I Found a Secret Room In My House!

I learned long ago that all this crap about women loving men is just that, crap. From the first worm they dare you to eat to the last big shovelful of snow they convince us we can move, to a woman all a man is, is an amusement park ride with life insurance.

yeah, very true.
You people kill me. Do many of you actually need panty shields once a month? What the heck would some of you expect to find in a place like that other than a few spiders and maybe mice, an escaped insane homicidal maniac, bigfoot, alien or predator maybe?

I've climbed into beds with women that were scarier than that place was and the only 'weapon' I had with me would never be confused for being a crowbar.

In what year did guys stop growing a pair?

could be a racoon, opossum, or a tunnel to new york sewers rats made to slowly take over the world :lol::lol:
i disagree with them if you find the right 1 then your buzzin.....soulmates, bestfriend, lovers.....im kind of soft for that shit! lol
i disagree with them if you find the right 1 then your buzzin.....soulmates, bestfriend, lovers.....im kind of soft for that shit! lol

Yeah these are clearly people who haven't found the right person. They can't base an opinion on billions of women when I'm sure they've only been with a few nasty skanks...

I love my wife just as much as the first day I met her 8 years ago :)
I honestly couldn't picture my life without her.
Aside from all the woman problems I would like to mention that when you clean this space out be sure to wear a protective mask.
Best thread I've read so far. bit of a noob question but how do I subscribe to this thread? definitely wanna see this grow room up and going.
Well where to begin...

First off the most important thing... I haven't left yet, Feb. 1st is our departure. None of you have met my fiancee. She is one of a kind... I only wish you all meet someone as half as compatible as we are. I scored big and I'm locking her down. I am ok looking. She is Lucy Liu to the 10th power. I bang Lucy Liu to the 10th power every day. Be jealous.

2nd... Sorry to disappoint but there was NO spider... I already said that in an earlier post... I went for a Blair Witch scare but then thought if I made the prestige a spider it would be more comical... Apparently stoners laugh alike. I thought the big ass grin on my face when I picked the camera back up gave it away. Spiders are good bugs that eat bad bugs.

3rd... The scary scary asbestos... already contained in a quart size ziplock bag... not much... I disposed of it in my local church parking lot. I kid. I buried the bag.

Happy growing
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I honestly couldn't picture my life without her.

And the ones that Brick was talking about are the type that rip your heart out when you're at this point and fuck every guy on the way to the garbage can to throw your heart out, lol. I've been with the type. agree with your 'right person' comment though.

neosapien, did you check up on your house's blueprints to see if this room is on them? People might be able to just look it up, lol.
And the ones that Brick was talking about are the type that rip your heart out when you're at this point and fuck every guy on the way to the garbage can to throw your heart out, lol. I've been with the type. agree with your 'right person' comment though.

neosapien, did you check up on your house's blueprints to see if this room is on them? People might be able to just look it up, lol.

I don't have a blueprint of the house and it is NOT on the plot plan.
Yeah these are clearly people who haven't found the right person. They can't base an opinion on billions of women when I'm sure they've only been with a few nasty skanks...

I love my wife just as much as the first day I met her 8 years ago :)
I honestly couldn't picture my life without her.

I do feel sorry for guys that have been so burnt that they wouldn't see the right woman if she were standing in-front of them. Viewing all women with suspicion.

Sharing my life with a best friend/partner/soulmate is my chosen path. After 20 years I can tell you it wasn't a mistake...we are still in love. skolar182 and I are on the same page, I couldn't imagine life without my sweetheart :-P
2nd... Sorry to disappoint but there was NO spider... I already said that in an earlier post... I went for a Blair Witch scare but then thought if I made the prestige a spider it would be more comical... Apparently stoners laugh alike. I thought the big ass grin on my face when I picked the camera back up gave it away. Spiders are good bugs that eat bad bugs.

Since there was no spider I'm sorry for the spider cracks but when at 4:27 into video 1 and you had just screamed you said; "did you see the size of that fucking spider, holy shit. That was a big fucking spider man, holy fuck" it gave me the impression that you did in fact see and were actually frightened by a spider.

I guess it was my error and I missed the acted out "Blair Witch" reaction thing being done and being blamed on a non-existent spider.
And the ones that Brick was talking about are the type that rip your heart out when you're at this point and fuck every guy on the way to the garbage can to throw your heart out, lol. I've been with the type. agree with your 'right person' comment though.

The last woman I had a relationship with was sheer perfection ... until she ripped my heart out through my ass, ran it through a food processor, poured kerosene on it, lit it on fire and then pissed on the ashes .. but it got even worse.

If God came to me and said I know what your idea of the prefect woman is so I will give her to you, she would have been what God gave me. She was young and beautiful and funny as hell and possibly the most intelligent woman I have ever met. She actually proposed to this old goat, which was enough of a surprise that I almost soiled myself. I damn near had so excuse myself and go outside and toss my shorts off the deck.

In about a month she had changed her mind, even though in that amount of time I let her have nearly half my home redecorated so she would like it better when she moved in ... in less than six months she was married to someone else. Of course she kept me up to date on all this since she lives directly across the street from me and believed that we should remain the very best of friends and the closest of confidants.

Within days of returning from her honeymoon she came over all excited to tell me that she was pregnant. Being retired and having all sorts of free time, almost daily all through her pregnancy she asked me to come spend the day with her and help her since she was having a bit of a difficult time with it and a bit on the scared side. She had a difficult delivery and could not pick up her new daughter, or anything that weighed more than about 2 pounds or she would begin to bleed, so for a good while so I got to go over every day, all day, and play Uncle Brick Top to a beautiful baby girl that I kept feeling should have been mine. But that's not all, there's more to the story.

He Doctor said she could never have any more children, that he body would not do the job, so she was not concerned with birth control and of course she ended up pregnant again about as fast as is humanly possible after having a baby. Then Uncle Brick Top was really needed to play nanny to the little girl he felt should have been his and to take care of his ex-lunachick heart-breaker because this pregnancy was even more difficult on her .. so I not only played nanny but I would cook so her hubby would come home to a nice hot dinner and she would be eating well too. A particularly fun day was when she had become very constipated and gave me a long list of every type of Drano type product her Doctor said would be safe for her to take and I buzzed into town to a pharmacy and then returned and waited for the products to do their magic and took care of her kids while she spent what seemed like an eternity in the john emptying herself. Then of course she felt like eating again so I made her something to eat.

She gave birth to the coolest little guy that has ever been born. He is totally laid back, nothing phases him, but of course Uncle Brick Top had to be there all the time and not only playing with the little girl he felt should have been his and reading to her and teaching her words and listening to hour after hour of fucking Barney and crap but also tending to "Butch," as I called him, the little guy I again felt should have been mine and who I would hold and feed and change and all the time thinking how much I wish it would be me one day teaching him how to throw a curve ball or to teach him how to play hockey and to work on his wrist shots and slap shots etc.

I loved her so much that even though she hurt me in a way I never imagined possible I was still going to be there for her while she needed me to help take care of her children no matter how painful it was to take care of children I felt should have been mine or to hang around with her husband, the guy she threw me over for, and to help him with projects around the home because he is not exactly the handyman type.

Two days before Thanksgiving, you know, about two months ago, she told me there is no room in her life or the lives of her family members for me anymore and I should not come around anymore. Happy Thanks-fucking-giving Brick Top and thanks for all your help!

She was not the first to fuck me over, but she was by far the very best at doing it and because of my combined experiences with women there is nothing any woman could ever say or do that would now be enough for me to trust her any farther than I could comfortably spit out a rat.

Since she changed her mind about marriage, with me anyway, it has been strictly cash and carry now rather than woo and marry. It is here's the bucks followed by wham bam thank you ma'am.

While part of me still feels that if God created anything better than women he kept it for himself ... the rest of me believes that Led Zeppelin got it right in their song "Dazed and Confused" because after my last lunachick heart-breaker I was left totally dazed and confused and feeling like the lyrics describe.

Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true,
Wanted a woman never bargained for you.
Lots of people talk and few of them know,
Soul of a woman was created below.

There was a time I could not imagine life without her. Now I would trade everything I have if only she had not purchased the house across the street from me .. which was my fault. I saw her down by the lake with what turned out to be a Realtor. I had found out that Realtor's were telling people looking at the house that mu dock went with the house, because it was a better dock and better location than what went with the house. She and I talked for over an hour that day, really pissing off the Realtor, and later she said she the house bought because of me. Later I wish I had not gone down and explained which dock would really be her's. If I hadn't she might not have bought and if she had maybe we would have gotten into an argument over the dock and location and she would have gotten pissed at me rather than for being lied to by the Realtor and I would never have been put through pure Hell.

There are no perfect women. There are only perfect fools who believe they exist, much like children believe Santa Claus exists and the Easter Bunny exists and the Tooth Fairy exists ... and just like with children learning the sad truth, one day so do the fools who believe in perfect women learn the truth ... only it is more shocking and more painful.
There are no perfect women. There are only perfect fools who believe they exist, much like children believe Santa Claus exists and the Easter Bunny exists and the Tooth Fairy exists ... and just like with children learning the sad truth, one day so do the fools who believe in perfect women learn the truth ... only it is more shocking and more painful.

lol more shocking and painful to find out men are the ignorant ones afterall. sad but true. great words of wisdom

i didnt read all of it but from what i gathered ignorance is bliss. so in my youthful bliss of ignorance...

i got 99 problems but a bitch aint one