Bringing tweed back from Amsterdam to UK on ferry


Active Member
I'm going to Amsterdam in April and want to get some weed and a bit of hash back to the UK at my address but with a different name. I read that making candles hollow then putting the weed in the candle then seeling the candle back up using a lighter works. I don't know weather to bring it back with me or send it through the post.


Well-Known Member
You dont think they know about candles? One country to the next country? I dont know the laws there but I bet its harsh for transporting across countries like that.......I wouldnt try it just for a few me scardy cat or what ever.....just not worth it. oh and dogs will hit on the pot that was on your fingers when you handled the candle by way.......


Well-Known Member
Considering tweed is completely legal, of course your safe!

Ya know... I had this fly tweed suit a few years back.

Bitches don't know 'bout my tweed

Schar BK

I agree with stoned pony not worth it dude, if you really want it that bad try sending it through the post fake name style i guess.

Hopefully you can reply to this thread from jail.


Well-Known Member
dude your best bet is to send it through mail. i live in the UK. and i know a few people that have sent quite a bit back to the uk from amsterdam by mail. just make sure you package it up right. if you search it up im sure youl find something. i would give you more info, but i havent really botherd going into detail with them, they just grab me some nice dank and send it back.


Well-Known Member
The first hint I can give is to NEVER TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU PLAN ON DOING...Then go buy a suit off of Benassi....Peace


Active Member
Where about is the UK do you live? Just cuious

I've done it numerous times and never been caught or even searched for that matter lol. I ususally just take the ball out of a roll on deodorant, empty it, and then put it in there with the ball put back in place.

As for sniffer dogs etc I've been over 7 times and never seen one.