SOG 4x4 tent grow HELP


Im going to attempt a SOG in my sun hut, the actual size is 56" x 56" x 7' tall. Im using a 400 watt setup with a magnum XXXL hood, and an electronic ballast.

1. what size pots should I use and how big should I let my clones get before cutting lights back?
2. should I top them or not?
3. Im kind of a noob to indoor, and I dont want to attempt a ScrOG grow yet, are Scrog yeilds much better than SOG, is it worth the extra time and effort?
4. what is a good Co2 technique?


Well-Known Member
Dont you think you should have looked into this before you started a grow?
I mean come on man, I dont mind helping people who help themselves but try finding out something on your own before starting a project.


what you dont know is I already have reaearched this for months. I never said I started the grow (first four words of post- IM GOING TO ATTEMPT). I told you what equipment I had. I started my mothers already, but I never told you that either. the reason Im asking is because I was curious about some other peoples opinons and techniques. I have read a thousand different ways to grow SOG, as well as scrog. All I wanted was some other peoples input, so before you jump to conclusions, no one needs help from an asshole anyways. god bless you


you must be one of those people who knew it all when you started growing, since you obviously have all the awnsers.:finger: :lol:


Well-Known Member
good ole forum rumble lol
i <3 trolls
btw bro i would use 1-3 gallon containers depending on what . If you are doing SOG and not seeds i suggest putting 8-16 total depending on the container size in a 4 square growing patern. Put 2-4 in at a time in like this. Start with your 8 oclock section then after 2-3 weeks depending on strain rotate clockwise until it hits the 4 oclock section of your tent then finish off that section of bud and when you take out rotate and put new ones at 8 oclock again. I am switching to this with a 4x4 tent once i move to my new place and honestly you can pull A LOT more weight this way.


Well-Known Member
you're losing time aiming for SOG from start, you could just flower 4 plants topped and trained while waiting for roots to clone, SOG needs lots of knowledge to be perfected, mother plant health timing and cloning rate have to be excellent... easier for you to grow few plants and yield something decent. a good yield under a 400 should be around 200 grams + if strain is good, this will last for some time :)


Well-Known Member
I would recommend a scrog with a 400w in that area with a nice big hood like that. sog if you are going with a 600+ as you will need the penetration for taller plants and a less even canopy.

I grow in a 4x4x6 tent and have had great success with 3.5 gallon pots (I think this is what they are - 1' tall by 11" diameter). I can fit 16 of these in there. For SOG I would go with all 16 and a short veg but for scrog I would recommend cutting back to 9 with a slightly longer veg. With a 400w light you have less heat issues but it does not throw as far as say a 600 or 1k. For this reason I would recomend a scrog as you can maintain an even canopy to place the light reletively close to. I'm about to start a 2-5 plant scrog in my 4x4 if you want to follow along.


you're losing time aiming for SOG from start, you could just flower 4 plants topped and trained while waiting for roots to clone, SOG needs lots of knowledge to be perfected, mother plant health timing and cloning rate have to be excellent... easier for you to grow few plants and yield something decent. a good yield under a 400 should be around 200 grams + if strain is good, this will last for some time :)
So you think I would have just as good of a yeild with 4 larger plants as opposed to SOG?
honestly, im not lookin for a huge indoor yeild, because I have always grown my own, outdoors from clones from friends, and usually have enough to smoke on all year.I just think indoor is a cool hobby since I love weed so much anyways. I am not bragging but my cloning rate is very good, I just wanted to bring a new strain around for my friends to enjoy. We need a little change around here.


I would recommend a scrog with a 400w in that area with a nice big hood like that. sog if you are going with a 600+ as you will need the penetration for taller plants and a less even canopy.

I grow in a 4x4x6 tent and have had great success with 3.5 gallon pots (I think this is what they are - 1' tall by 11" diameter). I can fit 16 of these in there. For SOG I would go with all 16 and a short veg but for scrog I would recommend cutting back to 9 with a slightly longer veg. With a 400w light you have less heat issues but it does not throw as far as say a 600 or 1k. For this reason I would recomend a scrog as you can maintain an even canopy to place the light reletively close to. I'm about to start a 2-5 plant scrog in my 4x4 if you want to follow along.
Thanks for the help man, Ill be watchin and learning :blsmoke:


i <3 trolls
btw bro i would use 1-3 gallon containers depending on what . If you are doing SOG and not seeds i suggest putting 8-16 total depending on the container size in a 4 square growing patern. Put 2-4 in at a time in like this. Start with your 8 oclock section then after 2-3 weeks depending on strain rotate clockwise until it hits the 4 oclock section of your tent then finish off that section of bud and when you take out rotate and put new ones at 8 oclock again. I am switching to this with a 4x4 tent once i move to my new place and honestly you can pull A LOT more weight this way.
shit, I never thought about that, harvest some every 2-3 weeks, I like the sound of that. That would make the waiting game not so bad at all, and keep me busy at the same time. sounds great man, how big you are your clones when you put them in the first stage of the square? also are you just cutting new clones to replace the ones you harvest on the same day? ( so you have some ready to go in when you harvest)


i hear grasscity is accepting new members so.................
I've grown more bud outdoors than you will ever grow, period.:finger: so if your so concerned, then you join grasscity and quit beggin for rep points in your signature. (earn them like others do) Thanks for your concern :lol:


Well-Known Member
shit, I never thought about that, harvest some every 2-3 weeks, I like the sound of that. That would make the waiting game not so bad at all, and keep me busy at the same time. sounds great man, how big you are your clones when you put them in the first stage of the square? also are you just cutting new clones to replace the ones you harvest on the same day? ( so you have some ready to go in when you harvest)
lol i said that i was going to switch to this. i dont know yet im going to do this trial and error. but honestly im going to do a half and half thing here soon. I am doing a versus battle of 2 different super auto companies with my new led lights so it should be fun. Honestly think of it as you are going to do every stage of a plant to 4 plants every 2 weeks. And thats from cutting to harvest.


Well-Known Member
So you think I would have just as good of a yeild with 4 larger plants as opposed to SOG?
honestly, im not lookin for a huge indoor yeild, because I have always grown my own, outdoors from clones from friends, and usually have enough to smoke on all year.I just think indoor is a cool hobby since I love weed so much anyways. I am not bragging but my cloning rate is very good, I just wanted to bring a new strain around for my friends to enjoy. We need a little change around here.
yeah the yield will be as good as SOG, and you won't have to wait for clones to root, as theyr being cloned the big plants will be already flowering, then you can switch to SOG after you harvest the big ones and clone some new ones. SOG is about yield over time and not yield per grow


Well-Known Member
if you are rockin a 4x4 area and planning on packing it full of plants a 400 is prably not going be enough for flowering i use 2x4 flood trays and one 400 for a tray just didnt cut it so i put 2 trays end to end and using 3 400's in a row abouve them and it seems to be working great. also i dont go full sog i have tried the full sog method with single cola plants and just didnt like the plant counts to get the yield i was aiming for i can tell you i like vegging for 2 to 3 weeks and put in flower room (8 per 2x4 tray) then in the second week start lolly popping (cutting lower branches off completely) the lower 1/3 and also i top the plants in week 2 as well then i will do the rest of the branch pruning in week 4 then just let em go. this leaves you with fewer upper branches that are all in the intensity of the light. all of my branches grow very chunky dense ass buds all about the same size.this can easily pull you 1.5 to 2 oz's a plant especially with co2. if i was you i would get another 400 and go perpetual always having 16 in there 8 of which are 4 weeks ahead of the others so you will harvest 8 every 4 weeks which when dialed in could easily be pulling you 16 oz's a month.
now cloning is very easy all i do is have 8 smaller moms in veg i take 30 cuttings every month when rooted choose the best 16 to go to veg for another couple of weeks then to flower the others will be donated, composted or replacement moms. once dialed in it pretty much runs itself never tried it in soil but sure its just as easy.
hope i could be some help man peace.



lol i said that i was going to switch to this. i dont know yet im going to do this trial and error. but honestly im going to do a half and half thing here soon. I am doing a versus battle of 2 different super auto companies with my new led lights so it should be fun. Honestly think of it as you are going to do every stage of a plant to 4 plants every 2 weeks. And thats from cutting to harvest.
I know you said you were going to switch to this, I just thought you may have had a friend already doing it, or some previous knowledge of this technique. Anyway, sounds like a plan to me, I think I will try it soon as well


if you are rockin a 4x4 area and planning on packing it full of plants a 400 is prably not going be enough for flowering i use 2x4 flood trays and one 400 for a tray just didnt cut it so i put 2 trays end to end and using 3 400's in a row abouve them and it seems to be working great. also i dont go full sog i have tried the full sog method with single cola plants and just didnt like the plant counts to get the yield i was aiming for i can tell you i like vegging for 2 to 3 weeks and put in flower room (8 per 2x4 tray) then in the second week start lolly popping (cutting lower branches off completely) the lower 1/3 and also i top the plants in week 2 as well then i will do the rest of the branch pruning in week 4 then just let em go. this leaves you with fewer upper branches that are all in the intensity of the light. all of my branches grow very chunky dense ass buds all about the same size.this can easily pull you 1.5 to 2 oz's a plant especially with co2. if i was you i would get another 400 and go perpetual always having 16 in there 8 of which are 4 weeks ahead of the others so you will harvest 8 every 4 weeks which when dialed in could easily be pulling you 16 oz's a month.
now cloning is very easy all i do is have 8 smaller moms in veg i take 30 cuttings every month when rooted choose the best 16 to go to veg for another couple of weeks then to flower the others will be donated, composted or replacement moms. once dialed in it pretty much runs itself never tried it in soil but sure its just as easy.
hope i could be some help man peace.
Thanks for the input, that makes a lot of sense. I have 2 100 watt hps ballasts and an endless supply of 100 watt bulbs. they put out some suprisingly intense light. Do you think the 400 hps and those 2- 100 watt hps would be suitable for flowering in the 4x4 tent? I dont have hoods for them. but I am an aluminum fabricator so I can pretty much make a hood any size and shape. Length wise the magnum hood takes up most of the tent, but I could fit 1- 100 watt on each side. What do you think. I have a complete 1000 watt system as well but my temps are perfect now. that 1000 would be blazin in there. any advice (I know another 400 would be better, but how do you think that would work?)