Wow,, Just off the phone with Humbolds nute rep... Guy talked for an hour, I couldnt get him off the phone.. really helped out with alot of info on beneficial bacteria (teas) in hydroponics... basically , dont use them!!! One of the products I have been adding to my rez has been equilibrium.. suggested by my hydro store guy,, He is completely wrong accourding to Humboldts! Equalibrium is for soil medium.. sea cal is for hydro... So, taking it back today and swapping out... Also found out that h202 and bleach are fine with the master a&b nutrient line.. so, I will be implementing that into my schedule... I pulled up a plant this a.m and looked at the roots,,, whats all the fuzzy white stuff growing on them now?? And they are taking more water and nutes! Damn , I will have to feed them more.... Wait, whats that sound? Yes, I hear the Rocky theme.. These babies are making a comeback!!