Mighty Midwest Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
It's looking like the Warlock will make it to the end...I am starting my new job on Monday and the company is giving me two months or so, maybe more, till they need me to permanently reside in the other city....so...I am def. halfway through 12/12...so another month of flower and some time to dry...I think I'm good!!!!!


Active Member
From my bunker:

First indoor.
Nirvana'a Northern Lights.
Put in paper towel 12/2/10.
CFL veg for 6ish weeks while I built flower room.
Currently 3rd week 12/12 600w HPS, with 6500kCFL multi-bulb assist(bigger size bulb 42w).
SnoDSC00316.jpgw water only, MG 24-8-16, now adding 2 little scoops Beastie Bloomz 0-50-30 to ea gal MG.
Feed/watering weekly, some sign of fungus gnats, butLine-up.jpg minimal.
Night temps around 62f, temp with lights on 75f. Colder than I'd like, but zero smell, and zero heat signature.

Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking girls ya got there. I can't wait to see what you pull from your 600w, im going to be keeping mine the same size but only 2 under my 400w. Good Luck with the rest of your grow!


Well-Known Member
they arent quite done yet, but i chopped a bud on each plant to check em out.

top left is Sativa Seeds Blackberry, top right is TGA Qrazy Train, bottom left is TGA The Flav (the resin is really buildin up on her) and the bottom right is Cali Connection's Sour OG.


Qrazy Train

The Flav

Sour OG

and a little bit of querkle hash...great stuff, im gona dedicate a whole querkle plant to hash soon..


Active Member
DSC00439.jpgDSC00438.jpgNice plants, ENDL, even nicer photos. I have a Sony cam, but it is such a bitch to work with.
Here is tonight's best shots so far.
TDSC00440.jpghings aren't always what they seem. My buds look scrawny, and I am concerned. (Flower Wk-3).
But I'm going to plod ahead and go with it.


Active Member
Oh, here we go again with the fucked-up pictures in the text body. Nice.
What is going on here? I'm not shooting these images out of a shotgun, for christsakes!

I hate this.


Active Member
Now that im just smoking on this pineapple express and raw diesel i am here to tell ya both are very indica, very nappy and just not for me...Im more of a happy bright high... I appreciate the early harvest but I gotta get my hands on that Jack Herer from Sensi... I remember that stuff being the type of high I like...


Well-Known Member
beautiful work mate. loved the trained growth through the wooden frame with plastic (?) strips. I am totally going to steal that idea rather than stringing velcro strips around branches!


Well-Known Member
yeah man....was a simple idea and took like 30 min. to make....used 1"x1"s screwed together at the ends.....If you look close I also used a little chunk off 1x1 to triangulate the corners for extra strength....the green plastic is called gardeners tape(not sticky at all) and can be found at any nursery or big box store that has a garden section. I marked out where I wanted the center of the tape all around the frame.....then I put all the strips from left to right on and pulled tight and stapled.....then did all the ones front to back making sure to weave through the tape that was left to right....make sense???...next time I am going to use cedar.....I know most bugs hate cedar but I'm not sure that your average garden bug will hate it....I think it's worth the extra security measure tho...IMO



Well-Known Member
the ones not in the west, east, south, south east, or north
funny, then why is colorado out of it? it seems pretty mid and not so far west... lol
oh you forgot northeast, northwest, southwest............

oh well looks like I cant join the club :peace:

I did use to live and grow in illinois tho :-)


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think the midwest doesn't include the Dakotas, Nebraska, or Kansas; those are the Great Plains states and they are their own thing.

But Illinois gets you in as a legacy. . . .

funny, then why is colorado out of it? it seems pretty mid and not so far west... lol
oh you forgot northeast, northwest, southwest............

oh well looks like I cant join the club :peace:

I did use to live and grow in illinois tho :-)


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think the midwest doesn't include the Dakotas, Nebraska, or Kansas; those are the Great Plains states and they are their own thing.

But Illinois gets you in as a legacy. . . .
Funny cause I live in one of those states and some of the signs entering the state say's welcome to the Midwest....personally I wouldn't consider Michigan ,Indiana,or Ohio in the Midwest....whodat....your in....and it's not cause of where you live....it's the frosty nuggs!!!!