How to grow plants 350 times FASTER! and more yields


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been doing some interesting research into water and different types of energy. First off, understand that all water is not equal and it can be manipulated and enhanced. Water, in a stagnant state will begin to form clusters of approximately 70-90 molecules of H2O, the goal is to separate this as much as possible. When a living organism consumes this charged water, each individual molecule is then able to pass through cell walls and cell membranes much easier. Additionally this can be further enhanced through magnetic fields to yield truly amazing results.

Kitchen Quantum Physics experiment :-P Go out and get two clear 2 Liter pop bottles. Then you will need a tornado tube connector, these can be purchased at Arts/Science types stores for about $2. Fill one bottle up with water, connect them together and let the fun begin! When you turn the water side up, energy is being put into the system via your hand's mechanical energy. The hole in the connector is only 6mm wide, when you consider that half that diameter is the air column, the width of the water jet is only 1.5mm and travels at very high speed. Everytime you create the vortex, all the molecules are being restructured to their best, most optimum state. This experiment costs less than $10 and poses no risk whatsoever, only huge potential gains. Here are some links which explain this phenomenon in greater detail.

So if you guys want massive, perfect, fast bud, give it a shot


Active Member
very interesting. dont some watering cans come with a nozzle to do this?it makes sense to me, and id like to try to incorporate it into my feedings. thanks man

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this reminds me of a recent thread about what makes airstones effective. stuff came up about disturbing the water's surface tension. i'm not gonna lie i tried to watch that first vid but the guy talked so slow i just couldn't continue. do you have any links that detail this process in text? i got totally lost on the second vid with the magnets but i want to know what this is all about. i don't have patience for video instruction unless it's brief and to the point.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Lately I've been doing some interesting research into water and different types of energy. First off, understand that all water is not equal and it can be manipulated and enhanced. Water, in a stagnant state will begin to form clusters of approximately 70-90 molecules of H2O, the goal is to separate this as much as possible. When a living organism consumes this charged water, each individual molecule is then able to pass through cell walls and cell membranes much easier. Additionally this can be further enhanced through magnetic fields to yield truly amazing results.

Kitchen Quantum Physics experiment :-P Go out and get two clear 2 Liter pop bottles. Then you will need a tornado tube connector, these can be purchased at Arts/Science types stores for about $2. Fill one bottle up with water, connect them together and let the fun begin! When you turn the water side up, energy is being put into the system via your hand's mechanical energy. The hole in the connector is only 6mm wide, when you consider that half that diameter is the air column, the width of the water jet is only 1.5mm and travels at very high speed. Everytime you create the vortex, all the molecules are being restructured to their best, most optimum state. This experiment costs less than $10 and poses no risk whatsoever, only huge potential gains. Here are some links which explain this phenomenon in greater detail.

So if you guys want massive, perfect, fast bud, give it a shot
So ??? you are saying that swirling water in a bottle to create a "vortex" actually restructures the water at the molecular level?
and if so ... wtf does playing with a couple of water bottles have to do with making dope grow a years worth of growth in a day? (350 times faster)

Methinks maybe one bowl too many.


Active Member
If you believe this bullshit I've got a Quantum Aerating Hose Nozzle that you can buy for $10,000 - AND YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!*




*Guaranteed to not do anything but spray water.


Well-Known Member
If you believe this bullshit I've got a Quantum Aerating Hose Nozzle that you can buy for $10,000 - AND YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!*




*Guaranteed to not do anything but spray water.
OK you are guaranteeing a plant to sprout, veg, flower, die and be chopped in a day or so. That is your math :finger:


Well-Known Member
I meant to say 350 PERCENT faster. Yea, you might be able to grow a pound in 2-3 months, is that so bad? You can restructure water and they have proven the benefits of doing so. It lowers the surface tension of the water which means it gets sucked right in. If you have this water combined with a hydroponic system, it would perfectly blend and mix all the nutrients continuously and smoothly as possible. This would mean, less salt build up, less cleaning nozzles, healthier plants, faster growth, bigger yields.

They talk about water's "memory". Water coming out of a treatment plant is in less than an ideal state. Splashing and turbulence is a negative attribute, by its nature its chaotic and disorganized. The whole idea here is to get everything synchronized and in harmony. By forcing the water through a tiny hole creating a vortex, it is putting energy into the water. That energy translates into molecules moving faster and further apart. As that plant then drinks that water, it gains the energy that was put into it, causing faster growth. The videos show how water is affected by many ways including emotions, regular tap water still contains that negative energy.

this is an interesting video showing how water can be affected in a variety of ways

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I meant to say 350 PERCENT faster. Yea, you might be able to grow a pound in 2-3 months, is that so bad? You can restructure water and they have proven the benefits of doing so. It lowers the surface tension of the water which means it gets sucked right in. If you have this water combined with a hydroponic system, it would perfectly blend and mix all the nutrients continuously and smoothly as possible. This would mean, less salt build up, less cleaning nozzles, healthier plants, faster growth, bigger yields.

They talk about water's "memory". Water coming out of a treatment plant is in less than an ideal state. Splashing and turbulence is a negative attribute, by its nature its chaotic and disorganized. The whole idea here is to get everything synchronized and in harmony. By forcing the water through a tiny hole creating a vortex, it is putting energy into the water. That energy translates into molecules moving faster and further apart. As that plant then drinks that water, it gains the energy that was put into it, causing faster growth. The videos show how water is affected by many ways including emotions, regular tap water still contains that negative energy.

this is an interesting video showing how water can be affected in a variety of ways
... so ... say a normal grow with water filled with horrible nasty negative energy (tap water) would take 3 to 4 months from seed to harvest (max) - how long would it take with the amazing restructured water? what the hell does 350 PERCENT faster actually equate to in your imagination?


Well-Known Member
If you believe this bullshit I've got a Quantum Aerating Hose Nozzle that you can buy for $10,000 - AND YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!*




iwill take two please, does this mean if i plant my beans in the morning i will be smoking by lunch time...


Well-Known Member
Do whatever you want, I could care less. I didn't invent this stuff, plenty of scientists have verified the results though. All this is about is bringing out the best qualities in water and restoring its full life giving properties, that's all.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So. Much. Hostility. Chill friends. Watch the videos and form your own opinions. Fuck maybe even try it. See what happens with one plant. Who knows? We don't. We haven't tried. Relax. Damn.


Do whatever you want, I could care less. I didn't invent this stuff, plenty of scientists have verified the results though. All this is about is bringing out the best qualities in water and restoring its full life giving properties, that's all.

you could care less? so you're caring a little, I see...


Well-Known Member
well I didnt want to get in trouble so I tested it on tomatoes..............I planted 30 tomatoe plants yesterday..........I have over 1000lbs of tomatoes today...........fuck its really works.................I have a system already built I will sell you at a fair price..........2000.00 and I guaruntee it will be mailed. what happens after that is your problem.