any other farmers in here?


Well-Known Member
i agree with ya there. it also produces lumber that is flame resistant and bugs dont eat/live in it.

i dont know why hemp is illegal to grow, by definition, hemp is cannabis with extremely low thc levels. you would have to smoke a pound to get a buzz...its ridiculous.


Active Member
godslave, i just noticed you have an avatar of reagan....why?
Because President Reagan was the last fiscally conservative president we had, and it's what we need today. He reversed what Carter had destroyed (Obama is only Carter 2.0), and brought a booming economy to this country. He believed in the founding fathers intention of government being small and he reversed the decades-old flow of power to Washington. By dismantling some federal programs, and reducing others, he forced the states and the cities to assume more responsibility for running their own shows. If he failed to break the Democratic hold on Congress, he did force the Democratic Party to move to the right.
Obama and his congress seem to think that government is the answer to everything and growing it will help everyone. WRONG!
Ronald Reagan initiated
tax cuts (not stimulus spending) to stimulate more growth and more jobs, spending cuts (Obama only came around on this issue because he's trying to save his job) to put an end to continuing deficits and high inflation, regulatory relief to lift the heavy burden of government rules and paper work, and finally, a steady, consistent, monetary policy.Ronald Reagan, "got it" about taxes and spending.
Our current administration and congress just doesn't get it, you can't print money at will, and spend your way out of debt. It doesn't work for us, we can't just spend at will, but it seems to be the thing in Washington. They ask us (the people) to tighten our belt, while they go on spending like wild. Something is wrong with this picture.

I ask, do you want to be dependent on the government? Because anything they give you, they can take away. Are you ok with our rights being taken away through regulation? I am not! Big government is NOT the answer. I copied this from

Despite the famed 1996 Welfare Reform Act and the more recent welfare adjustments in 2006, 60.8 million Americans remain dependent on the government for their daily housing, food, and health care. The number of taxpayers is shrinking--and the country may be rapidly approaching the point where more than one-third of Americans do not pay taxes for benefits they receive. In February 2009, the Democrat-controlled Congress and the new Obama Administration may have driven the final stake into the heart of any semblance of fiscal responsibility when they enacted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act--essentially overturning the fiscal foundation of welfare reform.

Starting in 2016, Social Security will not collect enough in taxes to pay all of the promised benefits-- which is a problem for all workers, but especially for the roughly half of the American workforce that has no other retirement program.

Add in spiraling academic grants, flat-out farm socialism, and the swelling ranks of Americans who believe themselves entitled to public-sector benefits for which they pay few or no taxes--and Americans must ask themselves whether they are near a tipping point in the nature of their government.

I don't want to turn this into a political debate, so I'll shut up now lol, but it's your thread, and you asked, so I thought I would answer. :-P

In closing, let me take some words from an address to the Nation President Reagan gave from the Oval Office in April of 1982. The President said, and I quote, "...let me take you back a little to 1977. When the (Carter) administration took office, inflation was 4.8 percent. It rose steadily and in 1979 and '80, we had two years of back-to-back double-digit inflation. Unemployment started to increase and by 1980 we were in a recession with nearly eight million unemployed, inflation at 12.4 percent and interest rates at 21 1/2 percent. ...We had to reduce the built-in rate of increase. At the same time, we had to reduce the share of the people's earnings that government was taking in taxes. ...High taxes, destroying incentive, had contributed to reduced productivity and a reduction in savings which left us without the capital we need for industrial expansion."

Reagan reaffirmed with eloquence the continuing validity and vitality of the American Dream. In this more than in any policies or decisions lie his legacy and enduring claim to greatness.
-George H. Nash



Well-Known Member
Welp Im not much on politics.........we have no will do what it will do.......other than a full scale revolution on the part of americans agaisnt the FEDs nothing will change.......But Reagan is probley the only President other than Eisenhower I respected very much............Tricky Dick did alot of good PR AFTER he was prez............thats my extent of politics...anything else is wasted on me...............Im a realist........PPl blame OBAMA......I blame the PEOPLE.


Active Member
I had to chew on that for a minute but yep I see exactly what your saying.
Sometimes I don't spit it out quite right :) In other words, a lot of people have an entitlement mentality which matches up with a socialist type agenda, so win win for both. Lose lose for the rest of the people. :(


Well-Known Member
wow, thanks for the reply. reagan put almost 2 billion dollars into the war on drugs, thats why i asked. dont worry about thread jacking, cryptkeeper killed this thread a while ago lol, it can go wherever it wants now :)


Well-Known Member
I'm a thug! But i really wanna farm. I live near like 10 farms.
its surprises me how many people want to farm. i'm sure you could get some extra cash by working for some of those farms in the spring and fall. i wouldnt mind having someone around to do all the little shit for me during our busy seasons.


Well-Known Member
Welp Im not much on politics.........we have no will do what it will do.......other than a full scale revolution on the part of americans agaisnt the FEDs nothing will change........Im a realist........PPl blame OBAMA......I blame the PEOPLE.
totally agree with all that right there.


Active Member
wow, thanks for the reply. reagan put almost 2 billion dollars into the war on drugs, thats why i asked. dont worry about thread jacking, cryptkeeper killed this thread a while ago lol, it can go wherever it wants now :)
Yeah, I agree with you on the war on drugs thing, and I kinda figured that's maybe where you were going with the question. Was Reagan perfect? Not by any means, none of us are. The war on drugs was originally initiated by Nixon. He had the opportunity, even at the recommendation of his staff, to not move in that direction, but he chose to anyway.
The war on drugs is a stupid, useless, and wasteful use of tax money, we all know this, but in this country's current economic climate, I am looking for a leader in fiscal conservatism, the war on drugs is the least of our (the people's) worries IMO. That is why I look up to Reagan.


Active Member
If you didn't watch the video, you should, it's not just about Reagan, in fact it's more about our current administration... and our freedom.


Well-Known Member
yeah totally agree with ya the war on drugs a problem? absolutely....but do we have bigger problems right now? you're god dam right. reagan was before my time so thats pretty much all i know about him....if you can fucking believe it, we never once were taught anything about past presidents in school. isnt that fucked up? wait, i take that back...we did have to learn all their names and home states....which is fucking pointless. i'll take a look at the video sometime today, i dont have my speakers out here.


Well-Known Member
Very nice cmt, subcool's stuff is the bomb! Is this your first run with subcool gens?
thanks. i harvested Qleaner and Apollo 13 Bx a few months back, great smoke, but judging by looks alone, qrazy train is going to blow them out of the water. i also have The Flav about a month into flowering right now, she looks pretty good too, that plant grew huge when i started flowering it....havent taken any pictures of it cuz its buried in the back of my room...

most weed is the bomb. subcool just happens to save his males. ;)
yup so far all the stains ive grown have been bomb. subs have just been a level above the rest. so whatever he does is workin :eyesmoke: