auto / clones 1st day of 3rd week of flowering


Active Member
OK so this is my first grow im using a 3:1 combination of cfl lights (flower:veg) mainly 60w, 40w, and 23w. Im using no nuts and i have been using miracle grow moisture control soil. The first plant is an afghan kush ryder auto flower. As a noob i didn't realize that when i was vegging it that it started flowering and never changed the lights soon enough so it may be done with no yeild but it looks amazing. I ended up switching the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 to try and push it into flowering but its the beginning of the 3rd week and the only thing that changed was some new green leaves at the bottom.

The other two plants are cheese clones which i put into flowering early because of space. They are all under the same lights. The clone to the right is looking a little bit rough some burn spots but I'm noticing the pistils on the top. Let me know what you think about everything.



Well-Known Member
you need to feed them.. the bottom pic.. one on the Right looks like it needs on the Left.. Magnesium .. just add some flowering nutes at a low ratio..

Miracle grow isn't a very good soil to use.. its hard to contol. do you know what ratio the soil you have is?


Well-Known Member
do yourself a big favor and make some reflectors for your bulbs, most of your light is just radiating off into space.


Active Member
you need to feed them.. the bottom pic.. one on the left looks like it needs on the right.. Magnesium .. just add some flowering nutes at a low ratio..

Miracle grow isn't a very good soil to use.. its hard to contol. do you know what ratio the soil you have is?
im not sure about the ratio i was trying to go without nutes let it be natural ya know- any idea about the auto for the top picture?


Active Member
do yourself a big favor and make some reflectors for your bulbs, most of your light is just radiating off into space.
i have mylar refectors up in the whole room basically but ill put some reflectors up thanks besides that how do they look ?


Well-Known Member
Micrale grow often lacks nutes that you need and often has more nutes of one and can burn it.. but it can be done I just nursed a clone in MG soil.. came out great

anyway ... you need to feed it.. I can see Deficiencies in your leaves already... it will just get worse.

get something safe like 10-10-10(its a safe ratio for newbies) if you are in flower get something like 5-10-5 and add molasses inbetween flowering and watering. But with the Micrale grow soil you can add it here and there to make up ... or CAL MAG works too until the MG nutes are gone

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
hey bro how big are the pots? what type of water do u feed ? have u got a small fan going?
is it cold where they are? when dark is it completly dark?

nutes i try not to use them too but its best to give a feed here and there i have natural nutes like seasol its seaweed nutes

i use wormcastings and coirbrick with some nice soil on my autos i grow 1 at a time
i use six 23watt cfls for mine and have a fan blowing new air in heres a pic of my lol setup
see i have lights surrounding plants
View attachment 1414846


Well-Known Member
i have mylar refectors up in the whole room basically but ill put some reflectors up thanks besides that how do they look ?
cfls don't have the lumens to throw thier light too far so side wall reflection doesn't have much benifit. Even an aluminum pie plate duct taped to the back off the bulb would work. Plants look very poor except that bushy green one. Next grow add 50 % perlite to your soil if you're using that MG again. Water heavily when you need to to flush out any badness in your soil (flushing)


Active Member
hey bro how big are the pots? what type of water do u feed ? have u got a small fan going?
is it cold where they are? when dark is it completly dark?

nutes i try not to use them too but its best to give a feed here and there i have natural nutes like seasol its seaweed nutes

i use wormcastings and coirbrick with some nice soil on my autos i grow 1 at a time
i use six 23watt cfls for mine and have a fan blowing new air in heres a pic of my lol setup
see i have lights surrounding plants
View attachment 1414846
i have 2-3 gallon pots we use distilled water yes i have a fan on there - the lights are definetly out the whole time it gets alil chilly in the room at night. Yea i literally have a bar that uses y splitters do u tink i need to surround the plants more?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i just grow autos personally i get them as close asi can to plant like 2-3 inches away keeps her warm
i go for 20/4 light aswell keep asking around for help + i use 6.5 ph spring water

but u will learn goodluck mate



Active Member
i just grow autos personally i get them as close asi can to plant like 2-3 inches away keeps her warm
i go for 20/4 light aswell keep asking around for help + i use 6.5 ph spring water

but u will learn goodluck mate

the top one was auto but i wasn't around to change the lights when it started to flower and i vegged it for way to long its under 12/12 now but it doesn't seem to do anything if u notice again its at the first day of its 3rd week

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
it shouldent of stuffed it up to much it still grows no matter what lights are going
12/12 will slow it down it must of been stunted by somthing it should be much bigger

take some pics in a few days like the side of plant it may be stunted

with the auto did u put sprout straight into 3 gull pot or veged it first in small container then once on 4 set of leafs
then put in soil ?


Active Member
As a noob i didn't realize that when i was vegging it that it started flowering and never changed the lights soon enough so it may be done with no yeild but it looks amazing. I ended up switching the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 to try and push it into flowering but its the beginning of the 3rd week and the only thing that changed was some new green leaves at the bottom.
You do realize autoflowers are called autoflowering because they flower automaticly! lol.changing the light cycle won't change anything because they don't flower by photoperiod they flower by age. Thats why ppl don't clone them because it won't work well.


Active Member
You do realize autoflowers are called autoflowering because they flower automaticly! lol.changing the light cycle won't change anything because they don't flower by photoperiod they flower by age. Thats why ppl don't clone them because it won't work well.
yes beut if uve looked up anything about the afghan kush ryder's youll find they have had problems going at 18/6 which is why people recommend forcing them into flowering with 12/12