the earliest males to show sex get ifs and s or buts. dominant males are useless for drug (misuse of this rule has caused more hermie strains than the world deserves)cannabis.
Dominant males will induce ploidy shift after a number of generations causing many hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodism is a dominant trait in cannabis. you might be able to cover it up in an f1 through hybrid vigor, but subsequent generations will really tell you what the breeder was up to.
in the wild, the early males always win the breeding contest. without proper selection according to RC Clarke, these early males cause "acclimitization" of the variety. and a decrease in drug quality. this is the "dominant" state of cannabis. if it were otherwise, why would we need breeders? all you would have to do is let the plants do there own thing and they would become more potent over time, but they don't. the only way drug varieites ever get better is through human intervention in the natural order.
So You never choose early sexing males unless you want Hemp!