TRON 3D with my friend lucy

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
As I have gotten older I have studied systems and developed a model of functioning where ... my work ... the driving force of what I am and do .... offers me material rewards .... as a by-product. In this model .... the compensation is irrelevant (a bonus of sorts) .... and there is no slavery involved as I live to do what I love.

I make things with my hands .... the reward comes from .... seeing something come to fruition .... that is what my work is about. That is where my inspiration comes from .... the journey ... in creation.
And the emotional impact ... I trigger .... when what is created .... is offered.

To me that is priceless.

But that is just me.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I make Yah.....
No ... when you use money ... you usually something ... that is already made.
You could also use the tender ... to pay for a service ... so this service is not of your physical doing ...

Thus, in your model .... you are using accumulated surplus ... as a leverage ... to further your cause.
Creatively tho .... you are doing absolutely nothing. And there is nothing wrong with that if your cause is to accumulate.

But what you don't realize that the best things .... in physical reality ... are not for sale
to the GUY willing to pay.
The best things are made and shared with closest friends .... as these things are sacred.
To trade such things for 'paper money' .... in my frame of thinking is .... vulgar to say the least.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i have 3d alice in wonderland the new 1 its sick havent dosed to it yet
I saw this 3d at midnight when it came out... I went sober, expecting to evaluate it for trip material.... NOT good trip material at all.

Now avatar 3d, and Tron 3d.... YES

You just need CONSTANT action, or it gets reallllly boring.. there is too much dialogue and bullshit in alice and wonderland, and only a FEW mind bending scenes...


The kid goes to an arcade, and gets sucked into his dads computer.. his dad who disappeared like 15 years ago. Since his dad's dissapearance he has had this 'fuck the world' attitude, like nobody ever did anything for him. He rides a ducati through traffic, the cops go after him, he does some CRAZY life risking shit and gets away and just laughs after he jumps his bike like 20 fucking feet to the ground......... then he gets into to this tron world. like 80% of the movie is IN the tron world.. and after the final battle scene, he is RIGHT where he left off, motorcycle parked outside and everything. Then he leaves the arcade, cruising through the REAL LIFE city streets with an ENTIRELY different perspective on the WORLD, and his OWN life. Less of a 'fuck the world' attitude, and more of a 'the world is a magnificent place with limitless possibilities.. and I enjoy being here.'

After the movie ends, you are tripping HARD.. moreso than when you walked in.. so when you get back outside it's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORLD...

so the real life acid trip, mimics the main characters experiences in this fantastic limitless world. So in essence you connect with the movie on an entirely different level.

Movie goes: Real life > absorbed into 'TRON' world > Back out in real life with a new perspective

Acid Trip goes: Real Life> absorbed into the 'TRON' world with 3d glasses.. movie ends then > back out into real life with a new perspective

THAT was the coolest part about the movie


Well-Known Member
Alice in Wonderland ala Tim Burton was a HUGE disappointment. :(
Indeed. tim burton is a hack. a one horse pony show. some of his movies were good. but not in a long time. basically he sticks his wife, one of the ugliest women in show business, in practically every movie, oposite jonny depp, who i think is talented actor but im so tired of seeing him (hearing to) in burtons movies. the characters he plays in those movies are becoming very simular. and after I heard kevin smith talking about the tim burton/kevin smith superman movie that never was... you realize what an asshole burton is.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Indeed. tim burton is a hack. a one horse pony show. some of his movies were good. but not in a long time. basically he sticks his wife, one of the ugliest women in show business, in practically every movie, oposite jonny depp, who i think is talented actor but im so tired of seeing him (hearing to) in burtons movies. the characters he plays in those movies are becoming very simular. and after I heard kevin smith talking about the tim burton/kevin smith superman movie that never was... you realize what an asshole burton is.
I agree. I love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton to death. Great team. But Tim Burton NEEDS to make a creative and original project again. Love his style, hate the unoriginality. Helen Bonham Carter is cool. :D Wish she did Fight Club again. Beastfuck mode, engaged. :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member



so are any of you assholes who left the 150 replies to this thread ACTUALLY going to go see tron 3d?

:lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
All about you seeing Tron 3D and actually enjoying it, but I know I wouldn't enjoy it. I'm an asshole about movies, and don't like 60% of what's put out.

Not my bag...


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see it. alot of people were turned off tron because of the original. thing is the storyline of the original is worthy of any graphic novel movie made of late, watchmen, sin city, any of them, just terrible computer graphics. Im a fan of B horror movies, in the mouth of madness, night of the demons, bordello of blood...

so graphics and things like that dont detract from the story line.. i mean its the difference in the old and new star wars. the old ones rule the story lines, while the new ones blow you away with graphics but lack depth of character and even some shitty acting on hadensens part. but I have to know the hole story reguardless. samereason i gave terminator 4 a chance after the terrible 3rd one.

being deep in the nerd world... I cant possible miss this movie. or any movie that relates to super heros, comics, alternate realitys, aliens, robots cyborgs, future, supernatural. But that doesn't mean i pay for it... btjunkie/piratebay/mininova/isohunt and so on, and it also doesn't mean i enjoy them all.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
you guys are a bunch of cocks :lol:

it's daft punk... doing the ENTIRE soundtrack... how can you loose on LSD... $10 movie ticket including 3d glasses man how can you loose.... look at it as $10 for a pair of shitty glasses :lol:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
seriously look at this shit


the fractal potental is amazing

:38-:40 in 3d I was tripping NUTS


Well-Known Member
you guys are a bunch of cocks :lol:

it's daft punk... doing the ENTIRE soundtrack... how can you loose on LSD... $10 movie ticket including 3d glasses man how can you loose.... look at it as $10 for a pair of shitty glasses :lol:
Yea, they do the soundtrack. And I like Daft Punk. But the soundtrack is not comparable to their sound in their non-scored music. None of the tracks from the film (Yes, I've listened to the soundtrack) touch the music Daft makes. With that being said though, the soundtrack is really cool.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
You know whats a trippy fucking movie on LSD... Labyrinth...

I watched that movie on 1.5 dose's of needlepoint last night and jesus that shit is a trip...