And this is why you don't tell everyone what yer doing ... idiot kid


Well-Known Member
Stupid kid taking pics of himself and sending it to his friends prolly and got him and his dad caught lol.

EDIT: Banditt has the link below lol

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the kid took some bud to school to hook up a friend, then the friend snitched. So they took the teen, and his phone, got the warrant to flip through the pictures and found the bud shots. So they did some homework and took down the grow houses.

Looks like the dude was running 8 to 10 lamps in the one room. Dunno why someone would run air cooled hoods without any ducting... I mean... Might as well run Parabolics or vertical bulbs in that situation if the AC could handle 10,000 watts of lighting without any ventilation.

He had it going on though. Gotta talk to your kids...


Well-Known Member
For damn sure, the video there said he showed the pics to some kids and im thinking someone either over heard it or saw it, either way stupid kid needs to keep his mouth shut, after daddy gets outta jail, there is gonna be some different headlines that read more like "Dad beats the crap outta kid and get sent right back to jail" lol


Well-Known Member
Welp I hope he is happy what he has done to his family for being a dumb ass.......hmmmm beyond dumbass.......if they try him as a juvinile he will be runnning around doing dumb shit while his dad rots in jail........that big a grow they will push hard I bet.


Well-Known Member
oh for damn sure, guy is prolly gonna be in jail for awhile, prolly have his card taken away and who knows what else.


Well-Known Member
Goodfellas quote:

Jimmy Conway: I'm not mad, I'm proud of you. You took your first pinch like a man and you learn two great things in your life. Look at me, never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
yeah...i don't think claiming it was "for personal use" is gonna fly.

they deserve it just for being greedy. Jackasses.


Well-Known Member
wow if I was his dad that kid would be dead or atleast paralyzed.
Were the guns legally his?
Even if they were legal hes still fucked lol.


New Member
they should have shot every cop that walked through that door, a cop would kill you if you tried to stop him from making a living so why can't we killl a cop because they are stopping us from making a living.. its an obvious war..


New Member
Any MMJ user that blatantly grows for profit and who is well above their allotted plant numbers deserves to be thrown in jail. Always has to be someone who takes advantage of their privelages...

so a person who isn't an mmj user who grows for profit shouldn't be thrown in jail? I completely agree.. if the government doesn't wanna make money off of it then i will.


Well-Known Member
what the hell was the dad thinking? that 15 year old boy should not have known about the grow.