TRON 3D with my friend lucy

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
have you been to it? i might try to talk my woman into it this summer. but it will be tough she dont touch anything and has that shit were strobing light will make go all twitching and choke on her tongue and shit

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I don't see why people take a subdose of anything. It doesn't make anything different with me. Drug synergism is questionable in my mind. Potentiation may be engraved in stone as fact however. So it may work for some. :)


Well-Known Member
"Hey are you going to Burning Man?"

Anyone seen Electric Apricot: Quest for Festaroo?

I don't see why people take a subdose of anything. It doesn't make anything different with me. Drug synergism is questionable in my mind. Potentiation may be engraved in stone as fact however. So it may work for some. :)
You don't think two separate drugs have synergy together? Is that what you mean by a subdose?


Well-Known Member
I see what you're saying, I would've just defined drug synergism much differently, as synergism implies more than one drug.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Quite. Taking what's hardly even a threshold dose of 2C-E with a strong dose of 2C-P and saying the 2C-P made the 2C-E super strong, is placebo. That 2C-P is tearing you up and you're putting it all on that speck of 2C-E you took. That was my explanation.


Well-Known Member
Quite. Taking what's hardly even a threshold dose of 2C-E with a strong dose of 2C-P and saying the 2C-P made the 2C-E super strong, is placebo. That 2C-P is tearing you up and you're putting it all on that speck of 2C-E you took. That was my explanation.
I see. Carry on...


Well-Known Member
Shit I read this and I'm jealous. I haven't seen Lucy in 5 years, that bitch hates cold weather. :(


Well-Known Member
While on the conversation of L...

Are you the type that likes to chill inside the comfort of (home or wherever) whilst tripping, or the more exploratory "wanna go do something" type tripper?

If I'm at a festival, I'm much more bold with travelling wherever as people are all kinds of fucked up. But when I'm in the real world (as opposed to the festie world) I prefer chilling inside, watching patterns formulate and disseminate, ruminate on my thoughts. A mental catharsis of sorts.

So what are you?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The 'Traipsing through the thickets' type.

Seriously. A walk though a meadow, woods, forest, any form of timberland is my thing to do on psychedelics. ALWAYS, when I'm on LSD. Only a couple times have ever been otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Have you experienced live music on L? I'm hoping one of those couple other times have been one including live music complete with lights.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well i have taaken 2ce alone and 2cp alone. and have mixed in dif ways 2ce,p,i and c. the only 1s i found for me at least that realy sparked together were the e and p. and i have been dosing for 25 years so i think i have been at it long enough to safly say its not in my head. feel free to try it yourself and report back

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
well i have taaken 2ce alone and 2cp alone. and have mixed in dif ways 2ce,p,i and c. the only 1s i found for me at least that realy sparked together were the e and p. and i have been dosing for 25 years so i think i have been at it long enough to safly say its not in my head. feel free to try it yourself and report back
Done it. :) You may surpass me however on tripping tenure. :)


Well-Known Member
2c-e and 2c-p mixed is cut throat, nothing more to be said ;)

Two needlepoint blotters coupled with 500mg's of Mescaline Sulfate is my ultimate trip fancey :D