Help from outdoor growers please!!!

so heres my situation: i live in southern california, currently the lighting is about 10.5 daylight. one day about mid to late feb. i got bored so i germinated 2 bag seeds about 3 weeks ago, planted them and they sprouted about two weeks ago and are growing fine. both are in 5 gal buckets, the soil im usin is miracle grow (i know what people say about miracle grow but lets get past that lol) one is doin what appears to be great, the other i think i watered it too much but its rebounding nicely. so basically i want to know what is going to happen to my plants since i started them a tad early from the season. i can post pictures of how there doing i just dont see the relevance yet... anything information will be usefull. thanks to those who took the time to read up to this point

Dick Moser

Active Member
OMG DUDE THEY ARE GONNA BLOW THE FUCK UP IS WHATS GONNA HAPPEN...HIDE YOU KIDS AND HIDE YOUR WIFE CAUSE YOU RAPEING UP EVERY BUDY OUT HUR!!!!!!! nah for reall you should be fine as long as you avoid a late frost (you DID say cali right haha) so YOUR GOLDEN JONES!!! unless it starts flowering early then its gonna have to revert back to flowering and you might have some problems with that (like it get s HUGE and devours the left wing of your house!!!!
OMG DUDE THEY ARE GONNA BLOW THE FUCK UP IS WHATS GONNA HAPPEN...HIDE YOU KIDS AND HIDE YOUR WIFE CAUSE YOU RAPEING UP EVERY BUDY OUT HUR!!!!!!! nah for reall you should be fine as long as you avoid a late frost (you DID say cali right haha) so YOUR GOLDEN JONES!!! unless it starts flowering early then its gonna have to revert back to flowering and you might have some problems with that (like it get s HUGE and devours the left wing of your house!!!!

wow really? thanks a million for the quike response yo. ive been hererin quite a few things like there gonna be hermis, there gonna die, there not gonna do nothin etc... yes i said cali, 20 minutes outa los angeles. if all this is true lets hope there both female lol what do you think the probability is of them revegin? the first day of 12/12 light should be march 20 from what my daylight calender said, its a lil over a month away so i just thought they would chill out till then with no real growth to speak of. this is my first grow and i have to say the good one isnt too shabby lol

Dick Moser

Active Member
if you can set up a couple watt grow area in your kitchen or whateva and move your girls in at night and let them sit in a little bit of light...or leave them near a street light and that will keep them vegged (i have done it many a time to extend a plants veg
okay so ANY light bulb will work? cause i got some some 13w cfls and some 60w regular light bulbs. that wont screw em up cause theyve been outside for all this time with natural light and dark patterns? im tryin to find my flashlight so i can take some pics of what they look like now for ya

first one was too much watering like i said, second aint doin too bad.
in response to jesus: im not too concerned about the rain, ill just move them to my porch or inside my house when it rains, dont want la acid rain to effect my babies.
so what you guys think so far?

Dick Moser

Active Member
two weeks, growth is slow whats the night time temps?? and just watch the water. if those are 14 days they arent far behind at all, i have some indoor right now about 8 days old and and yours look a little bigger so props :)
lately above 50. any colder and ill bring them in. wow its a releif some people told me to scrap the project (haters i guess lol) as far as watering i water about every 3 days, or when the soil feels damp. the funny thing too is when i planted the seed the soil i used was mostly clay, then when i got good soil took them outa that dirt (i know i wasnt supposed to but it didnt shock them) and moved them into there current home. since these are doing so well when would you recomend i plant my kush seeds? oh yeah and my light bulb question still stands
i was expectin them to be a lil behind because how early i started them, but i was thinkin overall when the official season did start i would have a headstart. plus i was hope they would preflower so i can sex them before i expend too much time energy and money into them. is what im sayin correct?

Dick Moser

Active Member
sorry im STONED bra, missed the light question..cfl will be beter spectrum so get a couple of those and your good and they look great and trust me just cause you didnt notice a shock doesnt mean the plant didnt ya dig??? transplaning to much might make the plant think the world is breaking in half and hermie ya know???

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Take care of them and they will grow into monsters.

You need to be wary of slugs, so prepare for battle on that. Also, might be another late spring for California with the whole La Nina thing going on but this won't be until April; they should be established by then.

If you can afford the $70 or so, you should look into getting one of those small portable "soft" greenhouses. You can find them at most garden centers, look online. They will keep the plants nice and warm, spreading the sunlight around evenly and a little softer. They can grow in this smaller greenhouse until the storms are for sure over and then you could migrate them into the open sun for the summer months.

I just started seeds to transplant outdoors this summer myself, but I'm starting them indoors under a MH, then I'll take cuttings in Mid-March, establish the cuttings and migrate them guerrilla style in April. So... This could be an option for you as well. As these plants grow outdoors you could take several cuttings by April 1st, and have them rooted enough to do several smaller plants beside the larger ones.

You have options, just keep them protected from the elements and pests and you can have some beasts come October. Do your homework, you have plenty of time to read books, articles, and journals between now and harvest day.
yeah i know about transplating. they are in there permanent housing now so all should be well. i am aware of the bug situation, ill get lady bugs for spidermites and the ol beer in the underground cup trick for the slugs. i would like to do as your gonna do except the gurrilla part lol however finances are a issue right now. you guys are making me feel much better bout my decision to start early. so given that i dont want to mess with the whole cloning process when would be optimal to germinate the two remaining seeds? also i was wondering the probability on the sex's, these two plants are from a plant that only produced at max 10 seeds, the other seed is from a med clinic sac i picked up, and the other well pretty much the same. do the 50/50 male/female ratio still apply or is there a chance that these will be feminized seeds? once more thanks again for your guys assistance....

Dick Moser

Active Member
sorry i got drunk as a skunk last night bro...if the sseeds where nice and dark then i give them a 70% chanvce of female cause thats bout what i get and i get seeds from a breeder freind of mine and his arent femenizid so yea :)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'd start the seeds a few days before April. Plant them maybe as early as mid-March depending on germination time.

I have some of my own self'd seeds from a previous harvest. I found 3 seeds in about 4 ounces of DNA Genetics Cole Train and 1 seed in about 6 ounces of Greenhouse seeds Lemon skunk.

All 4 of these seeds have grown into large girls. The Lemon Skunk seed smells like Lemon but grows like the Cole Train, which is why I think the Cole Train had thrown out some male pistils later in flowering as I only found seeds in the later harvested nugs.

I am constantly on watch for more hermaphrodism, but to be honest, it was kinda nice to find just a few seeds and I wouldn't mind having more seeds gifted from the weed gods.

I think you should expect 1/3 Female, 1/3 Male, and 1/3 Hermaphrodites and be ecstatic if you get 4 out of 4 all female like I did.

Dick Moser

Active Member
agreed but not with hermies. i have only ever SEEN two herms in my life and i went out of my way cause i was interested. i would hope forthe worst and see what the hell happens
interesting, yeah i was always told if i got seeds from from a sack and the plant was female with no males around that they were female. so how bout this scenario, thought about it last night, and mind just an idea; what if i start the seeds now, and as soon as the light gets too low to reach the leaves, bring them in under the cfls i said i had? and thats another thing, even though the light aint touchin the leaves is it still benifiting from the residual daylight thats left in the day?