2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

James Youngblood

Active Member
Hello RIU,

First of all, I really want to start off by saying this is my second grow and I'm very excited about it. I have some experience built up but as it is, it is very minimal trial and error learning. I am very grateful to have this forum and such awesome people here helping me along my way to some beautiful plants.

Whats In The Box?
1. 1 175watt Metal Halide Bulb
2. 2 Aero-Garden Grow Lights (not sure the wattage)
3. 1 LED Grow-spotlight
4. 1 23W CFL Bulb (again not sure)

I have one small PC fan for airflow
I also am starting to line the box in some mylar that just came in :)

I started germination on this baby, Feb. 3rd, 2011
Taproot was visible Feb. 5th, 2011 And planted Immediately.
Today Feb. 7th, 2011 She sprouted

Without Further Adieu
DAY 1:


I just want everyone to know I am NOVICE, Any advise or lessons that are offered I will absorb and take into consideration. I am looking to become an expert in Cannabis Cultivation...
I Appreciate Everyone Who Reads And Posts +REP FOR EVEN CLICKING My Thread For REAL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jamesss Looks like you came back...but a new JAMES! haha Damn, you got a whole new setup and everything, looking great mannn can't wait to see how the lowryder does. Is it #1 or #2??

James Youngblood

Active Member
Jamesss Looks like you came back...but a new JAMES! haha Damn, you got a whole new setup and everything, looking great mannn can't wait to see how the lowryder does. Is it #1 or #2??
Lowryder #1, I bought it after being jealous of yours. ha, but for real I want to see the differences I think these will be my first and last auto. Because I got some free Power Skunk Beans, And I want to Clone the SHiiiit outta them


Well-Known Member
nice setup dude, i'm sub'd. what soil are you using? and what's are the cabinet specs? missed your first grow, so not sure what's going on lol.


Active Member
Hi James,

Im in my 1st week with Lowryder #1 Auto's, that is they broke ground 1 week ago. Here's a pic of my girls.


I have no nutrients yet. Germed in a cup on top of water heater. 1 small cfl bulb over them, was too small so i had stretching. Didnt have bigger bulb so they went straight under 600 HPS. The one on the left was the stretcher as it broke first so when i went under the HPS i replanted and buried it up to its neck. So the shorther one was actuall the biggest, But the replant and burial shocked it so the other one took over. Will use nutes later on, say week 3. One thing today was quite curious, one of them has started to smell real nice. And its too small to tell if its female, but i can smell it yahhhhH!

Why did you pick lowryder? For me it was because they say its quite resistant to fungus and bugs and easy for 1st time growers.


Well-Known Member
Lowryder #1, I bought it after being jealous of yours. ha, but for real I want to see the differences I think these will be my first and last auto. Because I got some free Power Skunk Beans, And I want to Clone the SHiiiit outta them
Ah i see, well yours will prolly be taller than mine, i messed a fewwww things up in the beginning haha.

James Youngblood

Active Member
Hi James,

Im in my 1st week with Lowryder #1 Auto's, that is they broke ground 1 week ago. Here's a pic of my girls.

View attachment 1429456

I have no nutrients yet. Germed in a cup on top of water heater. 1 small cfl bulb over them, was too small so i had stretching. Didnt have bigger bulb so they went straight under 600 HPS. The one on the left was the stretcher as it broke first so when i went under the HPS i replanted and buried it up to its neck. So the shorther one was actuall the biggest, But the replant and burial shocked it so the other one took over. Will use nutes later on, say week 3. One thing today was quite curious, one of them has started to smell real nice. And its too small to tell if its female, but i can smell it yahhhhH!

Why did you pick lowryder? For me it was because they say its quite resistant to fungus and bugs and easy for 1st time growers.
Im not too worried about bugs but im prepared ha, but Im using foxfarms soil. I dont have an HPS **YET** So Im hoping my CFLs and the MH will do for the life of her.
I chose lowryder purely for the resiliency and i've seen a beautiful plant that milly grew and I was jealous.

James Youngblood

Active Member
nice setup dude, i'm sub'd. what soil are you using? and what's are the cabinet specs? missed your first grow, so not sure what's going on lol.

Haha Fox Farms, Cabinet Is 2x4x4 Plenty of room for 3 plants, but I want to stagger my grows. so that way i can harvest supply then when its gone....harvest some more@!!@$


Active Member
r u going to train them at all... i was thinking lst, dont want to top them coz i think its pointless on auto's, what do you think?

James Youngblood

Active Member
r u going to train them at all... i was thinking lst, dont want to top them coz i think its pointless on auto's, what do you think?
This is my 1st auto, and i think im going to let it grow naturally ( by natural i mean just straight lol) because i will be using tiger bloom and i just want to see how she works.. after i get this girl going next one i will LST for sure and the last lowryder i have i will top.... that word still scares me lol

James Youngblood

Active Member
Day 2:

Hey guys,
Well here we are again. Well I got a better pic of my setup, a different angle. I'm noticing a lot of interference with the MH ballast. Actually it made my wife's blackberry freeze and shut down trying to take a picture..

I Digress, Today she came out of the soil about half an inch and spread her wings. this is the exciting part. (My wife says the fun parts after curing.) I'm noticing with the new lighting how much faster things are happening. It's like the whole photosynthesis process is accelerated.

I haven't taken temps inside the box yet but as of right now I am leaving the door open and letting a decent amount of airflow travel in and around the bulb/plant.

Enough Chitter Chatter



Well-Known Member
YAY she sprouted! Lowryder is super fast at everything it does, if you remember my first few days haha, I'll be comparing my first couple of days with yours when y ou post to see on what day i messed up, etc.

James Youngblood

Active Member

Here's a video test working out the kinks, I hope it goes flawlessly.

Also while filming felt the amount of HEAT this effin bulb is producing any budget savvy solutions besides more fans??

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