Club 600

just wanna say i just had some epiphanies and im finally feelin better. ive been dealing with depression for the past couple weeks after going through the hospitalization for the psychosis. while its still sad i dont have the closet anymore i still have equipment and my thumb is still most deff GREEN. only problem i face now is im gunna be on probation and that means tests. bud cures though!! so not real soon but i think by april i will be back in action growing at least. Blazing will have to wait.

good to hear you're gettin better,its better to have your life, than some closet full of green,take the time off a chill,you these seeds are not going no where...
Woah dude... dehumidifier is not a good thing. You really want to dry them in a semi humid environment so they dry slow. The slower the better I think. Something like 3-4 days is good. I think way too dry is probably accurate. You might try jarring them with a leaf from a plant if any are still growing or if you have any laying around... that might moisten them up a tiny bit. Hopefully they smoke ok.

EDIT: Rock on GreenThumb, that looks nice. Thanks for stopping by to show us a peak. And great looking JH sytha they are bathing beauties.
I read to keep humidity between 40-50%, and set the dehumidifier for 45%. The damn thing musta have gone crazy, as it pulled the full 45 pints in one night!
Im with you DST with the micro's.... im in canna coco pro witch has them in to start and i use cannazym witch is good for the micro's too, ive never had a plant that looked so healthy(NFT 1st 2 grows)...them granules sound interestin im goin to check them out cheers


I get a product by B.A.C and it's called "schimmels" (which is fungus in Dutch basically)

Hey DST, thanks for the tip. Sannie seems big on that too so I finally did some reading on it but I have a couple of quick questions please. So I'm guessing an Endo only product is what I'm looking for? I found some product the came in 150, 300, 600 gram packages and dilutes at 600g with 200L of water. Just wondering when and how often you use this, start to finish, or do you just dry mix in your medium? Just gonna start poking around and would like to nail down what I need. Here's a link I found, pretty much the first product site I stumbled on.

Thanks D

There will be loads of different products like everything. And there are lots of different sorts of myccorhiza as well. Normally the package will detail what type, for example the one I use contains Entrophospora columbiana and Glomus intraradices amon others. I mix or till mine into my coco before I plant. Again it will be specific to how the products is made. Mine are not water mixable so you mix with the substrate you are using. You can add this at a later date, but again, this is done by mixing with medium and then adding that you your pots. Then watering. So again, that will be product specific.

The bonemeal, bloodmeal I use just comes in pellets and I also mix that with the coco prior to planting.

GDP just before getting the chop! one of my finest i would have to say!

Nice bru.

Do you know of a site that list the total daylight hours in a region???? From what I have understood, nowhere that is a good environment for growing cannabis actually reaches twelve hours of sunlight....13.5 to 14 in the U.S. is the lowest I have heard of....I may be wrong....I am just curious.

Ahhh...hydro shops....If it looked good for me to frequent my local shop everyday I would....I feel like a little kid in a candy store!!!!

I use the World Clock...

these are my current ladies bathing under the 600 watters. the ww's dont like the high nutes but meh...its the jack herer i'm interested in.

Jack Herer's

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Unhappy White Widow

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Welcome Sytha.

just wanna say i just had some epiphanies and im finally feelin better. ive been dealing with depression for the past couple weeks after going through the hospitalization for the psychosis. while its still sad i dont have the closet anymore i still have equipment and my thumb is still most deff GREEN. only problem i face now is im gunna be on probation and that means tests. bud cures though!! so not real soon but i think by april i will be back in action growing at least. Blazing will have to wait.

Take care of yourself younin, and make sure you keep your mind strong!!!!

Peace, DST
morning guys hows tricks, its always a good couple of pages in the morning to catch up on lol. My heads spinning, dunno where to start everythings loooking nice. Might shoot wots in my 6hun if it aint too messy in there but i gotta wait till the princess awakens lol.
hey i dont work and i find it hard, I always got 22 subs at least to get through every morning and it dont really change much till saturdays and ppl leave the boards for a wile and i get a chance to catch up lol
hey i dont work and i find it hard, I always got 22 subs at least to get through every morning and it dont really change much till saturdays and ppl leave the boards for a wile and i get a chance to catch up lol

Yeah I hear you there bro. I deleted alot of my subscriptions and just keep it to the bare minimum like yours, las, don, dst and the 600 and a few more.... Thing is I'll be back up to about 20 subs again soon haha.
few pics from in the tent.
purp DOG

Dez why not just use all your trim for hash, and then make your butter/oil for edibles out of the hash...

I've actually thought about doing this a few times and the problem is when I make hash, there's not enough trimmings to make very much. Everyone I know loves hash and are always asking me for it so on the occasion I do have it, I'll share it and then there's none left for edibles. I know I could just not tell them I have hash but where's the fun in that, lol. Poker inght is always better with some hash thrown in the mix and I'm the only person growing that goes to poker night so I bring some when I have it.
This will change soon though since I've changed things up to be harvesting a little less frequently as well as setted up the amount I'm growing. I'll soon be trim rich and will be making more hash. I'll actually be able to fully utilize my 5gal bubble bags finally.

To be honest, I don't have experience harvesting more than 3-4oz at a time so I have no idea how much is actually in the scrog. I'm hoping to hit the 1lb mark but don't know how it's going to turn out. All I do know is the screen didn't fill out entirely but there appears to still be more colas than I've had at one time thus far. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time and can't wait to harvest the scrog.
I've got one buddy that wants to help trim and the chick that works at my daughter's daycare said she'll trim too if I need an extra pair if hands. They offered to help which was nice, especially since they're not asking for anything in return. They're two of only a few people that know I grow and neither one knows anything about my grow other than what strains I have because I have their cards and hook them up with meds.