What is wrong with this place???

Turtle Koi

Active Member
instead of that smart ass response why didnt you explain howto do what the guy asked? ASS-HOLE...
ey little cunty ass if someone dont know how to push the manage attachments button dont have anything to do growing pot just a though, why didnt YOU explain, BIT-CH...


Well-Known Member
ey little cunty ass if someone dont know how to push the manage attachments button dont have anything to do growing pot just a though, why didnt YOU explain, BIT-CH...
"Grumpy Old Dreamer likes this."
You and Grumpy should go get a room together and make passionate love together, considering you two just love each others posts so much. Now Mr Genius, tell me what being technologically savvy has to do with anyone's abilty to grow pot? Right it doesn't.

Oh btw, from the look of your journal, I would'nt be telling anyone anything about growing pot.... you better start helping people post more pictures so you can learn a little something.

Now go on and show everyone how tuff and badass you are by responding to this by calling me a bunch of names.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Thin of it like being in a crowded pub. You have to give people reason to stop their banter and their drinking and listen to you. A lot of people already have multiple threads they already have a hard time keeping on top of, so you gotta give them a reason to want to frequent your journal. I've created plenty of threads which have had little to no response,boohoo,


Well-Known Member
Thin of it like being in a crowded pub. You have to give people reason to stop their banter and their drinking and listen to you. A lot of people already have multiple threads they already have a hard time keeping on top of, so you gotta give them a reason to want to frequent your journal. I've created plenty of threads which have had little to no response,boohoo,
You are right it is very much like a crowded pub, in that this place has a lot of nice people and a few assholes.


Well-Known Member
so much for not getting u to bite lol

GL on ur grows ;)
lol ya, usually I don't, just finnaly got sick of a couple people. I still won't bite though in the way of posting insults back and forth with someone.

thanks for the gl, back at ya,

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thin of it like being in a crowded pub. You have to give people reason to stop their banter and their drinking and listen to you. A lot of people already have multiple threads they already have a hard time keeping on top of, so you gotta give them a reason to want to frequent your journal. I've created plenty of threads which have had little to no response,boohoo,
that's a pretty solid anology. spot on.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Thin of it like being in a crowded pub. You have to give people reason to stop their banter and their drinking and listen to you. A lot of people already have multiple threads they already have a hard time keeping on top of, so you gotta give them a reason to want to frequent your journal. I've created plenty of threads which have had little to no response,boohoo,
bingo. every time i see a thread titled, "quick question" or "help me please" i just skip it. there's literally 56458 threads with those titles. no way in hell am i going to read them all. i read the ones where i can pretty much tell from the thread title if it's something i'm interested in, or at least in the first sentence so i can hover over the thread before i open it. also i don't (usually) bother reading redundant threads or threads that are in the wrong section, like noob questions in the advanced forum...

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
ey little cunty ass if someone dont know how to push the manage attachments button dont have anything to do growing pot just a though, why didnt YOU explain, BIT-CH...
and you bitch....need to learn to use a period....and dont worry about my garden skills, i sure as hell dont need to post my grows to impress anybody. so fuck you turtle boy


Well-Known Member
As someone on this site that gets lots of hits I can tell you exactly how to "form a following" put links to your threads in your sig file then simply go into the forums and help others. Answer questions and solve problems, it is what the community is all about, helping others get thier grow on and spreading the MJ love around the world. Once you establish with the community that you have some skills & knowledge they will come to you, it is that simple and it is fun :)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
As someone on this site that gets lots of hits I can tell you exactly how to "form a following" put links to your threads in your sig file then simply go into the forums and help others. Answer questions and solve problems, it is what the community is all about, helping others get thier grow on and spreading the MJ love around the world. Once you establish with the community that you have some skills & knowledge they will come to you, it is that simple and it is fun :)
there you go. solid advice from the dude with the threads everyone reads. it's true. i often click links in people's sigs. it's the best way to rediscover a thread that may have become buried.


Well-Known Member
Maybe when you post -- wait a few days, even a week, then "bump" your post. That way it goes back to the top of the list. Keep doing it until someone responds. If you dont feel like doing that, or are too impatient, maybe write a response to your own post, create a conversation with yourself. Im sure at some point someone will be high enough to join in.


Well-Known Member
Let it die already.... or not ...guess some people cant read the last part of my first post that is BOLD and UNDERLINED.