The Seed Collectors Thread


bud bootlegger
i just got laid off from my job today, so i wonder if i should slow down on my three and four hundred dollar seed orders a couple times a month?????????? hmmmm..... nahh... i don't think so..


bud bootlegger
i'm just now wondering if anyone in this thread thinks that they have an addictive personality, or is it just seeds??
myself, i know for shnizzle that i'm an addict through and through.. i've been addicted to more than just one drug in my past.. not proud of some of it, just simply stating the facts, but i was just wondering about the rest of us seed whores..
i just got laid off from my job today, so i wonder if i should slow down on my three and four hundred dollar seed orders a couple times a month?????????? hmmmm..... nahh... i don't think so..
Hell nah get on unemployment and use the unemployment checks to purchase thats what i would do...


Well-Known Member
i have a very addictive personality with slight OCD...which makes my addictions worse. ive also had my drug addictions (i was a bit of a pill head), alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction (still havent kicked the cigs)...not proud of some of it but i definitely have no regrets. i also have a problem when buying clothes...i have a shitload of clothes. when i like something, i really get into it.


bud bootlegger
Hell nah get on unemployment and use the unemployment checks to purchase thats what i would do...
you better believe i'm gonna get on ue.. the last time i got laid off from the same place, i was making like $20/ week more on ue than i was working a 40 hour week.. being that they don't take out insurance and any 401k from ue, i was raking in the cash.. felt like i got a raise for losing my job..
you better believe i'm gonna get on ue.. the last time i got laid off from the same place, i was making like $20/ week more on ue than i was working a 40 hour week.. being that they don't take out insurance and any 401k from ue, i was raking in the cash.. felt like i got a raise for losing my job..
Lmao i hear ya good thing income tax is coming in for some and passed because they dont let you get shit when you are unemployed.


bud bootlegger
i have a very addictive personality with slight OCD...which makes my addictions worse. ive also had my drug addictions (i was a bit of a pill head), alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction (still havent kicked the cigs)...not proud of some of it but i definitely have no regrets. i also have a problem when buying clothes...i have a shitload of clothes. when i like something, i really get into it.
damn.. that entire post sounds like something i could have written.. other than the ocd part that is.. but i hear you when you say when you get into something, you get into it.. i'm the same way.. when i was at work and would talk to the other heads on the job, they would ask me about a certain strain, and i would go on and on about the lineage of it, the history, everything.. i was always like damn, why am i the only one who gets like this over weed? wtf is wrong with your people..
when i'm into something, i really like to know as much about it as i can.. that's why i have a lot of respect for people like anc and cryptkeeper and shepj and a few others here with their knowledge of drugs... i'm not really into psychedelics too much, but i love seeing how much they all know about their favorite drugs.. mad respect for that as i would probably be the same way if i were into a lot..


Well-Known Member
the ocd sucks at times but the weed really helps keep it in check. my dad has to tell me to stop at work a lot if im doing something too thorough though. i have to stop myself sometime when i trim weed as well, the ocd really kicks in if im not careful and i try to trim EVERY little leaf. my money in my wallet is always face up and i always have to put my right shoe on first...

for real, gotta have lots of respect for people like that. i had a buddy like that in high school...knew everything there was to know about any hallucinogen. i would get stoned and listen to him ramble on for hours, good times.

i did a lot of drugs in my day...but i was definitely educated on them before i took them, and i turned quite a few down because i didn't like what i found in my research. i wish more people were like that, kids these days would eat shit if you told them it gets you high.

i researched growing for around 4 years before i finally started...same thing with glass blowing, been looking into it since i was 16 or 17 and im finally now in the process of starting that. my friends definitely get annoyed with my knowledge of strains, like you said...they tell me what they just picked up and i go on and on about it lol. i like being educated on things i enjoy. the internet is a great tool.

my doctors get real annoyed with me too because i talk about every little detail of lab results and i come in diagnosing myself and suggesting meds lol. when i first got real sick and started my long medical journey i told my doc that i thought i had crohn's disease...two and half years later and almost 50 grand in medical bills, i get diagnosed with crohn's disease..

shit man, forgot about guns too...i dont have too many guns now but ive bought and sold quite a few in my day. i can talk about guns for days.

shit man...this querkle makes me ramble...


Well-Known Member
lol +rep to yah all. My unemployment just ran out. 99 weeks of seed shopping done. Back to work I guess. My name is Hempstead and I am a seed collector.


bud bootlegger
welcome to sbs hempstead.. if this is your first seed buyers anonymous meeting, we suggest you get with some of us after the meeting..


Well-Known Member
Hmm things that may make me OCD.
I must piss while I am brushing my teeth to save time. I am conditioned for it or something but I must piss when I brush. lol

Before bed even if I know a door is locked I gotta check it.
And sometimes I will be real baked and sleepy late at night and as I am falling asleep making out my mental checklist I will forget if I checked the front door and get up and go check.

I gotta get out of bed on the left side. I sleep on the left side but I am a bed hog and sleep in and even if I am alone in bed on her side I will still climb over to the left. And if I smoked some nice indica during the day and need a nap and climb into an empty bed I still won't get in the right side which is closer to the entrance.

Hmmm those are a few I can think of off the top of my head.

Does that make me OCD or just baked and paranoid and set in my ways?

you be the judge. lol