Hey man sounds like your off to a good start. If you're any way musically inclined you'll be able to get yourself to a fairly high standard on guitar without tuition, though there's nothing as beneficial as a good teacher.
Keep on powering on through open chords, then learn some songs you like from basic open-chord tabs. For example say you want to learn a Metallica song, you can use google to search for 'Nothing Else Matters chord tab', and with a bit of skimming, you'll find a tab that works. Keep an eye on user ratings on tab sites though, they're a pretty good indicator of whether or not the tab sounds anything like what it's supposed to.
Learning the open chord progressions to songs you like a really good way to become aware of chord progressions and how different keys/notes/chord shapes etc interact with each other.
From there I'd say move on to learning the notes on the neck of the board, and then familiarise yourself with power chords. These are much more straight forward than what you'll have accomplished so far, but they open up more rock and metal sounding tabs that you can learn.
Then move on to full tab. Here you're going to be combining lots of things, like different chord structures (open chords/ bar chords / power chords), and shapes, like aumented and added 7th chords etc., as well as playing 'shapes'. By shapes I just mean when you're playing notes rather than chords. there's loads of different terminology and a lot of it is inconsistent, so just concentrate on getting your teeth into as much as possible and practice practice practice!
Also if you want to learn a particular technique, do a youtube search for it. For some techniques like bending or harmonic pinching you'll want to see what's going to really understand it.
Last thing I'd say is have fun man! The best thing you can do with any knowledge of music is entertain and express yourself!
You'll be rockin out in no time man!