Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
fuck free meds. i dont want this 350 dollar electric bill and i certainly dont wanna pay for the soil and nutes. the legal way to make money from this is to have the patients pay. were not supposed to give free meds and then sell overages on the street however we can legally give free meds and pay our own bills (not an option for me). i want to be legal and i want to make enough money to pay for all this (including my time). therefore no more free meds. i think 10 a gram is decent and if i didnt grow then i would be more than happy to pay a competant grower 280 an oz all day long.

i never got sick hic, i only had the body aches really bad. i took some vitamin c and nyquil. i feel OKAY today.


Active Member
10 a gram is fair. i would hapily pay that. right now i am gettin ready to go pay 50 for 3.5 grams of uncured meds. but its the only place i know of that has any right now. id rather buy regs up here cause at least then im only gettin ripped for half the money. going to get some pineapple express. that shit was impressive. taste was amazing, tried to orde r some beans but they were out on attitude. and whats up with alot of the other sstrains i specifically wanted being sold out!!! i wanted that bluemoonshine from dj short dammnit!


Well-Known Member
rzza- you not wanting a 350 electic bill can be solved with the sun. We gotta get you outdoors! We gotta get you outta the city.LOL

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
rzaa - GD is.. maybe.. GD you puking?
No not yet
Like KB got on the vit C and hoping to pull through
The wife is a diffrent story, She wishes she would die
this is day 2 for her hasnt moved off the sofa thrash can in hand


Well-Known Member
someone explain to me why our keyboard doesnt have a cents button... ya know, like dollars and cents. i dont understand why its not here?


Well-Known Member
Because in america most of our "cents" is gone.. common "sense" I mean

delstele- starting to get sex shown with the BW after 2nd transplant - so far 2 males have been found. I always think it sucks that the males are first to throw out sex during veg. couple more days and I will begin to see white hairs and the rest of the sacs will be out good enough to separate!.

The way it stands those BW will be ready for flower in about 2 weeks The tw ww + cm's in about 3 ..and I am overgrown with CM! Now this is were it becomes stimulating and the begining begins.

Watch out for the Michigan only strains there gonna kick that weak crystally fruity sativa shit right back into the future!


Glassblowing Moderator
I got you on the pineapple express. When I go up north to my cabin, ill bring you some of those and my hawaiian big bud. Those to are some to keep. My buddy that has em won't get off em but when I tell him where you live hell be down.. or u can come down whenever and get em. If you drive to me ill give you clippings for free. I have several strains to choose from. I got my shit listed somewhere in this thread. Free klippings for everyone! Its 10$ a g al day long too if ya need meds. U must be a patient! Don't bring bugs with you and won't leave with any.

10 a gram is fair. i would hapily pay that. right now i am gettin ready to go pay 50 for 3.5 grams of uncured meds. but its the only place i know of that has any right now. id rather buy regs up here cause at least then im only gettin ripped for half the money. going to get some pineapple express. that shit was impressive. taste was amazing, tried to orde r some beans but they were out on attitude. and whats up with alot of the other sstrains i specifically wanted being sold out!!! i wanted that bluemoonshine from dj short dammnit!


Well-Known Member
Hey dank - really nice last post. I hope you get a chance to hook up the needy, It feels better than alot of things. I would give ya rep for that one if you were not such a dink in the past... cool dank, nice to see that side of ya!


Well-Known Member
Rzza at this point I can afford to give away the extra for free I'm still making upwards of 8 g's every 2 months while giving away an lb.5 and I don't charge more than 250 a zip that's like 8 a gram but on smaller packages it's 10 a g as well. I also work for the man to keep legal income in.

I'm a resourceful grower (and get one hell of a discount at the hydroshop) plus I can't keep 10gs in a shoe box every 2 months lol. You can only deposit 9,999 dollars in cash in the bank without being questioned but do it every 2 months and the IRS will wonder why they don't get theirs.

Hic- I'm well aware of my current sitch especially with the whole friends aspect of everything. I belive I have 1 good friend that I can trust enough to keep around we've grown up together and grown together. As soon as I became a grower about 6 years ago I learned quick who I could keep around. I don't even help out my other "friends" that grow cuz I don't want my real name linked to them in anyway mkstmof them think since they have a card they are free to run their mouths about being in the trade like it's a way to become cooler than everyone else in the room.

I also don't drink quit about 5 years ago I don't even have a beer but maybe every 6 months if that and usually I don't finish it lol. You can't be drunk or really high on anything for that matter to stay ahead of everyone else.

The raid this summer was a hiccup, a large one, but still in all it wasn't on my property and I didn't live anywhere near there at the time so they couldn't link me to it. I think the only reason they asked for me was the ran the names at the address and I never changed my drivers liscense for good reason, but I have a small record 1 possession, and open intox, failed probate blah blah. Shit from when I was younger and dumber.

The property wouldn't be legally in my name more of a written contract with the ol man to keep his ass safe, and if LEO doesn't like it, well... I'll bridge that gap when it arises tho I'll take every precaution to evade that. Co-ops are legal so long as the residence is more than a 1 person dwelling, all caregivers in Michigan tho are supposed to grow in a commecial zoned building not out of their homes.

If you really read and understand the laws they Really set up for us to fail you can grow 12 but hold 2.5 oz?.. Any retard with half a brain pulls more than that on a first run with no nutrients and ambient house lighting. Enclosed locked facility means somthing different to each person. Enclosed dog kennels with a lock seemed ok to me but that guy just got convicted. "useable marijuana" well if it's not cured for 4-6 months like the pros do then I'd have 8 elbows floating around and 2-3 more harvests before I could smoke it. You think Leo will allow that? Even having it broke down into 2.5'oz jars with labels stating it won't be ready a few weeks apart prolly won't slide cuz to them the curing process doesn't matter.

What I'm trying to say is either way we are all in some danger. Ghost'n is the best thing to do but there's really not anyway we can make a good living and fly under the radar at all times it's gonna take a few brave souls to stand up with a middle finger and just do it. I for one am your man, either I'm gonna make it big or go down in a hail of gunfire try'n.

Pin it to win it boys.


Well-Known Member
And don't take that as blind ignorence either I know what I'm doing, fully aware of the consequence, but if we want to be able to do this legally and NOT be fully legal and get fucked by major corporations like monsanto. We need to do it ourselves.

Look at the big Cali growers, they didn't get there being scared or stupid. It took balls, street smarts, and luck. I seem to have a fair amount of all three, and I'm not overly confident in our legal system. I live the same life I did before I got my card

Loose lips sink ships. Plain and simple

I got this opportunity and I'll be dammed if some snot nose punk is gonna take it from me.


Well-Known Member
i too no longer indulge in the cocktails... for six years now. i never had a problem with it, i just got sick of the hangovers and even the feeling of getting sloppy drunk:)


Well-Known Member
I was a raging alky from 18-21 a case of beer a day, and puke all morning at work, few beers at lunch back on the roof possibly puke more from the heat, then drink til I black out.

Liquer made me mean and I did alot of things I regret, crashed cars, fought friends, got kicked out of bars. I can't step foot in a bar now cuz i get shit faced and fight my way out. Every time

Well gotta vet ready for superbowl party at the folks house. I get back with y'all later.

Be safe tonight alot of asshole will be drunk driving I don't wanna see any of you on the news


Well-Known Member
Michigan Growers LEO ass kicking fund.. that is were all the extras should go, until leo learns his lesson.. Do we have a lawyer in the house?


Well-Known Member
You know... that is fundamental key in all of this. We must find a lawyer that is like you KB.. one that will let it all go and really fight for the right.. If we can not find one that is like us, we will have to have one built.


Well-Known Member
inspiration for next year boys.... few days before the raid
