Almost 8 weeks flowering but no even close to done :? VISC Titanium 2nd grow. PICS!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
that's too bad this post used to be in the grow faq's section here and was so much easier to use ,i used to refer to it often


Thanks robert. Yes the plant are deep purple this round I think its because of the temps. I ran my exhaust back into the tent and its up to 70F during the day but it still fell to 51F last night. I need a small space heater but my main concern is running up my electricity bill.


you will be ok if u sort ya temps out becuz u have put ya plants back buy not havin right temps they will be fine also u have 2 make sure u have no light leaks from anywhere when its the dark time as this can also confuse them make sure u give them 12 on 12 off as they have 2 be bang on you be ok i no people had the same prob and still had a good result
Thank you I now have hope. I know I definitely have no light leaks and Im on 12/12. Im getting my temps fixed and hopefully this grow works out.

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks robert. Yes the plant are deep purple this round I think its because of the temps. I ran my exhaust back into the tent and its up to 70F during the day but it still fell to 51F last night. I need a small space heater but my main concern is running up my electricity bill.

If a strain that normally does not turn purple due to genetics turns purple then you are almost certainly dealing with a Phosphorus issue. When temperatures get to 50 degrees F. or below it will inhibit the intake of Phosphorus. If you only had one night of 51 degrees F. that should not have been nearly enough for the coloration seen in the pictures.


If a strain that normally does not turn purple due to genetics turns purple then you are almost certainly dealing with a Phosphorus issue. When temperatures get to 50 degrees F. or below it will inhibit the intake of Phosphorus. If you only had one night of 51 degrees F. that should not have been nearly enough for the coloration seen in the pictures.
51F was only last night. There was a two week period it was getting down to almost 40F :(

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top If a strain that normally does not turn purple due to genetics turns purple then you are almost certainly dealing with a Phosphorus issue. When temperatures get to 50 degrees F. or below it will inhibit the intake of Phosphorus. If you only had one night of 51 degrees F. that should not have been nearly enough for the coloration seen in the pictures.

51F was only last night. There was a two week period it was getting down to almost 40F :(

That would explain it then.

Brick Top

New Member
On a side note besides the slow growth what is the cause of these problems with these two leaves??
You may have something else going on but considering your plants are obviously Phosphorus deficient I would say that would be the most likely culprit. When Phosphorus deficient the edges all around the leaves or half of the leaves can be brownish and work its way inwards a bit causing the part of the leaves to curl up in the air a bit.

Does that seem to sound somewhat like what you see with the leaves in question?


Sounds about right. Ok so the first pic is do to a phosphorous deficiency which is caused by the low temps I almost have the temps right so that problem is just about solved. What about the second pic?

Brick Top

New Member
Sounds about right. Ok so the first pic is do to a phosphorous deficiency which is caused by the low temps I almost have the temps right so that problem is just about solved. What about the second pic?

Can you be more specific ... I have to admit that I only glanced at the second of the two picture thinking it might be the same thing from a different angle ... what am I looking for?

Brick Top

New Member
I did notice that ... and a few to the right and a bit lower than are a bit crinkled/bent down too but I didn't think that was what you were asking about.

With the plants being so purple it's hard to say if it is an early sign of 'the claw' or not. If the leaves were very dark green I would say it might be, but with the purple it is hard to tell.

While it is not the most common thing it could be a Copper deficiency. That will cause a bluish discoloration that would blend in with the purple making it hard to spot but it will cause leaves to curl down at the ends and some crinkling. If the new top growth looks wilted, and worse, bleached, then Copper would likely be the deal ... but it is hard to say right now.

If the curled down leaf rolls under along the edges and gets narrow looking ... then it is 'the claw.' If you have the temp problem solved and a more regular color returns it will be easier to say for sure .. but right now I am not sure what to blame it on.


Ok thanks for all the wisdom brick top. My temps are almost in order. I should of got temps in order long ago I was slacking.


Ok guys new problem! I ran my exhaust back into the tent so now my day time temps are 78F :) night time temps still drop to 53F but a small space heater on at night will fix that very soon. BUT! since i started running my exhaust in my humidity has gone through the roof!! 67% during the day and 97% at night!!


Well-Known Member
I had the same issues my last grow, it was in a box in my shed and my 9 and 10 week strains finished 9n 12 weeks. My day temps were 80 or so but night got anywhere from 45-60. The space heater for lights off does kill the power bill, stupid little things use twice the energy of the lights. Get a heater with a thermostat and keep it in there at all times, set it at 70 for lights on and 57-60 lights off. Get the temps under control and it will be much easier to see what your other issues are. Good luck, this shit is a headache I know.


Well-Known Member
Just want to mention my grow room temps go from 72 to 55 and have no growth issues on Pineapple Express, Magus Genetics Motavation and AK48. Obviously strains will differ in response to cold but it definitely isnt doom if you drop to the 50's at night as long as it is consistent. I realize everyone will say I am slowing growth but I actually am anticipating (6th week) a bumper harvest compared to the last which was a summertime nightmare, 85-90 daytime only dropping to 75 at night. So in my opinion cold, as long as its consistent, is less stressful than heat.


thanks you two guys but my concern now is humidity. 67% day and 97% at night!! this can't be good there is condensation on the walls of the tent, Im afraid of mold. I hear a bowl of kitty litter is a good cheap desiccant if I put that in my tent in front the exhaust that will lower the humidity anyone tried this?


Well-Known Member
I bought a dehumidifier that you would put in a closet or confined space to keep clothes in decent shape and it brought my humidity down in a large room 10 percent. I belive its called Eva-Dry or something like 20 bucks on amazon. Other than that I dont see why kitty litter wouldn't work albeit a little stinky


Well-Known Member
Personally I think you need to heat the room with the light and heater alone and not the exhaust air, personal opinion, gives you better control. Also if humidity is going to stay that high you need a dehumidifier badly, that high will cause mold when you get those babies going again. My climate is very dry right now my humidity was 15% to none during flower.