2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!


Well-Known Member
hey man i have g13 blueberry gum at day 2 of flower day 38 from seed. She is 13" tall and 20" wide. she grew very slow upwards in week 2 and 3 of veg only got fatter and fatter. The last week of veg went from 8" to 12" in what felt like a few days lol


Active Member
well ive got a liquid ph test for the water i always ph it to 6 after its been sitting out to let the chlorine evap.
ya i lost ten bux but whatever i was just betting to try and get ten bux , dont really give a shit bout stealers or packers. if it aint the chargers i dont care haha.
my retard td is starting to put out what looks like regular leaves now so im happy. just wondering when i should transplant, now or in about a week because im starting to get 5th nodes developing so i want to start trainging soon but not sure if i should start while they are in the reds or the smart pots.
i think im gunna start the cheese quakes now as they are growing the best.

and 2brains good to see you stop by throw up a link to your grow i wanna see that bad boy. any topping or LST?


Well-Known Member
have some cell phone pics but not up online. Ill try to put one up tonight.

No topping or lst but i did put my scrog screen in 2 days ago its 12" high so ill have some training to do for the next few weeks.


Active Member
ya the tangerines have the rust spots and one of the bbgums.
the girls are looking great i will post pics tommorow. i liked the video you put up on your journal kid that beezy is huge!

Teyo Green

Active Member
subbed up bro!
what are your thoughts on your 1000 watter?
im starting up my first grow and am running 1000w hps for flower. my set up is smaller than yours but im trying to rock 8 flowering at a time.


Active Member
i like my 1000w works really nice for where i am at and it can be vented so thats a plus since i will have a smaller closet after summer.
my homie just got a new cool tube and gotta say i really like it with the fan going through it you can almost touch it without any heat.


Active Member
Yeah she is getting huge the other one is coming along nicely now to since I re topped her couldnt believe it when i looked at the cutting (which i trimmed and going to see if it will take as clone) not sure why or what i did using UB's topping method but she endee up trying to support 8 tops and was just to young for that anyway she is back on track and catching up to her sister plant and the TD is pretty much caught up to yours i will post couple pics on wendsday and friday i hope to have one of the 150 watt hps here then once i get the other and figure out the hanging and other details will prob go to flowering we'll see hope you all have a good week + rep to all


Active Member
I have 4 TD's that are about 5 weeks old. I've topped and LST'd them.
I'm going to clone each one before flowering them.

I've found them to be quick growers, like my ak47's. Not overly sensitive or hungry either. But then again I run a relatively mild nute program.

Teyo Green

Active Member
i like my 1000w works really nice for where i am at and it can be vented so thats a plus since i will have a smaller closet after summer.
my homie just got a new cool tube and gotta say i really like it with the fan going through it you can almost touch it without any heat.
just learnin how to do this shit, REP+ yeeee lol


Active Member
Are you in soil or running a hydro system medimaker? would also like to follow your grow with the TD's do you have a grow journal going?


Active Member
we all started some where green!! even as hard to believe as it is fdd2blk was once like us.

ya that thing is growing like a freaking steroid monster haha kidg you are doing great man
my things are going nice and slow and steady in my soil gunna veg till the end of feb probably.
the only possible problem is the c-13 haze a 9-11 week flower could run into the end of my time in this house as we move to a new one in may. but it will all be good

bout to trip on some DXM i extracted hopefully its safe thats all i have to say got it to smell just like lemon juice no ammonia or lighterfluid smell. wish me luck!
o and +rep to all !!!!


Active Member
Just quick note today boosted the girls today with 85-90degree temps and CO2 just to see what happens figured cant hurt and maybe get a little plus on yield all about the buds!

P.S. by the Way Brah have safe and happy Trip!!!


Active Member
i would try for 85 thats about peak for photosynthesis.
and they always like co2 just be careful when you go back in if its a sealed spot cuz at high concentrations like 5000 ppm in the air is deadly to humans. great way to end your pest problem if you got one just crank it to like 10,000 ppm and everything except the plants will die.


Active Member
Yeah i am pretty stoked on how this grow is goin,Friday just dont get here fast enough haha, gotta say i am a little nervous for when the new HPS gets here. if they growing like this under 12,500 lumens what they going to grow like with an added 16,000 HPS my room isnt that big an i was only planning on 3' height max. gonna be sweet though if UB's 4 top produces 10 ozzy's at 2' i should have took pics of the top i cut out and cloned I was shocked a little plant like tht was trying damn hard to grow 8 tops plus the main that does say good things about G13 genetics and BBG


Well-Known Member
Just ordered 5 tds and 5 fem pineapple crush...looking forward to trying it out..only my 4th grow.


Active Member
No worries only doin low concentrations for now dont have a meter so just guestimating my calc's figure about 2000ppm max and only for a duration of 2 hours then recirculate the room I did notice very distinct reaction with color and best way to describe it the girls got hard nipples (all the leaves noticably perked up more than their usual perky state)
more or less doin test runs to see if i can work it into flowering


Active Member
Had a very nice trip gotta say DXM is a very mind expanding substance when used correctly, wrote a trip report on another thread i started in the hallucinatory substance page.
had a great introspective revelation about my life and its directions so will def keep this in my storage of knowledge.
and dont wanna post how to do the extraction on here so if anyone is interested pm me and if i know you you get recipe! ( or you can just go to the DXM page on erowid and look up its extraction) lol

will post some pics tommorrow the babys are looking nice and happy today and the ones that got topped look great all sprouting 4 tops, going to possibly transplant within the next few days to 3 gallon smart pots since 12 in 5 gallons wont fit under my 1000w lol

peace out all!
Wow man, been a while since Ive had a chance to check these out. Looking amazing getting pretty big too man keep up all the good work.