Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Well-Known Member
I ain't got shit happenin at the moment, so fuck it; this is for all you guys who like to talk shit about me being a fucking cop/fed/snitch.... and I validated, just for you hoes! (the shit talkers, not the women of RIU.)



Pickle Queen
Gotta be more specific muffin, a man has hair in many places. ;)
oh crypt i'm talking about his skull fuzz, u should understand that , but if he's nice i might twirl his beard around my fingers, they smell pepperoni because i'm eating a "hotrod" it's a meat stick, i should specify this before you also question a "hotrod"

and really when it comes to short and curlys my moto is if u can twist it you should snip it, do u want to dive in bushwaters??


Well-Known Member
fuck it. ill post one. i have far too many tats that are already in the system, so this is the best i can come up with:

sorry had to get rid of my face on here lol


Well-Known Member
here is another pic of G/F dog...cute little rottie loves him they play like a couple little puppies but Hey my tatts are in the system way back....fuck em.......Im not doing anything wrong....well..almost nothing....well.....never mind...shit....heres the pic LOL and yes those are 3 tear drops......from back in the prison days............



Well-Known Member
Ponyboy, we look separated at birth....

and we're both tdc vets! well, I'll be a texas ranger's punk's punk!


Well-Known Member
nah i had to edit my old pic no current ones on the pc im honest
i was just fucking with ya....we had a blow up in the girls of RIU due to a indorcement that everyone thought was fake and I was just aas guilty as the rest.....but we got pwned she is real and VERY PRETTY> on the other hand are male so not saying your pretty LOL LOL LOL LOL


Well-Known Member
dude lol what happened??
i went back to fla to visit my old friends. theres a reason they are my old friends. i cant control myself around them. i had been drinking for 3 days straight, and someone gave me a very tiny white pill. poof! i dont remember shit after that. im told i tried to get in my car and drive away after i had fell climbing stairs. they said i wouldnt let go of my keys and had gotten them in the ignition. one of the girls punched the fuck outta me breaking my nose. they then carried me to her jeep where she tried to drive me to her house. well she wreaked her jeep around a corner totaling it. app. she woke me up and told me what happened, i then got out and started walking down the road to an apartment complex where i sat in the grass. she told the cops i had been driving and locked her keys in the jeep telling them i had the keys. someone pointed me out and i just ran. idk why, but i just ran. i got tackled in the stairwell of the apartment complex smashing my face into the stairs. i briefly came to in the hospital and was saying something like "if i wasnt so fuckin drunk i would have done this." next thing after that i was in a holding cell with other inmates having to help me walk around. i never really came outta it until 9 the next morning when i had to bail myself out. the cops told me they knew i wasnt driving cause the girl is like 5' tall and im 6'4". the seat was all the way forward and her blood was on the dash on the drivers side. i was simply charged with resisting arrest without violence. they told me they had to arrest me cause they were afraid i was a danger to myself. to this day that girls mom still blames me for all of it.
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