How to grow plants 350 times FASTER! and more yields


Well-Known Member
Do whatever you want, I could care less. I didn't invent this stuff, plenty of scientists have verified the results though. All this is about is bringing out the best qualities in water and restoring its full life giving properties, that's all.
When I got out of college I got a job at a C.P.A. firm which represented "Dr. Wilburs Miracle Water". It was very similar.

He had plenty of scientist and testimonials about his water prolonging life. He sold it by the quart to old folks and other gullible people. He would run water through his Ionizer and bottled it. Then you could add a tablespoon of this water to your bath, and miracles would happen. Or even better, drink it.

I didn't fall off the turnips truck yesterday, it was the day before yesterday :joint::peace:


Active Member
Isnt this forum here for people to add ideas theorys and share there growing experiences?? Or is it a place to call people idiots and morons when they say something that sounds diff or outa the norm? I bet the first guy that did hydro was called a retard to. Just listen to the guy with bounce tits, read and try or just read, not every post needs negative feed back.


Well-Known Member
Isnt this forum here for people to add ideas theorys and share there growing experiences?? Or is it a place to call people idiots and morons when they say something that sounds diff or outa the norm? I bet the first guy that did hydro was called a retard to. Just listen to the guy with bounce tits, read and try or just read, not every post needs negative feed back.
actually NO its not.......its called Toke N talk........a place for stoners to have fun........and talk to other stoners..............if you want to talk serious then there are other forums on RIU............this forum has great mods so if we get out of line they will do thier job.......if you come to Toke N talk for fun then you are in the right place............and this is not negative feedback to you........just saying is all.............and Im fucking ripped so dont go off explaining humanity to me I will be lost and just nod my head at approriate times and not understand a word you say. Im fucking STONED>


Well-Known Member
actually NO its not.......its called Toke N talk........a place for stoners to have fun........and talk to other stoners..............if you want to talk serious then there are other forums on RIU............this forum has great mods so if we get out of line they will do thier job.......if you come to Toke N talk for fun then you are in the right place............and this is not negative feedback to you........just saying is all.............and Im fucking ripped so dont go off explaining humanity to me I will be lost and just nod my head at approriate times and not understand a word you say. Im fucking STONED>
I think I'll take another hit! :bigjoint:

Rep+ Pony


Active Member
Believe me im not trying to moderate, im just saying this guy adds some good feed back on watering and seems like every other comment is bashin his idea or theory, and as for trying to talk about hummanity? no not me my friend, im far from a good cimeritan, its rui everyone heres stoned, so take another bong rip chill and just nod your head its the approriate time


Well-Known Member
Believe me im not trying to moderate, im just saying this guy adds some good feed back on watering and seems like every other comment is bashin his idea or theory, and as for trying to talk about hummanity? no not me my friend, im far from a good cimeritan, its rui everyone heres stoned, so take another bong rip chill and just nod your head its the approriate time
Don't you get it, some things are just stupid. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Believe me im not trying to moderate, im just saying this guy adds some good feed back on watering and seems like every other comment is bashin his idea or theory, and as for trying to talk about hummanity? no not me my friend, im far from a good cimeritan, its rui everyone heres stoned, so take another bong rip chill and just nod your head its the approriate time
NOD.. Nod.....NOD.......pass the bong please


Active Member
An im not here to argue or ref or any shit like that, like i said i thought this was a place for people to share info, yes something are just stupid but when theres vids and real atricals theres something to it, , again i dont care say whatever do whatever nothing to me

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Believe me im not trying to moderate, im just saying this guy adds some good feed back on watering and seems like every other comment is bashin his idea or theory, and as for trying to talk about hummanity? no not me my friend, im far from a good cimeritan, its rui everyone heres stoned, so take another bong rip chill and just nod your head its the approriate time
Here is where you go wrong. There should have been a warning to wear your waders before you come into this thread.


Well-Known Member
An im not here to argue or ref or any shit like that, like i said i thought this was a place for people to share info, yes something are just stupid but when theres vids and real atricals theres something to it, , again i dont care say whatever do whatever nothing to me
What fuckin good is completely false info? I jumped in because 350 X faster was claimed.

ABSOLUTELY fuckin preposterous. Now that the op has stated that he meant to say 350%, it is a LITTLE more believable.....but even then...come on.

So, your average flowering takes 65 days(example) it's done in 19.3 (guess-timating) days of flowering because someone added a vortex and magnets.

Chill and nod my head cause it's "the appropriate time" .... OK. :wall::


Active Member
Aren't RDWC set ups pretty much the same thing, minus the magnets?

...anyways, putting round up on your plants is a stupid idea...but this, is merely ineffective at the most. Kinda like when there were so many people claiming sun-charged water worked miracles LOL


Well-Known Member
If you believe this bullshit I've got a Quantum Aerating Hose Nozzle that you can buy for $10,000 - AND YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!*




*Guaranteed to not do anything but spray water.
It is a quantum leap in technology... They make magnitizers for your water to so you can ionize your water


Well-Known Member
That basic premise is simple, separate the H2O molecules as much as possible. Every drop of water we drink has been on this planet for billions of years, it is only recycled again and again. As Masuro Emoto showed in his experiments, water can be influenced by positive or negative energy. When positive energy is directed, snowflake type patterns form. Negative, angry energies cause more bacteria to form in the test samples. Thoughts can and do change the world, it is the only thing that ever has.

Are we not all here to help each other and offer good advice? It is a simple experiment that costs less than a pack of smokes. Get a couple 2 liter bottles and a tornado tube, write love, peace, and other positive words on the side of the bottle. The intent and meaning put into doing so creates the differences. As you watch the tornado form and think about the positive energy being put into it, that's all you need. When you focus on the positive energy being put into your plants, they will respond. Trying to germ some beans? try half with and half without, see which ones sprout faster, you got nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
I talk to my plants. I brew them tea that makes them happy. I'm not talking to the water.

This is some silly shit here.


Well-Known Member
He has been being silly. Mods, can we move this thread to the pseudoscience/bullshit subforum?
I wonder if FOX will make a Fringe episode about this.

Look OP. People are going to call bullshit when outlandish claims are made, and when the arguements for the idea contain silly premises like....

Negative, angry energies cause more bacteria to form in the test samples

I can prevent or slow bacteria buildup by simply agitating my water as well, or adding an airstone, or hydrogen peroxide.

Not saying the idea that better structured molecules would pass thru membranes of plant cells with greater ease is false...yadda yadda....but the claimed increase in yield and growth rate is just too far out for anyone to buy into it. If they do......well.....too bad for them.

By all means, if people want to try the experiment, they are going to try it but people with any sense of growing MJ hopefully see how ridiculous this claim is.


Active Member
That basic premise is simple, separate the H2O molecules as much as possible.

Hey look, it's a nice little rendering of an aquaporin. This is a real thing that exists in the real world. Isn't that fucking awesome? It lets H2O molecules enter the interior of a cell in an organized manner; e.g, one molecule at a time. So do whatever you want with the water before you throw it on a plant, the cellular structure that's evolved over billions of years isn't going to care.

Every drop of water we drink has been on this planet for billions of years, it is only recycled again and again. As Masuro Emoto showed in his experiments, water can be influenced by positive or negative energy.
Experiments aren't valid unless the results repeatable. James Randi actually offered a one million dollar prize to anyone who could duplicated that guy's thing. The prize is unclaimed; I guess there aren't a lot of folks in the world that are both:

  1. Familiar with the scientific method and
  2. Need a million dollars.
Are we not all here to help each other and offer good advice? It is a simple experiment that costs less than a pack of smokes.
I thoroughly agree with you that we're here to help and offer good advice to each other, or at least we should be. I also feel that the time anyone wastes on this kind of stuff is worth way more than a pack of smokes or fifty packs of smokes...


Active Member
anything new is always called stupid at first, the first person to try hydro was prolly called a retard, or the first person that tried that lst "y would you tie it over doesnt make sence", new info is something thats always gonna come up, its not like this guy is storming into your grow room demanding you do this, just and experiment like the guy said, so many people get butt hurt over anything that they wouldnt do themselfs