Low Stress Training (LST) Guide


Well-Known Member
would it be too late to lst or do any kind of branch training to these to get more bud. i wasnt planning on doing any training other than topping. but then i only got 4 females out of 12 plants. so now im trying to be resourceful. how much of a difference would branch training make at this point 2 and a half weeks into flowering. pics included


Well-Known Member
if i do anthing it will just be to spread out some o the branches, nothing too crazy
Yea I wouldn't try training a plant during flower because it can ultimately slow bud production, stress your plant, and delay flowering time. However spreading out branches and tucking leaves to expose more buds to the light is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
mmhmmm, removing bottom growth to promote circulation and helping the top of the plant (single cola) get more hormone and get bigger. and in the mean time it looks like a big bud lollipop. :)


Well-Known Member
Jus cut my lollipop down a week ago and I got 1 ft bud that weighs 12 grams dry now but the odd thing I found is vertical bud growth it looked like she was done Gettin taller and I had a nice cola but after a week of straight by swelling and hairs turning orange outta no where she blew up and jus started growing all these smaller bud shoots right off the top of the main cola Like a bunch fingers anyway

Positives are u can focus lights on one big cola u also can put alot more plants in an area due to no side branching and airflow is greatly increased

Negatives my overall yield was greatly diminished considering her sister clone thy wasn't lollipoped had over an ounce on her and was pretty close to the same size and I feel that If I were to get any bud rot or mold the whole plant could be compromised and after about 7 weeks she hermied only had a couple more to go but didn't want my whole crop to get pollinated so i had to cut her down

I probly will never lollipop again wasn't that happy with the results only my first time but I don't see the benefit unless I was maybe going stealth but even then I would LST jus wanted to put my wake'n'bake 2cents


Well-Known Member
lollipopping is kinda pointless with lst. lst is to allow the lower growth to shoot up and be a main top with out cutting it or off. no need to cut if all the branches are gonna produce well.