Club 600


Well-Known Member
I have 1 1/2 lb of butter in the crockpot simmering right now. I had a little butter left from thelast batch that wasn't enough for cookies so I threw it in there with the 6 sticks of new butter too. That and a few oz of trimmings that had a bunch of little popcorn buds in it so it should be some fine butter. :weed:

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Im going to use my 1 gallon set for the dry ice method too. I like the 5 gallon bags because I can do ALOT of trim, saving ALOT of time. Time is my issue with the water extraction method. Here are 2 sets I purchased from ebay, and an 8 bag set I wish I had bought. Also looks like the 1 gallon set comes with a "pollen" press as well. It didnt when I bought them. Good quality bags, not the best though. The 5 gallon set I purchased had a snag in the 25 micron bag, and the 100 bag has some stretch holes. Im 99% sure I didnt put the holes in the 100 bag. He claims to have a 3 year warrany, no questions asked, so we shall see about that.

5 bag 1 Gallon Bags

5 bag 5 gallon bags -still waiting on a response from seller about 2 flawed bags.

15-400 micron 8 bag 5 gallon set


Well-Known Member
Tryna knows my secret, taking care of the micros lol, and providing a nice environment for the roots. And I swear by adding myccorhizae fungus granules to my coco mix. These little soldiers are like a super UPS for your nutes, they deliver fast and help the roots take up the nutes. Enables your plants to deal with less or more nutes and harsher environmental influences (i,e you can get away with being a bit slapdash like me.) I also add blood and bonemeal to the mix as well.


Well-Known Member
never a yellow leaf in sight at D's house. anybody got any outdoor plans this year? i know outdoorindica does, keep us posted buddy


Well-Known Member
never a yellow leaf in sight at D's house. anybody got any outdoor plans this year? i know outdoorindica does, keep us posted buddy
im gonna be doing a some what small guirilla grow with some auto ak47 so we can harvest half way through summer, then we will have reg plants( dont know witch strains, either white berry or something else). it should go good. this will be my first outdoor for real.

me and my dad will probably make it into a competition to see who can grow more
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i wouldn't go that far, lol. i like to see some yellowing at the endl. My ssh seems to be loosing it's fan leaves as well but still growing strong.

probably do something outdoors, another guerilla attempt possibly....


Well-Known Member
im gonna be doing a some what small guirilla grow with some auto ak47 so we can harvest half way through summer, then we will have reg plants( dont know witch strains, either white berry or something else). it should go good. this will be my first outdoor for real.

me and my dad will probably make it into a competition to see who can grow more
now thats what i call spending quality time with the old man. i am desperate to try out door, i would def use autos aswell. in the u.k, especially where i live we get 3-4 weeks of 12/12 before the cold weather would ruin crops.


Well-Known Member
now thats what i call spending quality time with the old man. i am desperate to try out door, i would def use autos aswell. in the u.k, especially where i live we get 3-4 weeks of 12/12 before the cold weather would ruin crops.
ya my dad just moved back to southern oregon from eastern washington. he grew the autos last year and they turned out ok but the weather and ground up where he lived is so shitty, it is kinda like the flat tundra. no hills, all pine trees, the ground is made up of rock every where you go. we should have a good grow specially with oregons growing conditions.
ill probably do a few of my lemon skunks as well


Well-Known Member
So why can't we figure out why my plants are yellowing? black humus and compost peat i think are too hot.

After some googleing, I find both are 'Trash' one kills the earth and the other they call 'trash'


Well-Known Member
Tryna knows my secret, taking care of the micros lol, and providing a nice environment for the roots. And I swear by adding myccorhizae fungus granules to my coco mix. These little soldiers are like a super UPS for your nutes, they deliver fast and help the roots take up the nutes. Enables your plants to deal with less or more nutes and harsher environmental influences (i,e you can get away with being a bit slapdash like me.) I also add blood and bonemeal to the mix as well.
Im with you DST with the micro's.... im in canna coco pro witch has them in to start and i use cannazym witch is good for the micro's too, ive never had a plant that looked so healthy(NFT 1st 2 grows)...them granules sound interestin im goin to check them out cheers



Well-Known Member
I was thinking of putting an auto out the back this year but it would bring unwanted attention my way.


Well-Known Member
Hey DST, thanks for the tip. Sannie seems big on that too so I finally did some reading on it but I have a couple of quick questions please. So I'm guessing an Endo only product is what I'm looking for? I found some product the came in 150, 300, 600 gram packages and dilutes at 600g with 200L of water. Just wondering when and how often you use this, start to finish, or do you just dry mix in your medium? Just gonna start poking around and would like to nail down what I need. Here's a link I found, pretty much the first product site I stumbled on.

Thanks D


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of putting an auto out the back this year but it would bring unwanted attention my way.
my dad put one in the bush out side his house where 20 people go in and out a day. he showed me pics of it and it was the best looking one he had and produced the best and no one even new it was there.
im glad no one found it


Well-Known Member
my dad put one in the bush out side his house where 20 people go in and out a day. he showed me pics of it and it was the best looking one he had and produced the best and no one even new it was there.
im glad no one found it
Where i live you'd be surprised how many people grow their own which is good :) the flip side is it's not just the old bill that will come around and try and take your plants there's the dirty robbing wankers that come around tooled up and take your gear knowing full well you can't report a theft of something you shouldn't have, and as far as putting them up the mountain go's the rain would fuck the plants over in no time a couple of people i know grew some outdoor last year turned out about as strong as soapbar so no point wasting my time.