I think my plant has stunted growth.

My plant is awfully small for four weeks now it is about 5.5 inches tall. The bottom leaves have already died and I cut them off. I have been using 24 hour lighting, but today I started using 18/6 and decided to put some suam wrap over it for some propagation not over the plant, but over the pot you know what im sayiinn..Im using shop lights two four foot flouresent 40 watt bulbs. Am Idoing anything wrong here??????!?!?!?!
I will post some pictures if anyone can help me further.:-(


Well-Known Member
Am Idoing anything wrong here??????!?!?!?!
I will post some pictures if anyone can help me further.:-(
You're lights no good, easy fix switch to a compact florescent bulb 23 watts at least with a reflector, Those bullet desk lamps that you can swing up and down are ideal for one plant. Here's the important part you need a Daylight or 6500 K bulb, not cool white (probably what's in your shop lights) or warm white.



Well-Known Member
You can also just buy 6500k tubes for your shoplights. I would recommend more fixture, I use 6 fixtures 2 bulbs each for a 4'x4' area, with the fixture almost touching the tops from day 1

Oah, and I use 1 6500k bulb and 1 3200k bulb (I think 3200 but its a low k) each fixture.


Well-Known Member
You can also just buy 6500k tubes for your shoplights. I would recommend more fixture, I use 6 fixtures 2 bulbs each for a 4'x4' area, with the fixture almost touching the tops from day 1
nah, for one plant that's a lot of money and cfls are have a more concentrated lumens/sq inch.


Active Member
im growing one plant right now to. Im using fox farms big bloom and snow storm ultra. I bought 3 cfls and 3 clamp lights. Two are 23 watts and one is a 42, i plan on switching all to 42's and maybe adding another. Next larger size grow i will get a 400w hps, anyways back to what i was saying, cfls will do a great job with one flowering plant. mine is a month since signs of flowering and is doing great, i am truly impressed with this plant and the usability of cfls