Got my Volcano!


Well alright it was last week I actually got it but none the less to say I am stoked. I will say that it took me a few days to come to appreciate the effect as much as I love the taste and results from just simply putting fire to my herb of choice. Call me old school, I been doing it the same general way for over 30 years now. Health reasons pushed me. More like a month long lung infection from herb abuse.

Idk if anyone really cares to hear what I thought about the Volcano, but if so let me know and I'll tell how you all about it.

Anybody got any recommendations for other herbs you might be vaping?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I really love my Da Buddha and the fresh green taste I get from vaped weed. On occasion, I will spark one up in a bowl just to get that old familiar taste. :p

Good luck with your Volcano. I hear it's one of the best.


a few days after I got it I sparked up a bowl....figured ahhhh its blue dream....lets see.....I was plenty amazed with a completely clean bowl it dirty tasting. That blew me away. The blue dream and some swag is the only herbs I have been able to put in it but I am stoked. I look forward to some frosty nuggets as the blue dream looked as if it had been tumbled and was a lil dry to my liking.


Active Member
my patients and i never vaporized any herbs except weed. the volcano is awesome but imo overpriced. 2 of my patients each have one. the starter piece is not very durable. i ordered 2 of them and they also broke. then i ordered the easy solid valve. it is much better and much more durable. plus the rolls of new balloons are only like $10 each. i ordered 1 roll and they sent me 4 rolls LOL. might be because my patients and i spend a lot of money ordering from there company. another nice thing about the easy solid valve is you can make your balloons any size. they have a recommended size to make it (23 inches) but really you could make it as big as you want. ha imagine a balloon 10 feet long. if there is ever a hash bash near my town think im going to bring a 10 foot balloon filled with vapor of top quality smoke. hope you enjoy!


I have wanted one as long as I can remember. I got the solid valve right off because of exactly what you describe, durability.
I put a bigger bag on for the low clean burns of swag. Wow 365 on some lower grade is like puff and slump. That's something else I like about it. I can dial in the type of results I want by temp selection. Pretty cool. But since the ol lady and I were putting away like a qp about every 2 1/2 weeks, we like it stong unless it just puts you to sleep.

I have heard other ppl talk about using other herbs or mixing a lil mint into their herb for the flavor. Idk...figure theere has to be some other grandioso use I can get outta my 669 buck Volcano LOL

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Congrats you now own the finest vaporizer that i am aware of. You can use cooking/turkey bags for your refills. have found em at the dollar store even. clean parts in alcohol regularly. it is a real change of pace... but i think the essence tastes better than actually burning one. i keep mine dialed down in temp and chuck-it after it begins to taste like burnt popcorn. cleaner, higher energy buzz. the healthy approach.


Informative. Been smoking for 11 years and tried many vaporizers but never found one that worked as good as toking. I've kinda always known I needed to break down and get a Volcano. Someday I'll have the money. Sounds like it's worth it. It'll make my wife a happy woman.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I made this post some time ago, lots of info >

heres an excerpt, a little updated... i just repost and repost

Sr. Verde said:
I was JUST checking to see if there is a Volcano Thread.

I too have the solid valve digital!

heres some info:

From my research I have concluded that different cannabinoids (with different effects) are released/vaporized at different temperatures.

365F-392F is the cannabinoid spectrum. [at least for the volcano bag system, poplars hypothesized that different methods of pumping air over the herb, changed the actual vaporization temperature.. ]

365F is basically THC

378F is like CBN

392F is CBD

(I'm either getting CBN or CBD confused I'm not sure)

Either way, for best results this is what I do:

Grind your herb into a FINE powder. - - that orange grinder they give you works pretty well but beware of the plastic breaking off. I use a metal two piece space case, and grind it as fine as possible.. just more surface area = better for vapes.

You don't need to put a LOT in there, put enough to cover the surface area of the screen - - - (you can put in more and get more fucked up but usually a small amount does me in just fine)

Turn the Volcano to 365F, put the chamber on there with NO bag attached.

This is what I found is best.. however you may find something that works better for you... pretty much you want to continually increase temperature as you vaporize. How you do this is up to you... I like to inflate it as i bring up the temp, but some people set it and leave it for a few bags.. it works either way..

I find that having the temperature changing during inflation results in a smoother, more full bodied high. There is NO problem with running it at a single temp, my recommendation is just from experience.

A few things:

Preheating: Well, the cannabinoids wont begin to evaporate until the substance itself is heated to the correct temp. When you put a cold chamber on the volcano and turn it on you will notice how vapor doesn't come out for a few seconds, before that it's just air. That's because the air heats the bud up, then the bud releases vapor & it goes into the bag.. Well personally I like as much vapor in my bag as possible. So before I attach the bag I let it run for a second or two. You can also let it pre-heat by letting the chamber sit on top of the volcano for a minute or so, but letting it run without a bag for a quick moment is the quickest/easiest.

Volcano hash: All that sticky brown shit that collects on the volcano is basically hash, solidified THC vapor . You can scrape it off some parts fairly easy and smoke it. Most of the substance gets collected on the little metal cone thing that screws into the bag mechanism (you'll see when you clean your volcano) Be careful it FUCKS you up :lol:

Other than that I can't think of anything really. Dis-assemble the parts and clean with alcohol. Try to keep the screens clean; the more airflow the better.

Any questions just PM me, I've been using the Volcano Digital since November of 2009. It's a very simple device. A lot of stuff is learned by using it and figuring out how to make it the most efficient. The beginning is alllll experimentation, so enjoy that man. Remember you might not get as high at first because you don't know how to use it to it's full potential. It took me a little over a week to COMPLETELY figure it out but that's because I was doing it without any tips ;)


I think just reading this threads I am now looking at sites to buy my volcano. Anyone have good site to get best price on my new volcano? I can't wait, if old school toker say they like volcano so will i. Most old school growers are all pipes and papers.


yep I wont lie. It does have a lillte bit of a curve. Like starting all over again. First noticeable high I got was a plastered almost paranoid high because I was like here.....lets crank this thing up and do some bong hits LOL.
I learned better and I learnedthat it doesnt take much at all. just a small amount will get two good bags and three if its good herb.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I think just reading this threads I am now looking at sites to buy my volcano. Anyone have good site to get best price on my new volcano? I can't wait, if old school toker say they like volcano so will i. Most old school growers are all pipes and papers.
Find someone that works at a headshop and try n barter... they are expensive as hell. Luv em... got an original then a digital just in case the first one breaks. these are the shit. made in germany. consider how much less using a vape smells. thinking about getting an iolite for portable travel. have taken one for a test drive and they seem to do the trick.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Find someone that works at a headshop and try n barter... they are expensive as hell. Luv em... got an original then a digital just in case the first one breaks. these are the shit. made in germany. consider how much less using a vape smells. thinking about getting an iolite for portable travel. have taken one for a test drive and they seem to do the trick.
Yes, this is a good point. I can contest to the vape smell. It does smell, LIGHTLY like the sweet sweet ganja.. that smell stays IN the air, it doesn't really settle... when you open the door or window it all flows out.. once it flows out the smell is GONE.. NOT like smoking a blunt in a room and it still stinks like roached butthole the next day.... turning on the volcano now to vape some blue crack :)

oh yea. I want an iolite also.
I heard they break pretty consistently.. i was in the same boat til I heard that about the $200 device! I'd rather get some realllly nice sturdy glass for that much coin

I think just reading this threads I am now looking at sites to buy my volcano. Anyone have good site to get best price on my new volcano? I can't wait, if old school toker say they like volcano so will i. Most old school growers are all pipes and papers.

It doesn't replace papers and pipes, but it's great to have... I probably get high like 80% of the time off the volcano, I still smoke bong rips, roll up joints and the occasional blunt.. Dirty pipes though? nooo I turn those down :lol: too nasty.. at least joints are burning fresh herb no 2 month old resin. Back to the volcano: great for every day because it tastes delicious, like nothing else. Brings out real flavor with the smells. If you got good buds it's amazing. Also, the high lasts longer, vaporizers are more efficient that combustion, about twice as efficient (fact look it up). SO you get the same high off 1/2 of the bud... or you get twice as high off the same amount. it saves a lot money if your an everyday smoker is a good website. I use them. You won't find anywhere 'cheaper' really, most online retailers sell the volcano at the same price... however you can go out into town, find a shop with a volcano and try to barter.. SOME shops have trouble selling $500+ vaporizers, and may just want to get SOME money for it... so you can 'take it off their hands' for cheaper you know? Just make sure it's new and what not..


Well-Known Member
just grabbed a arizer extreme for 160 shipped. that volcano looks slick but i had to buy some new led lights too so i had to put that one on the back burner. next is the spin pro and after that the volcano is coming home baby. :)

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
just grabbed a arizer extreme for 160 shipped. that volcano looks slick but i had to buy some new led lights too so i had to put that one on the back burner. next is the spin pro and after that the volcano is coming home baby. :)
what's a spin pro? hash extractor... any good? bubble bags are too much work.


Well if the iolite is out....what would be the portable vaporizer of choice? I have my hopes of going all vapor at some point. I am out more than I am in when the sun shines and I spend more sometimes being on the street than I do at home.

Oh and I will took my ol lady to point it out, but as tolerant as I was to just putting a flame to my herb of choice....vaping it makes driving or anything else that calls for rational judgement, just plain dangerous. After having tolerated for so long I thought I was impervious to the white knuckled swerve back into my lane while muttering under my breathe...Fuck I'm baked. I will be the first to say......go easy, always understand your tolerances and watch out for each other. You always wanna make it back to home plate.

I like the way my friend told me today when he saw I bought a Volcano........"Daaaammmmn, you went right from freebasing the shit to shooting up! Fucking graduate"

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
My friend has been using the Iolite every day for about a month. They do require a little finesse... there is a real learning curve on how to refill and keep er going. I could see them busting within a year, but may still be worth it if they are the best portable. They look like cell phones. So if you notice someone that appears to be chewing on their antenna, then you now know what's up. Stealth

I would like to know if there is another hand-held that compares to the Iolite...

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Oh and I will took my ol lady to point it out, but as tolerant as I was to just putting a flame to my herb of choice....vaping it makes driving or anything else that calls for rational judgement, just plain dangerous. After having tolerated for so long I thought I was impervious to the white knuckled swerve back into my lane while muttering under my breathe...Fuck I'm baked. I will be the first to say......go easy, always understand your tolerances and watch out for each other. You always wanna make it back to home plate.

I like the way my friend told me today when he saw I bought a Volcano........"Daaaammmmn, you went right from freebasing the shit to shooting up! Fucking graduate"
Right Man! Be Safe - Pace yourself - Especially when you are out on the road.
Live to Vape Another Day... without one speck of red-tape
Peace my turkey baggin' friends