SCROG OFF!! New school vs old school. Sealed rooms- 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
Many claim to have "Medical Grow Rooms".

My labs are inspired by the good folks at JPL.

You know, the space thingy guys.
I hope you bought like a bio-hazard suite to wear when you walk into the grow room. Maybe make a sterilization chamber before you enter, I really do hate seeing all the dust flying around when I open my tent those lights make everything show.


Well-Known Member
I hope you bought like a bio-hazard suite to wear when you walk into the grow room. Maybe make a sterilization chamber before you enter, I really do hate seeing all the dust flying around when I open my tent those lights make everything show.
No kidding. That room looks like a place where you would perform an alien autopsy. Will this be your first grow in that space or are you OCD? Bet there's no masturbating going on in there. My grow could fit very nicely over there in the corner, next to the scrubber. You wouldn't even notice I was there. Very nice.


Active Member
Newstrain, this is my first grow, ever ( not even 1 plant in soil) Your outdoor stalks will far exceed the girth that i will see in my indoor scrog, I will be very happy if I am incorrect!! :) I would Love to see these Girls restricted by 1"... woohoo... not going to happen,, I wish... I do have lots of little buds sites rather close and cramped... I will post a pic of a solution for that in a bit...


Active Member
So, I'm originally from Texas and we do things big... I believe I will have enough airflow to keep mold away and increase the stalk strength if this doesnt rip them out of the hydroton and suck them into the intake like a 737... ... lol...



Well-Known Member shit...are you really gonna use that.....I hope you like your buds cause they're gonna get sucked right off the stalk..LOL....maybe fire it up at harvest to make it a little easier.


Well-Known Member
Clean Suits, booties and if ya have hair, a friggin hair net.

Same in the Veg Lab.

OCD has it's good points.
I'm still refining them.
For my OCD, that is.

Clean filtered air. No bugs. No dust. Nothing in to contaminate the grow.

If I had not run over my Nikon I'd be pumping out the pics.
i'm stuck with a Sony Cybershot that has me confused on the lighting.

I'm working on it.



Active Member
Too funny Boomer, Your growing space weed... This go around were pretty much opposites, The big fan is rusty, full of spider webs and who knows what the hell is caked on it.. I will spray it down with something (bleach) and semi rig that sucker,, I took the fan out of the box, so it will be more "Compact" lol....But what you have is a bit what i want on my next grow, although maybe not to the extreme such as yours.... You need to install the red flashing lights when the door opens and grreen ones when they are closed... just to be sure no one breaks the airlock and allows a mutant virus in there.... Looks like something out of a movie (zombie quarantine area)....... Yea Endless, come harvest I will just push the stalks in the fan, just like a small wood chipper...


Well-Known Member

To even get to the airlock you need to pass three checkpoints and a sanitizer.
Monitored 24/7. Multi angle coverage. Many a surprise for any uninvited perps.
And a big ol' dawg that gets fed every other day.

All that shit fails me I got a RedHeaded Angel with a shottie over my shoulder.
And we all know it's best not to mess with a RedHead.

No one, not even J.C. or his Disciples gets in there without being cleared and cleaned.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm originally from Texas and we do things big... I believe I will have enough airflow to keep mold away and increase the stalk strength if this doesnt rip them out of the hydroton and suck them into the intake like a 737... ... lol...
Man, screw the plants...I'd be more worried something like this would happen

Speakin' of screwin' the plants, what strain is that in your avatar ENDLSCYCLE? That looks like the shit I wanna grow.


Well-Known Member
Getting back to the point of the thread, growing weed...
So, Legal, how did insulation work out? Know what else you could do? Go back to DWC. I remember some of your gripes with DWC, but I have come across a couple of threads on here (i think) and other forums where the systems accounted for some of your issues. One of the main ones was having them all connected with a main reservoir. Basically, you don't have to open individual buckets to constantly test and fill. And at least one also had a water pump incorporated, so in the case of catastrophic air fail, the plants would have a backup for a bit. Also, no water sittin' in hoses just heatin' up. I'm sure you already know all this, I'm just sayin'. It's not too late man. Join us.


Well-Known Member
Great grow off guys!
Thanks for stoppin by my journal frogster, Thought I would see what you are doing.
I've done a little scrog myself. Gram per watt? Good luck bud. Best I got out of 6 or 7 grows was .49 GPW It can be done though.
Hey, have you givin any thought to removing the follage under the screen and training those upper branches?