Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

wow those are pretty girls!!! what are you feeding them to get them so frosty?
i got some himalayan golds growing and started to flower about 2 weeks ago and its my 1st grow...i just got the flowering nutes in...im going with Advanced Nutrients - Connoisseur 2-part Fertilizer as my base nutes...also bought a bunch of extras...maybe too much...i got AN's Big Bud, AN Bud Candy, Botanicare - Sweet Carbo Berry, & Emerald Triangle - Humboldt County's Own Snow Storm Ultra. does anyone think i forgot anything?...i hope they will get frosty soon!!!

:leaf:Combat Veterans For Cannabis - RECON!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
combat i use a bunch of stuff mostly organic base but if i loke sumtin and not sure i throw it in i use acouple of the things you mentioned i dump a lot of stuff together-all by the one gallon mixtuere but when i give i normally use one third and two thirds water 0n a feed dry dry water dry dry schedule

good luck


Well-Known Member
Mane thats funny it better be

T maybe ill give the guy a holler cause i bought a pink for the wife and black for me got two i saw a cranx grinder i liked mebe i see if get him to throw one in

i looked through members list did not see maybe no longer here or a change maybe long ago
not to important -not to bad dola fifty for two


Active Member
haha i see now, i didnt mouse over it before this, i was like, is he trying to approve of it, or making a statement or wut lol


Well-Known Member
yeah the links should show up a different color
wen i use one i say click link below or sumtin
i was surprised that the pipe pic is a link to the site can just click it takes you there -thats pretty dam good advertising

i got this thing i orderd caus im always looking for the correct best way to do shit i have tried all kinds of gimmicks i have made bongs this new pipe looks serious it takes water in bottom of pipe wit a slototed down stem no hole on bottm (thats fuked up wit hole on botton )then smokes travels through part wit mouth piece and through water again - i plant o use chilled water

and that herb iron when i saw it iwas in love im useing now the bees wax string on my pipes -i have tried the vaporizers was sumtin missing went back to pipes i think the herb iron is a form of vaporiz ing and give you the big smoke hit vaps dont give -it looks to be serious and correct for you

we doin what meant for us to do
God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

man am i glad my wife has a good job ,starts complainin about me spendin on seeds -then i stop seeds hit her wit sumtin else -keep movin stick and move
nutin betrn a woman dat luves you wit a good job -amen to dat i worked last in 97 -home jerkin off eversince

keep em green everybody


Well-Known Member
big seed mix up today very frustrating - id kick myself in the ass if i could wait i think i did when i mixed the seeds up-oh well learnt a big lesson today of what to watch out for


Well-Known Member

im eyebalin a few things lately

tga's~cheese quake , quirkle
res privs~conf cheese ,kandy kush ,rks
cal conn~o giesel ,tahoe , larry Og , deadhead ,blackwater
bc bud~jack herrer, da purps

good grow to all

im eyebalin a few things lately

tga's~cheese quake , quirkle
cal conn~o giesel ,tahoe , larry Og , deadhead ,blackwater

good grow to all
Yeah now those strains sound bomb.I know the tahoe is for sure.If my clones root i can send you the 2 beans i have left of that and if i have a nice female larry i can do the same with that...I have been looking at the blackwater but itchy to try more strains untilo i finish what i have shit i dont even need to buy more lmao


Well-Known Member
Yeah now those strains sound bomb.I know the tahoe is for sure.If my clones root i can send you the 2 beans i have left of that and if i have a nice female larry i can do the same with that...I have been looking at the blackwater but itchy to try more strains untilo i finish what i have shit i dont even need to buy more lmao
Lol, and dat tax money comin, you bout to lace cali cons pockets huh? gage green got some real good lookers too, riot as well but i know you said they too damn expensive, i agree.
Lol, and dat tax money comin, you bout to lace cali cons pockets huh? gage green got some real good lookers too, riot as well but i know you said they too damn expensive, i agree.
Exactly but im basically going to get fan+filter combo order maybe 2-3 packs of some more beans also try a pack from sannies..
I looked at riot seeds and gage green im not trying to spend over 110 for a 10 pack of beans to me thats just too much.Now since the price is rising on the cali conns ill prob just pick a couple more.Im waiting for some sfv og bx2s to come in stock thas really what i want from cali conn in a pack the rest i can take my luck with pick n mix ya feel me