Srog questions

We are trying to do scrg for the first time and I was wondering instead of forcing the limbs back under the screen couldn't we tie the vines on the top in the same way? Does it realy make a differance?:weed:


Well-Known Member
Nope, no difference. The key, is to keep the canopy nice and level, and try to fill every open spot with a budsite. The method you use to tie them in place, is optional. :)


Active Member
Jawbrodt is right on about an even canopy. The only thing you have to worry about is when tieing down not to tie it too tight. I like to use the screen till about 3 weeks into flower then i just take it off and let em run free!!! but by that time they are pretty much set, they just get fatter.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about the SCROG myself. I was wondering if this would work: Use a screen that has holes in the size of about 3x3 inches. Top the plant maybe twice to get a few tops going, maybe just once, and when they reach up through the top of the screen, use the LST method and weave the branches back and forth through the screen. So lets say your plant in in the center of the screen, and you have two main tops. When they get about 4,5, or 6 inches above the screen weave them down into the next hole and back up in the next hole once it gets long enough. Do this until it is weaved all the way around the screen so it looks like a carpet. Would that work? Would it take too long to let the plant grow to the point where its weaved through each hole that measures something in the 4x4 ft. range? Or would it even produce that way?


Active Member
Nox, I think that would work the only thing is to fill a 4x4 screen you will have to veg for about 4-5weeks depending on the strain. This last grow I used the FIM and it worked great except I did it to close to the screen. So if your going to top make sure you do it low enough for the plant to recover b4 training it through the screen. Yes it would produse more per plant but not more per area and it will be a pain to harvest. But there are so many different ways to do it and they all work a little different, its all about just what you like to do. Also if you will be weaving over and under you will have to be really carfull with the branches and find a strain that is a little more forgiving. I broke 2 of my main stems just doing reg training, lucky for me i had 6 tops!!!! lol But to get back to your thought nox, yes I bet it would take you 2 or 3 grows to get it down but I think it would work great. Again biggest issue is veg time but the more plants you train the less veg time. Does that answer you question? Smoke easy!!


Well-Known Member
Nox, I think that would work the only thing is to fill a 4x4 screen you will have to veg for about 4-5weeks depending on the strain. This last grow I used the FIM and it worked great except I did it to close to the screen. So if your going to top make sure you do it low enough for the plant to recover b4 training it through the screen. Yes it would produse more per plant but not more per area and it will be a pain to harvest. But there are so many different ways to do it and they all work a little different, its all about just what you like to do. Also if you will be weaving over and under you will have to be really carfull with the branches and find a strain that is a little more forgiving. I broke 2 of my main stems just doing reg training, lucky for me i had 6 tops!!!! lol But to get back to your thought nox, yes I bet it would take you 2 or 3 grows to get it down but I think it would work great. Again biggest issue is veg time but the more plants you train the less veg time. Does that answer you question? Smoke easy!!
Thanks for the post. Yea, it answers my question pretty good. I don't think 4 to 5 weeks vegging isn't too bad. In the past I've vegged for 8 weeks just to get a plant 16 inches tall, so 4 to 5 wouldn't be a problem for me. But that does bring up another question, how large are your plants at 4 to 5 weeks veg? What method do you use? Do you go with soil,aero,hydro,bubble, etc.? I see people on here all the time saying their plant is only 3 to 4 weeks into veg and its already over a foot tall. How do people get their plants that tall in such a short amount of time? Is that because they are using clones?


Active Member
You are right both ways, yes we are using clones and growing a different way. I was an ebb&flow guy but this last grow I did a aero/DWC/ fogger system and I tell you what son......The clones I got where not looking to good and in 3 weeks they were over a ft tall! Once I get my set up going I will be rooting for 3 weeks the vegn for 3 weeks then go to flower. But yes faster veg time due to clones and a better way to grow. In my mind there is nothing better and no faster way to grow then aeroponics. Do you grow in soil? If you want any help with a small aero set up let me know. Also light is a big one. What size light are you using? You should at the least use a 400w for a 3x3. I use a 600w for my 3x3. As soon as I get my new room built I will be growing in a 8x4 screen with 3 600w over em. I cant wait cause that will be so sick!!!