Top feed schedule


Active Member
Anyone running top feed?

Whats your feeding schedule?

Whats your nutes/ppm at what stage?

I am running top feed buckets already, just wondering what everyone else is feeding and how often.


Active Member
I feed 3x/day for 15 minutes I run AN Sensi Grow 2 part with B-52 and voodoo at a ppm between 800-900 in veg. Im in flowewr now and run AN Sensi Bloom with B-52 and Voodoo and my ppm is at around 1200 same feeding schedule of 3x/day


Active Member
I feed 3x/day for 15 minutes I run AN Sensi Grow 2 part with B-52 and voodoo at a ppm between 800-900 in veg. Im in flowewr now and run AN Sensi Bloom with B-52 and Voodoo and my ppm is at around 1200 same feeding schedule of 3x/day
what plant strain(s) do you run and what grow medium?


Active Member
ATM I have some GDP Bagseed, and some Joey Weeds Bluberry x AK47. The GDP is now in flower and the BBx AK is just now in veg I germ using the paper towel method and then go to 1" rockwool blocks and then to 4" blocks once I am ready to flower I place them in my Dutch Leach Trays and run my lines to each plant and then cover everything with hydroton.


Active Member
thats exactly what i was doing but i was trying it as ebb/flow. the 4in cube was absorbing all the nutes when i flooded, didnt work, lost a crop and money. now in buckets with top feed. love it.
I run top feed drip and i got good results with once every 3 hours for 5 mins. im now half way into my flowering stage and i just upped it to once every 2 hours for 5mins and im running about 1135ppms.
There are a lot of different opinions on this subject with drip systems. I dont run ebb and flow, i dont no if thats what u were still talking about, but i was talking about top feed drip system with recovery. I like it, it seems really forgiving, but i am gonna switch over to ebb and flow for my next to see how that goes. but if you were talking about drip systems, some ppl sware to continuous drip where others go for the once every xx hours for xx mins. u can experiment with it and see what works best just make sure your roots just dont dry out ;) i havent ever got a professional opinion on what would work best, or if it is actually just a what works best in your situation type deal


Active Member
I don't use the drippers I just run my line from my manifold to the plant with the drip stakes to hold the water line in place.