Non-Haters Small T5 Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
Gumball ain't that the truth i wish we could all have this exclusive growers circle that only legit growers, have this map where only there allowed to stop by and check shit out, but way to much security shit deals with that lol
that would be cool :D

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
hey there nonhater, i had to stop by, i couldn't resist.

I must admit i'm highly intrigued about that little MRS technique! Something i might try on some mid-grade seeds i still have lying around. Very nice. I'm anxious to see that plant later on down the line!


Well-Known Member
what up nonhater, joining late but joining nonetheless lol. the mrs technique is interesting, look forward to seeing how that turns out. are you using it for more root structure or are you gonna eventually separate it from the main stem?


Well-Known Member
hey there nonhater, i had to stop by, i couldn't resist.

I must admit i'm highly intrigued about that little MRS technique! Something i might try on some mid-grade seeds i still have lying around. Very nice. I'm anxious to see that plant later on down the line!
Ya me as well! Thanks for stopping by bro!

what up nonhater, joining late but joining nonetheless lol. the mrs technique is interesting, look forward to seeing how that turns out. are you using it for more root structure or are you gonna eventually separate it from the main stem?
I plan on just using the MRS towards a better root structure, thanks for joining in on the fun!

So my male went male to female Herm, different from the usual female to male. This good be a really good thing or a really bad.




Well-Known Member
Can you re-post that and ask UB in my Well Here Goes Again ?
If anyone knows about it, it would be UB, RM3, or Brick top. He & RiddleMe follow mine so maybe they'd have some insight.:leaf: You might have the male DJ Short mentions and they have advice I would take to the Bank. Pun fully intended.:-P

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
wow, thats wild looking, nice pic. will those be female seeds now?
"Female" seeds aren't grown my friend, oh-no. I wish it were that simple. It's actually a rather long, and hard complicated, and chemical process, thats done to the seeds. Thats how you get feminised seeds.

So NONHater, that male. Is that one of the plants you have MRS'd? Either way, if your plans include crossing that male strain, with a female different strain. You will have to keep your eyes on the seeds, because you will have one set of seeds (on the female) which will be the crossed version. and the other set of seeds, on the male that grew pistils, and calyxs. If ones thinks about it, it's not that bad of an idea. Gives you more chances to try again, with a full on male. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Can you re-post that and ask UB in my Well Here Goes Again ?
If anyone knows about it, it would be UB, RM3, or Brick top. He & RiddleMe follow mine so maybe they'd have some insight.:leaf: You might have the male DJ Short mentions and they have advice I would take to the Bank. Pun fully intended.:-P
MOAL! Ya I'll deff do that. I used to talk to UB on another name but not no more but I do talk to Brick Top. Ill post it up in your thread and ask UB and also PM BT.

wow, thats wild looking, nice pic. will those be female seeds now?
Really not sure? Might shoot blanks? Might shoot pollen gold? But...I DO NOT female seeds because I'm making F2's to make F3's and so on.

Ya dude that looks crazy its a first for me to see, lol
First for me as well..Kinda upset about it actually lol wish it could have just had balls no hairs being my first male.

"Female" seeds aren't grown my friend, oh-no. I wish it were that simple. It's actually a rather long, and hard complicated, and chemical process, thats done to the seeds. Thats how you get feminised seeds.

So NONHater, that male. Is that one of the plants you have MRS'd? Either way, if your plans include crossing that male strain, with a female different strain. You will have to keep your eyes on the seeds, because you will have one set of seeds (on the female) which will be the crossed version. and the other set of seeds, on the male that grew pistils, and calyxs. If ones thinks about it, it's not that bad of an idea. Gives you more chances to try again, with a full on male. Good luck man!

I have seen for myself that when you cross a herm (female to male herm) to a female you will indeed get female seeds. Now I don't know if this is !00% of the time but I do know its in the 90's. My buddy crossed a Strawberry Cough Herm to NL and ALL the seeds were fem that I grew, he grew...even sent the shit across the US and that dude had all females. Not saying its the only way but it's one way.

I did not MRS this one. The only plant I dd the MRS too is the female HHXSCxNL,I will be inbreeding so same strain.

Yall check this out...Good buddy D hooked me up with this great info on my Male to Female this is just a possibility..

From DJ Short maybe this helps.

(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites declared males that eventually sport female flowers as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)


Well-Known Member
Ya I thought so myself as well...

So I got the 3000k bulbs(2) in the T5 Finally and some more FFOF soil.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
MOAL! Ya I'll deff do that. I used to talk to UB on another name but not no more but I do talk to Brick Top. Ill post it up in your thread and ask UB and also PM BT.


I have seen for myself that when you cross a herm (female to male herm) to a female you will indeed get female seeds. Now I don't know if this is !00% of the time but I do know its in the 90's. My buddy crossed a Strawberry Cough Herm to NL and ALL the seeds were fem that I grew, he grew...even sent the shit across the US and that dude had all females. Not saying its the only way but it's one way.

I did not MRS this one. The only plant I dd the MRS too is the female HHXSCxNL,I will be inbreeding so same strain.

Yall check this out...Good buddy D hooked me up with this great info on my Male to Female this is just a possibility..

From DJ Short maybe this helps.

(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites declared males that eventually sport female flowers as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)
Oh, man i'm sorry. I I could have sworn i read that being a technique used somewhere in high times. I had absolutely no idea feminised seeds were due to plant stress! I apologize for my false information. I read a little about it here also: Seed plaza.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty cool. I'm just now looking into cloning myself.

Still undecided which cloning gel to go with.:-?
try clonex. thats what i use. i'll be comparing it to juicy roots as soon as i'm able to order it.

Nice roots NON, finding FFOF around here can be a pain. people buy it up like it's a drought.


Well-Known Member
Oh, man i'm sorry. I I could have sworn i read that being a technique used somewhere in high times. I had absolutely no idea feminised seeds were due to plant stress! I apologize for my false information. I read a little about it here also: Seed plaza.
All good all good CD is just a good friend of mine.

That's pretty cool. I'm just now looking into cloning myself.

Still undecided which cloning gel to go with.:-?
I just use the bubble cloner myself. Just like 2.5gal of water and a couple drops of superthrive. I do have some gel though BCUZZ is the company that makes it. Used it to do the MRS.

try clonex. thats what i use. i'll be comparing it to juicy roots as soon as i'm able to order it.

Nice roots NON, finding FFOF around here can be a pain. people buy it up like it's a drought.
Ya luckily my buddy works at the hydro shop. I just hit him up and he delivers that day no tax:-P

Did you guys see the MRS and the Male to Female herm?


Active Member
Looking good bro I like that rooting thing ya did with the branch might try it. My internet still isn't hooked waitng for the modem to get here tomorrow UPS has it!! How much snow you get there have 9 or 10 and 14 more coming. I'm on on a local network don't wanna put to much stuff on here. But I have 2 males so far and all my clones have roots from the bubble cloner thanks bro for the tips we gotta talk soon before the spring!! I have 4 kiwi clones and 4 other not sure what off top of head. Have to get my pollen and stuff posted on the pushas tomorrow night and update wait til you see amazing is all!!! Peace

Kiwi Skunk almost ready 50-60 day plant looks amazing gonna have to get ya a package sent out soon I'll talk to ya tomorrow ok


Well-Known Member
Hell ya man you know I'll be watching! Happy ya got roots as well. I think we got about...12in and suppose to get pounded tonight and tomm..Hate snow.