Police Detection


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a highly debated topic which i still do not know much about. Here is an article i've copied from Wikipedia.

Often, simple camouflage techniques can avert detection, such as mixing cannabis plants with other bushy, leafy species. Plants started outdoors late in the season do not grow as tall, attracting less attention when placed next to plants of similar or taller stature.
A common technique used by many outdoor growers is to dig a hole and put a potted plant in it. This can reduce a plant's height by at least a foot, reducing visibility to neighbors, visitors and guests. Also, some growers top the plant when it is only 12 inches (30 cm) high, and grow the 2 tops horizontally along a trellis. When using this technique, it is unlikely the plant will grow to be over 3 feet (1 m) tall.
Law enforcement agencies often monitor certain wider areas, particularly areas of countryside with a significant history of outdoor cannabis cultivation. In helicopters, they use infrared cameras and other equipment that can detect cannabis by measuring the heat and reflective signature of the vegetation below[citation needed]. Cannabis has higher reflectivity at certain wavelengths than other rural crops, such as corn. Law enforcement agencies have found that the use of this technology has become necessary in their detection efforts because many growers hide cannabis among other plants, making detection with the naked eye difficult even from the air. These techniques are effective and difficult to defeat because a plant's reflective signature is difficult to change or mask. It has been said[who?] that if the cannabis plant is planted by a pine or cedar tree, the heat from the tree overlaps the cannabis plant heat, making it harder to detect from helicopters.

If anyone can shed some light on the topic i would appreciate it. I wonder if planting 1 or 2 plants per spot is difficult to detect?
Omg I don't know much on this topic but I really am interested to see what everyone posts especially proven techniques, to see what works and what is just fake


Active Member
Generally speaking when growing outdoors you want to avoid the eyesores that allow people to even consider the fact that you are growing. Examples include paths, growing by bodies of water, cups, garbage bags, and unusual foot traffic in otherwise empty areas. If you are only growing a dozen or so plants nobodies going to really bother you cause cops have better shit to do with helicopters than bust small scale guerilla growers. Bigtime growers have another thing coming but small stuff isn't really a red light for law enforcement. Just plant near vegetation and don't give the police reason to use infrared sensors. Its not lke they carry it around with them all the time.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the police , ,, lets start spying on and watching them !!!
awsome idea lol. I saw this shit on tv last night. There was this state trooper just croooooozing threw the streets with no lights on or anyting. And this guy had a camera so he started taping the cop and following him on city streets and had to go almost a hundred mph to keep up with the cop. After recording the cop blowing a stop sign, the guy in the car decides to pull over the cop!!! he started honking and then questioned the cop and shit. It was so funny and he didnt even get arrested.
I would really like to get some other people in on this.

As far as my understanding is, the helicopters in the sky are using infrared technology but not on outdoor plants. You must understand that WIKI's are written by people and sometimes don't have any factual evidence to support their claims. If you read what the text says, "Law enforcement agencies often monitor certain wider areas, particularly areas of countryside with a significant history of outdoor cannabis cultivation". They reference old pictures with new ones.

If we are talking about infrared technology, the heat signature changes between plants and cannabis would be so insignificant that even the latest and greatest FLIR cameras would not be able to detect it. The way they find outdoor grows is simple, they just look for bunched up green areas, and you would be able to tell easily due to the requirements of the plant, significant amount of light (in an open field or someplace with a lot of light). Around some type of water source, so looking at a water table of an area would give someone a good idea. etc etc.

They use FLIR infrared cameras for indoor grows and its SIMPLE. All you indoor growers know the heat your 1000 watt is putting off is extremely warm. Here is a link to an infrared camera looking at a house >

There are solutions to block IR but most people dont want to spend the money.

This is sky views of fields: http://www.newsoxy.com/images/0721/marijuana-texas-sky.jpg
http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/crime/Marijuana Grow.pdf - Adobe Reader.JPG

Look at the significant color changes from the cannabis surroundings:

You guys also have to think, there is no "book" on how to find marijuana growers. The police use their heads to find you and they have a good amount of resources.

Please do note, I am not sure if there is a technology out there that can actually detect a marijuana plant. I would not be surprised if it does because if 1 person creates it... every law enforcement agency in america would have one and if that person was ballin before, hes now bill gatin.

Hope this helps and again I'd like some more people to step in on this since its an ever growing (no pun intended) problem.


Well-Known Member
Yes but if you haven't already looked at the info and picture it shows that cannabis plants REFLECT a certain ammount of light, which is more than some other plants. The MYTH is that cannabis plants give off more heat. I've heard this many places and am just trying to find out if this is hard to use to spot small ammounts of plants... we all know many plants in one place is looking for trouble.


Well-Known Member
Your USA government is a bunch of retards. All they have to do is release a little pollen from a plane in Humboldt County and then it'd turn to shit real fast. Lot cheaper than all this electronic methods or cutting down plants!


Well-Known Member
Your onto it man remote sensing detects reflected light and heat signatures and Im sure marijuana has a specific ratio compared to native veg. in any given area


Well-Known Member
Your USA government is a bunch of retards. All they have to do is release a little pollen from a plane in Humboldt County and then it'd turn to shit real fast. Lot cheaper than all this electronic methods or cutting down plants!
haha i never thought of that. I don't live in Cali, but don't give them any ideas! loll


Well-Known Member
This is referring to LARGE SCALE MULTI MILLION DOLLAR GROWs. not your outback hidden garden. this is meant for the Cartels planting Thousands of plants on acres of land in national forests.


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Well-Known Member
my dad is an airforce vet and retired LAPD. he says straight up, would the Feds/Local Gov, spend more $ on refueling a heli than your grow is worth? this technology was built for Huge Grows.. nothing we can comprehend.


Well-Known Member
ok. i have a friend who flies the dope chopper on the east coast side states.hot spots are what infrared is for, big lights crate big heat in small areas, outside id imagine that noones really using manmade lights, so infrared would be pointless. indoors if you keep your grow down and under heat constraints/electrical constraints your not setting of bells and whistles. if per say your growing in a "growhouse" it would put off considerably more heat than a regular everyday home. in the woods i know peps in 3 states that have patches every years. ohio is one of them, grows some killer buds. lives in the woods and they found one of his spots last year. bright green patches attract attention. keep your grow small and patchy, dont group all your plants together in the same area. use your legs and walk a little out of the way and spread 2 or 3 patches. youll be fine.


Active Member
plant in 2's. just plant 2 in one spot, then walk like 50-100feet, plant another 2, and keep doing that until you planted as many as you want. it will be virtually impossible for anybody to detect.


New Member
plant in 2's. just plant 2 in one spot, then walk like 50-100feet, plant another 2, and keep doing that until you planted as many as you want. it will be virtually impossible for anybody to detect.
unless someone stumbles across it cops know when to go out and look for fields and thats usually close to first frost
friends used to plant inbetween corn crops and try to get it before farmer harvests and theres others that pay farmers to be quiet
most police if they even found it go to farmer he plays dumb and they just rip it out
now not more then 5 yrs ago out door pot was big money as most pot was taken into the states from canada and mexico
these days out door fetches you crap people are lucky to get 600 -800 a pound 800 being on the high side
usa smokers have decided to grow there own so the costs involved getting 400 - 2000 clones ready soils plant fertilizers and WATER
you got to carry in
police look wheres theres close bodys of water when theres no rain for days plants need water cost of trimming machines paying trimmers remember your not yielding 5 pounds but in the bal park of 100 + pounds
So IMO is it really worth it NOT 9 times out of 10 you will lose your pot to thiefs , animals ( DEER ) and the cops finding it


Well-Known Member
Damn I think you guys are going to nail this down once and for all. Thanks for all this info to look over boys.


Active Member
these days out door fetches you crap people are lucky to get 600 -800 a pound 800 being on the high side
your completely wrong, you can grow very potent marijuana outdoors. just last season I grew T. Timewarp, very potent shit, it could be compared to Indoor. People were willing to pay $3000 a pound for it.

"these days outdoor fetches you crap"

what exactly would make nowdays, different from any other time period, that it wouldnt allow you to grow good marijuana outdoors anymore?

as for 9 out for 10. those are very high numbers, you are exxagerating.

I lose about 30% of my crop due to weather/mold/animals/bugs/thiefs.

if i grew 50 plants, id expect to lose around 15. other 35 would be split in half after sexing, or if i grew fem seed, then id have around 35. but then again, there is always variables that cannot be predicted every year. but nothing so drastic as 90%, unless there is a natural disaster, or other such extremes.

you just have to plant accordingly to how many you predict you will lose. from previous results.

if you grow small like 10 fem plants, you can easily watch out for them and have them all survive. Neem Oil + chicken wire fences, copper around the base of the stock. you minimize risk of animals, and pests. plant in a deserted location, you minimize theft.

ive gone through many small grows without losing any. shit tends to happen when you start growing more, and stop putting so much attention into the individual plant.

about cops, they cant spot shit, if you plant in twos majorly spaced. what gives away outdoor marijuana ops, is giant patches. my friend even leaves his shit out when everything else is dead pretty much, all you see is green plants in the center of a forest. he never gets busted.

plant by water, you never have to lug shitloads into the spot. camo your spots of 2, along other plants. dont have them just sticking out.

plant in deserted locations where nobody can observe you constantly checking your spot.

bring some "excuse" with u, whenever checking the spot, that way you have a alliby.

wear gloves when touching any equiptment, and dispose of gloves after, or bring them home. leave all equiptment hidden in your grow forest.

cops have no chance of spotting spots of two, and i doubt random cops would be walking around random forests in the middle of nowhere.

chances of getting busted are around 1% if you read up on all techniques, and have common sence, and some background knowledge on how police bust outdoor grows.

P.S. i know of people easily gettin around cops with 200-400 outdoor plant grows.

he got busted last year, because he had 6' monsters in his backyard. nosey neighbour called cops, they seized the plants, got a search warrant for his house, found another 50 sprouts in veg room, 25 flowering plants. his stupidity. gets busted because he had 3 6' (around there) plants in his backyard. yet he got away with big illegal ops in his house and outdoors. lol. its the little things that fuck you.

me myself, i dont biz with giant ops. i dont sell so i dont need to grow more then 10, for personal use.