A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent


Active Member
Hey Max Can what method are you using to obtain' your hash?

i cant seem to get any decent grade med grade alchahol and ive never used the ice water technique?? what do you prefer---i use butane to extract all chlorophyll's out and im left with 'pure honey oil'.....
also everyweek or two i roll up all the trich's that have collected in the top of my in on my coffee grinder, sometimes it gets so much that when i go to pull the lid off all the powderised trich's come flying out and end up going up my nose, gives me the worst sneeze's:lol:

bongsmiliejust had a little razor blade wipe over my cone then, it still fucks me, but the overwhelming taste of hash sometimes gets too much for me, hence the comment before 'i'm sick of it'.....i just love making it for people cos they are like blown away by the power of it :lol:

where abouts are you from?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Hey Max Can what method are you using to obtain' your hash?

i cant seem to get any decent grade med grade alchahol and ive never used the ice water technique?? what do you prefer---i use butane to extract all chlorophyll's out and im left with 'pure honey oil'.....
also so everyweek or two i roll up all the trich's that have collected in the top of my in on my coffee grinder, sometimes it gets so much that when i go to pull the lid off all the powderised trich's come flying out and end up going up my nose, gives me the worst sneeze's:lol:

bongsmiliejust had a little razor blade wipe over my cone then, it still fucks me, but the overwhelming taste of hash sometimes gets too much for me, hence the comment before 'i'm sick of it'.....i just love making it for people cos they are like blown away by the power of it :lol:

where abouts are you from?
I use bubble bags (ice water) for mine. I've always been nervous about using butane extraction because of the guys who blew up their grow rooms, but I suppose they were probably idiots for doing it IN the room. I want to mess with honey oil, just haven't built up the confidence.

I also only agitate for about 20 - 30 minutes. I don't like it to be all green from the plant material. I use to leave it for hours but the hash was coming out a little green for my taste. I'll post some pics in my QT journal, so sub up so you'll see when I post.

I'm from the beautiful California, USA.


Active Member
haha yeah thats what happens when your blazed and handling highly flammable vapour and probally triying to boil down the liquid on a hot plate or something....Der i use a bowl of warm water Butane boils at 23 degrees celcius! nearly room temp ;)

yeah sub'd up last night and im aslo watching Serapis's Tangerine grow as well!! nice interesting strain....


Active Member
skunk #1, mango and afghani sounds good!
are you gonna grow all 3 strains at once?
Im keen on seeing that afghani grow, got some seeds of that
Actually MH i went back and checked my order and my Skunk#1 is actally crossed with california orange, so its a disease resistant strain i hope and will be a little forgiving with me and my new ebb+flow system,


Active Member
yeah honey oil with butane is easy just be smart about it
i do it outside on a workbench and as tricka says just use boiling water from the kettle to extract the butane simple as man


Active Member
Mh- Yeat bud i've heard they are a great yeilder, i'll be the judge of that of course including all variable's of my op, the good bits and undeniably the bad points

Well last night i was scrolling around reading and looking as ya do and i made a few orders on ebay, once again cheers OdLaw+MH, i decided i wanted things there for me in the future and i like to have a choice-great for running controlled little experiments!

they are based in Northern Sydney for all us blokes and Gals that know where it is....Well fair dinkum they just arrived then!!! thats like 2000km in less than 14hrs, thats quick postage, luckily im always excited and have my camera sitting ready for update photo's....
-77 tray 36mm cubes
-24 tray with 48 plugs of organic peat type stuff (not the disks i may have mentioned in a convo with G.O.D)
-ANOTHER airstone...this one is flexible:lol:
and some 3" x 3.5" netted potts (got some 2" baby pots coming for my trial bubble cloner)

MaxCan is this what you were explaining to me about (pic#2) in relation to your seed germination, those 'rapid rooters'


Active Member
the flexible airstones are crap man sorry to say ive used em they clog up real quick the holes are way to small the stones even though smaller give ya res alot more oxygen


Active Member
thats alright it was only 4 bucks or something?? cheers Odlaw for the heads up tho
Currently i have 2 x 12" inline stones and 2 x 3" domes and heaps of little plastic ones lying around, my partner used to be right into aquariums and she's still friends with the local aquarium shop owner..... :P


Active Member
thats kewl man cause u can get heaps of stuff ya need from an aquarium
air stones/lines pumps heaters syphons and generally cheaper than hydro shops lol


Active Member
Well due to circustance beyond full control i have decided to look after some clones for a mate till his lot has finished flowering.
the cuttings were taken 3- weeks into flower, hopefully i can continue them for all you sub's out there
im hoping they are settling in ok and getting used to the 600W MH lamp
distance from light is around 20", 7pH water foliar spraying for the moment, as they are my mates and its his rules...... i did say to him have one tray of 4 clones and sit them in some A.P.S solution from dutchmaster, he agreed but diluted the mix, i also have saturater and liquid light but im under instruction not to use,
( i wish i could pick out my 4 or 5 now).....
so here is 2 pics for you's to comment on


Active Member
ph 7 man that is high for a non soil grow
Hell Yes thats what i said, cosidering this i may go do a water check now, update on pH and then see what reccommends i have from you guy's, my tap is great at only 100ppm so thats not a worry


Active Member
Remember not my rules but i just had to go break them....
just checked water and nute parimeters and here they were....

PPM- 204
pH - 8.76!

now 7pm
pH -4.9 hasnt stabilised yet


Well-Known Member
ps does anyone know how to post up the big pictures...?
Welcome to RIU, it's always great to get a newb who already has his shit together, I can tell you have a lot to contribute to the site. Your
doing a great job on the set up. From what I've seen; Quality set-up = Quality product! And big props on the Honey-oil! Shit looks good!! +rep

About sizing the pics, when your posting and you put your pic in, there'll be a pencil in the upper lefthand corner of the picture. (when you hover over it w/ the mouse cursor). Click on this and it gives you options on how big you want it, where you want it (left align, center align, right align, none), etc.
(I can tell your gonna grow dank herb and want you to be able to post big pics of it, called bud porn round here lol)


Active Member
Shit hot thanks Doowmd, yeah im not sure if you have flicked through my profile, or if your sub'd but i have been growing outdoors in soil for a while and its time to get serious about change direction and go indoor, as i said giving Hydro a go as its interesed me for years!
My main reason on RIU is to learn, read, read and learn some more, and hopefully remember all that learn :P.......i love to post up my comments and thoughts and my grow experience? (I'm obsessed with pictures) everybody's got some right its just some are better than others,its these people that are willing to share and accomadate us noobs thats makes me think that stoners and growers a like are some of the nicest people's on this earth!
enough rambling, yeah the oil is pure, so pure you have to be an experienced smoker even to have a tiny dab and i mean FUKN tiny, the coughlock just anhilates ya!!! BANG thats ya head hitting the floor :P
Sorry mate i cant throw back some rep for ya cos i been to handy with it in the last 24hrs...(i need a break from RIU.....NEVER!)
so i hope you can stick around for this 1st grow of mine.
You know that little pencil that you just explained...I was gonna play with it when i sore it but then i thort nah that wont be it....hahaa thanks for elaborating on that for me, i knew it wasnt as hard as i was thinking it was gonna be!

No worries MaxCan..... i think i got a little excited when i started to order as i bought this is in hastyness. but this will allow me to differentiate between the different mediums im starting to collect up, if anyones interested i could run a small controlled line up of rockwool, jiffy pellets, peat disks and rapid rooters together, results would be interesting for me i know.....anybody have anything to share about seedlings and these mediums?


Well-Known Member
I use soil tabs every grow! There the handiest thing to start my seedlings in then you can just plant the whole thing in the pot you choose!

And def. subbed!(forgot to mention it earlier).


Active Member
Good shit bro....yeah i cant wait for my seeds to get here so i can start my own, and then i can clone my own, fuck having my mates ones in there-i cant wait till they are out cos i would not be trying to root them the way he is (but in my tent)......but as my thread comment sais, its not my rules

anyway were are you from, i sorta like to know how many peeps are from where and how far.


Well-Known Member
Midwest USA here. Were a ways away from one another, but that's the point of this site; Bringing people together from all over the world and all walks of life to share in the gift that keeps on giving=growing cannabis!!!
What part of Oz u from? There used to be a guy on here from Australia, went by the name o4ausername and grew the biggest plant I've ver seen on here!!! here's a link to the thread https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/87646-o4s-2008-2009-monster-attempt.html. check it out starting around the 700th post to see the plant it self! Fucking amazing!
Anyway, I'll be along for the ride and nice to meet ya mate!