need eperienced eyes! pics


Active Member

hey everyone these ladies just entered flower today and what started as a small problem on one of them about a week ago has gotten worse and is visible to some extent on all of them now.
they are in soil and the ph is not the problem as it is consistantly perfect.
but the water is hard and the ppm's of the off gas'd tap water is just over 100.

does this look like a mag deficiency to anyone?
nuteburn? the reason I dont think its nuteburn is because last go around the same strains took 3x the nutes and never did this.
many of the lower fan leaves are completely yellow.

thanks for lookin ;P


Well-Known Member
it looks like nitrogen deficiency to me, i would flush it with ph water only for one feed, then get super thrive or any kinda 1-1-1 tea add these to your regular feed


Active Member
so this can be tackled by adding superthrive to their current cocktail?
they are on AN grow micro bloom, as well as some other AN additives


im having the same damn problem on all my plants just got done fighting those rat bastard spidermites but my leafs look the same way with the exception of more dots on them


Active Member
if im using a micro grow bloom fert, why would they be deficient in n p k?
could this be a result of going to long between feedings? I always use plain water betwwen feedings


Active Member
they are getting worse... i read i should add a fertilizer of 5-5-5 or higher...
really need sound advice please.....


Active Member
does anyone think this could be a manganese dificency? according to this chart i found.. manganese and iron would be the most likely culprit, and the pics i found of a manganese issue looked similar...........
