Oswalds Official Journal


Well-Known Member
lookin really good bro!! im doin my own pc grow and i think im gunna lst it like yours.. i like it.
haha you should check it out sometime

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
lookin really good bro!! im doin my own pc grow and i think im gunna lst it like yours.. i like it.
haha you should check it out sometime
hey matt thanks for stoppin in.. yeah if your doing a pc grow your gonna have to tie that sucker down.. post a link to your journal and ill check it out


Well-Known Member
hey lee, just read up your thread. nice grow dude! looks like the babies are ready for transplanting... have you picked a size? plants looking healthy (maybe keep an eye on the yellow spots, if they get worse it could mean a deficiency). good stuff bro.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
hey lee, just read up your thread. nice grow dude! looks like the babies are ready for transplanting... have you picked a size? plants looking healthy (maybe keep an eye on the yellow spots, if they get worse it could mean a deficiency). good stuff bro.

homer whattup dude.. thanks for the support brotha.. TODAY THE BABIES ARE 2 WEEKS OLD!!! sounds like a good time to me for a transplant.. im probably gonna stop by a gardening store and grab a few 8 inch pots.. as for those yellowing spots im praying that they go away.. thanks again homie!
will be posting pictures later on folks


Well-Known Member
Always keep tupperware in mind for PC grows, they have an abundant selection of shapes and sizes, perfect for accomodating compact grows! Just poke some holes in the bottom, black out the walls, and you're good to grow! Becky looks good enough to smoke...haha...all the homies on RIU need to get together for a party in vegas and share our homegrown!! Cant wait till Becky's boobs grow bigger...lol

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Always keep tupperware in mind for PC grows, they have an abundant selection of shapes and sizes, perfect for accomodating compact grows! Just poke some holes in the bottom, black out the walls, and you're good to grow! Becky looks good enough to smoke...haha...all the homies on RIU need to get together for a party in vegas and share our homegrown!! Cant wait till Becky's boobs grow bigger...lol
He'll yeah tupperware is def a sick ass idea for micro grows..lmao yeah I think I see a nipple


Well-Known Member
Speaking of nipples, I have this horrible urge to take pictures of my girlfriend naked while she uses buds or budleaves to cover her sexy bits and pieces and post them on RIU...lol...this is a horrible idea, right? I was just thinking we won't show any of her tatts or her face ;)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking 2 leaves to cover her nips, and a fat bud to cover her slit. Haha, she's awesome and she would totally be down as long as no one can recognize her...but back to growing weed for now.....

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
got a chance to check out the lil girls today and they are really looking nice.. .I have seen some noticeable growth within the past few days,node spade is nice and tight, not much stretching but it has gotten a little bit taller. leaves are really starting to grow out, getting bigger and bigger each day..gonna transplant to some bigger pots tommorow..,also gonna get those light traps done and add a couple more bulbs since the plants are starting to mature..ill post up pics soon!!

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
not sure yet i keep meaning to transplant but ive had my hands tied. definetely going to grab some bigger pots tommorow., and im not sure what sized i only plan on growing these 2 for now so i might go with some 8-10" pots