TRON 3D with my friend lucy

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well ... at the end of the day ... it's all in the crew in attendance ....
I believe that watching anything on 3 hits with some of you fine folks would be a treat in itself ....
just to sit there ...knowing what some of you visionaries ... share with me in terms of though process ...
just to giggle ...

Ya ... some of you would sketch me out ...
That is for sure ..... but all in fun !



Well-Known Member
I've never taken a hit of LSD I could keep up with the story line of a movie lol I was playing FIFA soccer on xbox and had scored on my self twice and didn't even know I had done it lmao

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hmmm. How are we this fine Friday's extreme morning Puffer Fish?
Well ... with a certain magical potion/concoction, I have actually managed to open a portal into a timeless dimension ....
My Kind, not genetically related Sister !
Thus, time here does not exist where I am @
RIU ... is the only interface ...I use ... to navigate through your thoughts your model of reality ... and that is taking place in your time, not mine.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
It's good to know!!! My wonderfully spiritual, not genetically related ambiguously gendered relative! :)
C dude ... shit like that makes my day ... lol ... the little things. You made me smile and I thank you.

In terms of your description ... I love it to a T .... with one tweak to your perception.

As I am a fish ...
living in a portal ... where time is but a figment of your imagination .... I have no need
to reproduce .... thus ... evolution has rendered me sex/gender less.

Thus ... the ambiguity in gender ... is but a glitch in your programming ..... as for some
reason ... your brain demands to know ... answers ... These answers (gender/sex) in a scope of the subject of our conversations on RIU ....are irrelevant.

2 ME ... It is all about the connection to the spirit .... that lies inside you.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Define 'work'.
C ... crypt is on the ball here .... what is your perception of what work is ?
Is work something you do to sustain/prosper .... so you go do ... then park it for the night ...
or do you live ... and create .... and all the necessities of everyday living ....
as you acquire them ...
are nothing more ... but by-products ... withing a physical confines of the reality that makes you WHO YOU ARE

Define work as you understand it sir.

Crypt, the picture in my avatar is a graphical representation .... a visual link/bridge/cue your subconscious ...
It has been carefully selected to create an emotional impact on the viewer.

Within the fine details ... of a timeless expression ... somewhere
it is .... more about .... the thought process captured ... and presented to you to tap into ...

As I use it ... that is



The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
To me it looks like a dirty old Indian guy getting stoned......................................... and some terrible actor that needs to be bent over a table and taught a lesson...


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
To me it looks like a dirty old Indian guy getting stoned......................................... and some terrible actor that needs to be bent over a table and taught a lesson...

Perhaps that is the limit of what your brain allows you to perceive at this .... given time ....

I agree with you .... tho ... taking her profession out of the equation .... I would certainly like to interface with her ... physiological container


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
2 me

work = funds for the things that take me to my other worlds ...
This defines ... slavery and escapism at it's best.

But that is very broad generalization as
I do not know You personally ...
and I certainly do not want to offend.
not want to offend you.

Crypt man ...
love the pic and your caption ...
but that boarderlines Necrophilia ...
I find such states hard to interface with ...


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
ahhh ... Once as a pup ..... I urinated on top of my computer desk ... without knowing .... while coming out of a GHB haze


Crazy shit ...kid's do heh ?

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yes saddly as i got older and become a home owner i had to become a slave to work. responsabilty is a real pain in the ass