As I read, that was the only thing that came to mind. I thought I seen you mention using Canna coco, could it be that they got a batch that wasn't rinsed to sea salts and whatnot? I'm sure they're RHP certified which means the coco does come at some exacting standards, such as being rinsed and buffered.
I'm surprised you don't do updates more often dude, you have a pretty mean crop going there. Cronic and Warlock are going to get much fatter than anything I have in my arsenal. I hear Star Bud has some amazing taste and Sensi Star is sort of the same right (assuming here, probably look like an ass)?
I actually found the Canna Coco to be the lowest quality coco I've come in contact with. I found sticks, little nuts/seeds, leaves from some tree, and bits of plastic trash in it. When I look at what the run off has been that's the only explanation I can come up with. What we know about Canna Coco comes from Canna themselves. My personal experience does not match their advertising hype.
I'm all botanicare cocogro all day every day from here on out for sure. I'm not one for updates and journals and what not really. I'd rather do a seed to harvest in a single post as my journal but I usually don't have the prettiest plants so I don't have much to show off. I spend most of my time educating growers on how not to do what I have done, lol...
Thanks for the props. The Wappa is really kicking some ass in there and that Sensi Star is shaping up to be something special. The leaves have this fine fuzzy coating of trichomes already. Of my "bag seeds" one of them (the really tall one back left) REAKS of lemon which is good news because my Greenhouse seeds Lemon Skunk from the previous grow I found these seeds in was fucking epic smoke.
I just don't want to hijack your thread with pictures of my own grow but I figured since we are both doing 1000w multi-strain grows this'd be a good place to demonstrate to people how great your nutrients are and how jacked my process as been trying to imitate your results.
"When this is all worked out you and I should get an apartment together."
"Maybe you should sit the next one out Champ."