 600 watt hps for flowering, so givin the space im using i think thats more than enough light. Ill be DEFINATELY want to get some kind of screen because from all the pics ive seen that really helps tremendously with supporting the branches. Prob the best support they can get. And i plan to top it atleast once. Depending on how its going, i may top it more than once, i want this baby to be as bushy as possible.

Questions. What is the best way to go about reusing soil? Any1 have any personal experience with that? Ive heard somewhere its good to bake it for a certain time and temp to make sure nasty pest or mold will be destroyed. Thats about all i kno. I have nutes to feed during veg so im not worried if theres not enough in the soil.
If theres something else i didnt mention and need to kno please chime in and help me out! Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I would discourage you from reusing soil, but if you are going to bake it, put it in a muffin tray and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown. JK.


Active Member
if your dirt's clean (no previous pests) you should be okay. i have buddies that just add fresh microbes and humic acid without much problem. your call though... many would advise completely opposite


Well-Known Member
if your dirt's clean (no previous pests) you should be okay. i have buddies that just add fresh microbes and humic acid without much problem. your call though... many would advise completely opposite
I kno, i wouldnt advise it to anyone either lol. What i might be able to do, is just use some of it for starting out, and buy a new bag in a few weeks when i have more money. Hmmm that seems more logical /facepalm


Active Member
I kno, i wouldnt advise it to anyone either lol. What i might be able to do, is just use some of it for starting out, and buy a new bag in a few weeks when i have more money. Hmmm that seems more logical /facepalm
logical to some, others rave the increased microbe levels used soil offers... take your pick, i haven't reused but that doesn't mean i'm gonna tell other people not to do it if they know the risks involved


Well-Known Member
logical to some, others rave the increased microbe levels used soil offers... take your pick, i haven't reused but that doesn't mean i'm gonna tell other people not to do it if they know the risks involved
The only risk would be pest/mold/lack of nutes? Is this correct? If so, i do actually have a small gnat problem. I think they might be fungus gnats, which leads me to believe there might be some fungus present, but i havent seen any.


Well-Known Member
I would discourage you from reusing soil, but if you are going to bake it, put it in a muffin tray and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown. JK.
lol should i spray some PAM on there first...