12/12 grow in Africa. All natural.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
subbed and + rep for you for going outside the box (literally) and making this work. Im running into an annoying bug problem too and will be watching your thread for advice! you make me want to throw mine into flower right now (clone with 3 weeks of veg)

Keep up the good work man.

Thanks first of all.

I'll keep informed on how she makes out. I figure i'll find out soon. Either I have just merked my plant or it will merk the mites lol. Anyhow, with the amount of eggs I saw it was either or... I'm. Looking at a no holds barred infestation if I didn't go child soldier with ak-47 on these bugs lol.. I hope she pulls through... Like seriously I don't want to be smoking this african shit nemore.

I have the little one coming up still i'll see how it makes out I pray no balls lol.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
can you get neem oil?

I am not sure, but most likely it would not exist here. The pesticides we see here look more like guerilla warfare on pests as the pest here are hard as fuck to kill. Imagine the stamina it takes to live in 40c heat... I have weeds that sprout up to 1 inch after 1 night. But I can pull them.

This is a harsh place myfriend. They eat dogs, lol now that's'a dog's life...

I am happy I found something that might help.

I might resort or organic treatments for later applications.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Mites are gone, but my plant looks like it took a good beating too from the shit I put on it. I used two types of insecticide, it destroyed the mites pretty decently, but my leaves are looking droopy and were yellowing more that expected. I'm hoping tomorrow morning when I wake up it is looking better, not like it is on it's deathbed. Fuk...

Tricky B. :bigjoint:


Active Member
An few easier (not harsh) alternative is a mixture of 50/50 rubbing alcohol (91%) with water,, sprayed completely , then every 3 days a few times , then every 5 days as maintenance... kill smites instantly and doesnt hurt the plant at all, when applying go early morning or late eve.. cooler temps and no direct sunlight... mixing with a bit of plain dish soap 1/4 tsp per gallon (non scented, dont use the kills bacteria kind) will thwart the fuckers a little.... if you can find chrysanthemum flowers, use the dried petals (1/4 teaspoon) in a small closed area (a box?) light the petals and it will kill them immediately (pyrethrin) .... place the plants in a bag or box and add co2, gas or dried ice,,, or perhaps make a co2 brewer out of yeast and sugar? google plans... co2 will dissipate the oxygen and kill the fuckers... steam will vaporize them,,, be very careful to not scorch the leaves.... clove ,rosemary and cinnamon oils will completely fuck up their day and leave a nice residual and kill of the new born fuckers.not sure of the ratio... .predatory insects would eat the fuck out of them (other mites, never heard of it, but perhaps ants? Shit you are in Africa), find ones that wont eat the plant! or fly away (ladybugs).. sorry I missed your watering question... looks like you have it under control... Super tight nodes, going to be a nice huge thick bud... sweet....


Active Member
Ahh, here you go.. : Rosemary Oil...so i decided to play mad scientist...bottom line is that i make my own now...for the initial kill dose i mix 15ml to 24oz RO water with about 3 drops Dawn dish detergent...then bi-weekly maintenance of 7.5ml to 32oz RO water.

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Ahh, here you go.. : Rosemary Oil...so i decided to play mad scientist...bottom line is that i make my own now...for the initial kill dose i mix 15ml to 24oz RO water with about 3 drops Dawn dish detergent...then bi-weekly maintenance of 7.5ml to 32oz RO water.
Thanks a bunch bro.

Will see if I can find rosemary oil here. Dish detergent and alcohol may be the trick. I'll see.

I went pretty crazy on it the first time, I don't think a mutant zombie woulda made it outta the shit I put on it lol. I think I can go preventative on it with the alco-soap. from now on. Maybe every 4 days or so.

She has some weird ass brown spots burnt into some of the larger broad leaves now from the shit, but they weren't drooping and sad this morning.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
m sure u can find neem in africa bud, i thnk it originated there.
Damn... Thanks for the kick in the ass on that one. It's actually from India orignally, but yes in the other countries around here there is Neem Oil. Although when I asked they had no clue what it was. In french the litereal translation is Huile de Neem. Lol. So I found some in another country and they will be sending me a half litre or something.

I needed to get off my lazy ass and just search the shit out. Lol.

+ rep man for motivating me lol.

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Interesting note. I bug bombed my Hibiscus and it seriously nuked all mites.

I put a container over my hibiscus plants that were totally fucked with the mites. I open up a full can of murder-anything-a-cide(called ORO) and sprayed the fuck out of the plants until it looked like a zombie movie where the zombie pop out of the fog.

This morning I took a look and to my pleasure I saw about a million dried up and blackened mites. FUCK YA. However I believe said treatment is best reserved for plants that are pretty not functional lol. Can't experiment on my one and only lifeline. Only tryed and true here.

Tricky B. bug bombing the shyt outta the bugs lol. :bigjoint:

FUCK I HATE MITES!!!!!!!!!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Looking good for what looks like pretty bad soil. Have you tried fish emulsion or blood/bone meal?

Fish is pretty simple - take a fish and some water and stick it in a blender. Or you could even chop it up with some water and stick in a jar and leave in the sun for a week. Mix that up with the soil and it will do wonders. Adding straight blood as well as ground up bones are also benefitial to plant growth. Start a compost - any leafy material you have leftover can be chopped up and added directly to the soil. This will not necessarily provide the plants nutrients but it does provide the necessary carbon for soil born bacteria to use in order to mineralize the blood, bone and fish. Vegetative matter also increases the soils ability to exchange gasses as well as its nutrient hold abilities (so the nutrient you have stay in place instead of washign out with the waterings).


Well-Known Member
do a google search for tobacco juicce.... that shit will get rid of em.. i would just tell ya how to make it but im really high and feelin lazy


Well-Known Member
Well I grew up on a real farm (not pot farm hahaha) when I was a kid so I have decent idea of what soil and farming should be like. I decided to do it up proper.

I transplanted the beans again. The already flowering one I put into the local soil mixed with goat shit, some grass, mulched up banana peels, and a bit of styrofoam for drainage.

The newest one I just put back into regular soil, and mixed in some goat shit. I am using the nutes for the new one, and it is taking off pretty good. Also as I have big tube CFL's in my house, I leave the light on now at night so it gets around 18h+ of light a day, so hopefully it'll veg up nice and tall and then I throw it out doors into millions of watts of 12/12...

Funny thought... As it is thought a watt = gram dried bud, what can the sun do for me? How many watts is the sun? LOL :-P

I've got some pics below.

And just for u widowess, I've taken some pics with a bit of a background from my balcony. A bit of downtown Africa, as I won't say just where lol.

View attachment 1408491View attachment 1408489View attachment 1408492View attachment 1408490

Tricky B :bigjoint:
how are you in bloom if your getting all that sun you taking her inside at night???? she looks good...

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Looking good for what looks like pretty bad soil. Have you tried fish emulsion or blood/bone meal?

Fish is pretty simple - take a fish and some water and stick it in a blender. Or you could even chop it up with some water and stick in a jar and leave in the sun for a week. Mix that up with the soil and it will do wonders. Adding straight blood as well as ground up bones are also benefitial to plant growth. Start a compost - any leafy material you have leftover can be chopped up and added directly to the soil. This will not necessarily provide the plants nutrients but it does provide the necessary carbon for soil born bacteria to use in order to mineralize the blood, bone and fish. Vegetative matter also increases the soils ability to exchange gasses as well as its nutrient hold abilities (so the nutrient you have stay in place instead of washign out with the waterings).
First of all thanks.

Fish... That is something I can get. Blender and fish, and a week outside, man, I can see the potential already hahah.

I think the diet and soil I got packed around her right now is doing ok. If it is top qual african soil, I think I might be ok, and they grow sativas that look like the fucking city centre christmas trees lol... and in shittier soil.

I will def keep in plans for future soil, Banana peels, fish, some blood, fuck, all sorts of good shit I can make from my daily waist lol.

Can't wait to see how she turns out. :mrgreen:

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
how are you in bloom if your getting all that sun you taking her inside at night???? she looks good...
Fuck I wish I knew how to multi quote as I am very baked, and don't want to reply to separate quotes lol. SO therefore I quote both even though not actually quoted above. LOL!


I think with Neem Oil, and other said bug killers I might get through this spell ok. If not I have a few ways more to try to get em' but the simple fact is a bug bomb on the girl will kick some serious ass if needed (kinda Ninja Assassin shit on em)...


She is in bloom 12/12 as that is the natural sun schedule here. It is kind messed up, they have gotten 12/12 from the moment they were birthed as seeds. She just grows this way.

Sidenote. I have a second small plant that is getting lots of light as it comes in and sits under my tube florescent light at night, just so it stays veg, not going into flowering already lol. I want it to get much bigger first than the other (if a 1.5ft plant gets a decent turn out, I can imagine a 2.5ft plant lol...) Should be interesting.

Thanks for the info bro, will be putting some fish in my soil next time.:weed:

Tricky B. :bigjoint:

Fredtrick Blunt

Active Member
Fuck I wish I knew how to multi quote as I am very baked, and don't want to reply to separate quotes lol. SO therefore I quote both even though not actually quoted above. LOL!


I think with Neem Oil, and other said bug killers I might get through this spell ok. If not I have a few ways more to try to get em' but the simple fact is a bug bomb on the girl will kick some serious ass if needed (kinda Ninja Assassin shit on em)...


She is in bloom 12/12 as that is the natural sun schedule here. It is kind messed up, they have gotten 12/12 from the moment they were birthed as seeds. She just grows this way.

Sidenote. I have a second small plant that is getting lots of light as it comes in and sits under my tube florescent light at night, just so it stays veg, not going into flowering already lol. I want it to get much bigger first than the other (if a 1.5ft plant gets a decent turn out, I can imagine a 2.5ft plant lol...) Should be interesting.

Thanks for the info bro, will be putting some fish in my soil next time.:weed:

Tricky B. :bigjoint:
Fuck ya Wayne Gretzky Baby #99, lol and 100 HAHAHAHAH.

Sorry had to do it... Happy 420 Everyone lol!

Tricky B. :bigjoint: